Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7939: God fruit to me! Forgive you

Is there anyone here?

The dream was stunned, she felt it for a while, but didn't feel it.

The next moment, she opened her eyes, and there was a dreamlike light in her eyes, blooming.

Formed an extremely mysterious rune.

Under these eyes, she saw it, and there really seemed to be a figure.

She exclaimed: Who is this person? Hidden so deep.

Humph, did you expect to be discovered again?

Mo Tianji walked out of the void, his face a little ugly.

To be honest, he had been here long ago, but he kept hiding and didn't make any moves.

He was waiting for a thunderous blow.

He prepared, at the moment when the mad **** took the map, he attacked the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the other party discovered him.

He said: How did you find out?

This is the secret.

Lin Xuan sneered without explaining at all.

Lin Xuan said: What? Still want to attack me?

Last time, I let you go, believe it or not this time, I let you go to hell?

You are strong, but my strength is beyond your imagination.

I am stronger than Young Master Tian Ming. If you really fight, you may not be able to win me. Mo Tianji snorted coldly.

What about me?

Huan Meng also came over, she was ready to join forces with the crazy god.

Mo Tianji said arrogantly: Even if I add you, I want to leave, you can't stop it.

However, I am not going to do it with you.

Mo Tianji was a little depressed, although he had many cards, he could leave safely.

However, once the two teamed up, he could not beat.

He said: I have a real map in my hand. How about working with you?

The four map fragments, combined, are the complete map, and only then can we find the whereabouts of the Dragon God Fruit.

We are now working together.

When you find the Dragon God Fruit, how about robbing them of their own ability?

You also have a map!

After hearing the dream, I was very surprised.

Lin Xuan is not surprising.

The previous fake maps were all made by the other party, and all kinds of false news were all said by the other party.

He had long guessed that the opponent had a map in his hands.

Okay, let's join hands.

Lin Xuan nodded, and the next moment, he turned around and took the map.

The four maps are joined in the air to form a complete map.

The map shook slightly, and then flew into the distance.

Keep up.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he followed.

Mo Tianji and Huan Meng also followed quickly.

Mo Tianji's face was ugly, originally he thought he could get the spatial coordinates.

In this way, he can unite with his tribe and work together.

At that time, they will be many and powerful, and no matter how strong the Mad God is, it will not be an opponent.

Unexpectedly, the spatial coordinates did not appear at all, but the map flew away.

This map is like a beacon in the dark night, directing them to the place where the Dragon God Fruit is.

In this way, he would not have the opportunity to join the family.

He can only deliver news quickly, hoping that the family members can come as fast as possible.

Those outside are still discussing.

Suddenly, three figures flew out one after another, flying towards the distance.

what happened?

Those people were stunned.

Someone said: Could it be, have they found a clue?

Most likely, let's follow it and see.

These people, follow fast,

But soon, these people stopped.

They found that they were lost.

The speed of these three people is too fast, far surpassing them, they can't find each other's figure.

In the Demon Abyss, the three figures flew quickly.

During this period, some people found out, and they also caught up.

However, most people are chased and lost,

Because the speed of the three is too fast.

However, there are still a few strong people who have caught up.

These people are all strong in the second watershed.

There are also three people.

How to do?

Upon seeing this scene, Huan Meng frowned slightly.

Lin Xuan said: Don't pay attention to him, let's talk about it when you see Dragon God Fruit.

He chased the map closely, and after half a day, he stopped.

The map in front stopped, and the people behind him stopped.

In addition to Lin Xuan's three people, there were four more people behind.

These four are strong in the second watershed.

They are all strong from the older generation, not the younger generation.

The four people smiled and said: Little guys, thank you for leading the way.

Next, there will be nothing for you, Dragon God Fruit, we are determined to get it.

Mo Tianji gritted his teeth, there was no one from their soul race in it.

Lin Xuan sneered, it was possible to cooperate before.

But when I got inside, I found the Dragon God Fruit, they would definitely fight each other, and would definitely not join forces.

Just thinking about it, the map in front of it melted into the void.

With a click, the void cracked, and a realm in the middle appeared.

Lin Xuan rushed in instantly.

Those other people also filed in.

After entering, everyone found that this space was not big, there was only one thing inside.

A fruit, a palm-sized fruit.

It's like a small real dragon, lifelike.

Lin Xuan and Huan Meng immediately felt that the dragon blood in their bodies was boiling.

Their dragon power flew out, and turned into various dragon shadows by their side.

What a formidable power, is this the Dragon God Fruit?

The eyes of those other people are also red.

After eating this thing, they can break through their limits and go one step further.

The four old monsters looked up to the sky and laughed.

They said: Let's join forces first, get rid of these three little guys.

Yes, three young people, you are very young, at most tens of thousands of years old?

You have a great future.

Although you have bottlenecks now, you will definitely break through in the future.

It's better to let this thing to us.

We have lived for millions of years, and we have been waiting for this day for a long time.

Another old man said: If you leave obediently, we can leave it alone.

But if you are obsessed with understanding, then don't blame us for doing it and suppressing you.

Although your identity is strong, we cannot kill you.

However, it is okay to hurt you a little bit.

Four old monsters joined hands and walked over.

Fantasy dream is like an enemy, she said: What to do?

The three of us join forces, maybe, there is still a battle.

Mo Tianji snorted coldly, his figure shook, and instantly rushed towards the Dragon God Fruit.

Damn it, dare you?

The four old monsters were angry, and they played a variety of peerless magical laws.

Overwhelming, UU reading www. killed Mo Tianji.

This time, Mo Tianji was too fast, and in an instant, he came to the Dragon God Fruit.

He stretched out his hand and grabbed the dragon fruit,

In the next moment, his palm disappeared.

He was swallowed by space,

Including those supernatural powers that killed him, all disappeared.

what's the situation?

When they saw this scene, the four old monsters were stunned.

One person said: There is a space barrier here, and we will break it together.

They are ready to do it.

Lin Xuan said: It's not a barrier, I think it should be a test.

After speaking, he walked forward.

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