Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7918: Capture the veins!

The history of Qingyun family shocked Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan continued to ask, he wanted to know how many masters there are in this family.

Those middle-aged people said: "The masters of the family have all gone to Qingyun Tower."

The most powerful is the patriarch and the second watershed.

In addition, the great elders too!

The rest are some powerful Dacheng gods.

In addition, they have an old ancestor, and this old ancestor is very powerful.

But what realm has it reached? They are not clear.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered after listening.

He looked at Qingyun Tower again.

He asked: "Where is Ziqingren?"

During the whole process, he did not see each other.

The middle-aged man said: "Ziqing followed the patriarch and others to the Qingyun Pagoda."

"What are they doing?"

Lin Xuan felt that there must be secrets in the Qingyun Pagoda.

However, the middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Our cultivation base is too low to know."

Lin Xuan glanced at the other party and found that the other party should not have lied.

Forget it, don't care about Qingyun Tower.

Lin Xuan asked, "Where is the treasure house of your family?"

The face of the middle-aged man is hard to see the extreme.

Lin Xuan grabbed the opponent's head with one hand.

The middle-aged man said, "Don't read the memory, I said."

Next, he took Lin Xuan to the treasure house.

After Lin Xuan opened the treasure house, he found that the treasures inside were very rich.

An ancient tribe still has a very strong family background.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, hundreds of dragons flew over, swallowing all these treasures and taking away.

The people of the tribes around are bleeding.

This is their accumulation of tens of thousands of years, have they all been taken away now?

But what can be done?

Even if they are desperate and angry, they dare not do it!

"any left?"

Lin Xuan asked.

The middle-aged man, with a pale face, shook his head and said: Nothing, just this one.

In Lin Xuan's eyes there was a bitter light, blooming, covering the whole world.

He found that the biggest treasure house in the entire world was this one.

In addition, there are some treasures.

There are even many divine veins.

Lin Xuan prepared to dig away some of the veins.

He did it,

The dragon claws protruded and fell from the sky, tearing the earth apart, and several divine veins were caught.

As he moved his hands, the Qingyun Pagoda shook violently, and the formation on it became uncertain again.

The source of power required by the formation is the power of this world.

Shenmai is the most important force among them.

Now that the divine veins are being impacted, the formation of the Qingyun Tower is naturally also affected.

Those in the formation opened their eyes again.

The patriarch frowned: "What's the matter? Is it possible that you haven't won the opponent yet?"

They looked out,

It didn't matter at this sight, they were stunned.

The battle outside was over long ago.

Who is doing it?

They searched for a while, but did not find the Supreme Elder, but found Lin Xuan.

They discovered that Lin Xuan was frantically collecting divine veins.

They are all crazy.

This mad **** is still alive, and the elder Taishang disappeared.

They have a terrible thought: "Is it possible that the Supreme Elder has been defeated?"

"Did it even fall?"

how is this possible?

The Supreme Elder, but the existence of the second watershed.

How could this mad **** defeat the opponent?

Not to mention, beheaded the opponent.

However, the facts are before us,

They don't know, what happened?

However, they know that their family has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

If they don't care, this guy may not be long. It will dig away all the gods in this world.

At that time, their formations will stop, and their plans will fail.

Their eyes are red, and they really want to go out and join forces to suppress each other.


Patriarch Qingyun took a deep breath and said: We can't be arrogant.

He looked at the ancestor again and said: "Now is the most critical moment."

"We can only turn to other families."

Upon hearing this, the Great Elder and others were also shocked.

Is it necessary to contact another inheritance family?

It seems that this can only be done.

Clan Chief Qingyun said in a deep voice, "Even if we don't contact, those people with six veins should have been discovered."

You know, our seven channels are all staring at each other.

It's impossible for them to know that such a big thing happened.

Rather than let them come and explore and discover our plan.

It's better to be now, we take the initiative to ask them, let them take action first, and contain the crazy god.

As long as we give us a little time, our ancestors can be reborn.

At that time, our plan, even if it is known by other Liumai people, what will happen?

They are no longer rivals.

Several elders discussed, nodded and said: OK, agree.

Next, Chief Qingyun shot again,

He spat out another token.

This time, this token was not the opening of the Supreme Elder.

Instead, he flew outside the world and flew to other star worlds.

The Seven Color God King had seven disciples back then, and each disciple left a family.

These families, known as the Seven Vein Family and Qingyun Family, are just one of them.

Now, they are about to summon another six-vein family.

From their Qingyun world, the nearest star world.

Known as the Blue Moon World.

The family in this world, called the Blue Moon Family, is also one of the Seven Vein Family.

At this moment, the true gods of the Blue Moon family discovered the Azure Cloud World, and a top-level battle took place.

The sky broke and the earth broke, and in the end, there was still a rain of blood.

Seeing this scene, they were stunned.

This is the vision that the top powerhouse has fallen!

What happened in Qingyun World? How could the top powerhouse fall?

Could it be that it was a struggle between the elders of the family, and the great elder and the patriarch did it?

Thinking of this, they are a little excited, maybe they can make fishermen's benefits.

Although they belong to the same seven veins, they are fighting over and over with each other.

Everyone wants to overpower the other side and become the master of the seven channels.

Now it may be an opportunity.

Patriarch Lan Yue wants to send someone to continue the investigation.

But at this moment, a ray of light flew over in an instant and came to the sky above the blue moon world.

It was a token, from above the token, a cyan light flashed.

It's like the same cyan sword.

When they saw this scene, the people in Moon World were shocked.

Patriarch Lan Yue was also shocked: People from Qingyun World, please help!

Moreover, using the Seven Meridian Order,

It seems that something terrible must have happened.

"Hurry up and send someone to Qingyun World."

Not only him, but the other worlds also received news.

In the next moment, there are countless figures in the six worlds, rising to the sky.

They came to the Azure Cloud World to kill. These people wore different battle robes and battle armor.

Every world has a color, and when connected, it is the color of the rainbow.

They landed in Qingyun World at a very fast speed.

When they saw the changes in Qingyun world, they were dumbfounded.

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