Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7940: We are the chosen ones!


When hearing this, several old men frowned.

They looked suspicious,

However, they did not do it.

Their eyes fell on Lin Xuan: Let's take a look at this kid first, what should I do.

If there is any change in the other party, they will act as soon as possible to kill the other party.

Lin Xuan came, in front of the Dragon God Fruit, he stretched out his hand.

The next moment, his palm melted into the void and disappeared.

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile,

Sure enough, the same as he guessed.

He continued to walk forward.

Lin Xuan's figure disappeared instantly.

"Where did you go?"

When Dreaming saw this scene, she exclaimed.

The four old men also frowned. They said, "Let's try."

They also joined hands and walked forward,

Soon they disappeared.

The last one to go in was Dream.

When she entered, the whole space, there was no one, and it became quiet again.

With a flash of light, Lin Xuan's figure emerged.

He found that he came to a secret room.

The space in the secret room is not large, only a few dozen square meters, and there is a table in the front.

On the table, there was a fruit the size of a fist, which looked like a real dragon.

This is the Dragon Fruit.

Lin Xuan frowned slightly: What happened?

He walked forward, and easily, he got the Dragon God Fruit.

He could feel the terrifying power coming from above.

Once he eats it, then he will soon be able to break through and become a great god.

Get it so easily?

Lin Xuan was a little skeptical.

He looked around for 4 weeks, and he did not find Mo Tianji, nor Huan Meng and others.

I don't know where those people have gone?

At the same time, Mo Tianji also arrived, inside a secret room.

He also stared at the Dragon God Fruit in front of him. He exclaimed and rushed over in an instant.

He picked up the Dragon God Fruit and felt the power from above, making him mad.

"Hahahaha, let me get it."

Although it is so easy for some reason? But think about it, I should be the son of heaven.

He swallowed the Dragon God Fruit.

The next moment, a vast force exploded, and his body trembled.

"It's such a strong force, I might be able to break through again."

Mo Tianji was so excited that he immediately sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Not only him, Dream and the four old men.

They all entered, in a secret room, and they all got a dragon fruit.

They also swallow quickly, and their strength is improving.

Lin Xuan didn’t know, other people’s experiences,

At this moment, he studied carefully.

It was discovered that the Dragon God Fruit did not seem to be fake.

He swallowed it.

The Dragon God Fruit entered his body and changed into a boundless Dragon Dao breath.

His dragon blood boiled instantly.

The Wushen body made waves of dragon roars.

"What a strong force."

Lin Xuan was so shocked that he hurriedly used the Long Dao Martial Arts Technique to quickly absorb this power.

Lin Xuan's immortal Taoism reached 1,499,000 Taoism.

It is only one step away from 15 million Dacheng Gods.

After eating the Dragon God Fruit, he immediately broke through and reached 15 million Dao.

This shocked Lin Xuan: "It's so relaxing, it's worthy of a legendary fruit."

He was about to stand up, feel the new power, and see how strong he became.

However, he found that the power of the Dragon God Fruit was still there, just like the vast ocean.

His immortal Taoism is still increasing, and soon reached 20 million.

what's the situation?

Lin Xuan was blinded.

Moreover, he discovered that the immortal Taoism is still heading towards 30 million Taoism.

In other words, it won't take long for him to become the pinnacle true god.

Just kidding!

On the other side, Mo Tianji was ecstatic,

The immortal Dao pattern in his body, and within a short time, reached 30 million.

He was so excited that he went crazy: "Hahahaha, I have reached the peak of the realm of God."

"I still have a lot of power, maybe I can break through and become a half-step **** king."

"No, even I can directly break through the **** king."

Thinking of this, he was ecstatic, how unnatural this is.

Not only him, Dreaming, and the four elders also broke through and reached the peak state.

Their strength is still improving.

To be honest, they had also suspected, but they investigated carefully and found no problem.

The only explanation is that their luck is too good.

These people don't know each other, they all think that they are the chosen children.

It is a unique existence.

They didn't know that the strength of these people was improving.

Lin Xuan also arrived, the realm of the pinnacle true god.

However, his brows were frowned tightly.

Impossible, it is absolutely impossible.

If Lin Xuan was just an ordinary person, or an ordinary genius of the Protoss.

Then he really believed it.

However, Lin Xuan is not an ordinary genius, he has the power of a god.

This is an unparalleled power, a power that even the Emperor of Heaven and Immortality did not possess.

It is as difficult as ever to improve such power.

In addition, he also possesses the Great Dragon Sword Soul, which needs more power to upgrade.

This is also the reason why Lin Xuan's realm has not improved well.

He wants to break through, and the power he needs is that of other geniuses, a hundred times, or even ten thousand times.

But now?

He easily broke through two big realms.

Even breaking through towards the realm of God King,

Are you kidding me?

Dragon God Fruit is so against the sky, it is estimated that those God Kings will rob frantically.

They have no chance at all.

Now the only explanation is that all this is false,

He must be in illusion.

It's just that he used the reincarnation eye to probe before, and he didn't find that there was a problem.

Damn, what is the power here?

Isn't it terrible?

Lin Xuan didn't use it anymore, and he didn't absorb the power anymore.

He is ready to break the illusion here.

Although he didn't practice any more, his cultivation realm was still improving rapidly.

At this moment, he has reached the realm of a half-step **** king.

He can feel that his power is countless times greater than before.

Raising hands and feet can destroy everything.

It is really a crazy power, Lin Xuan has already guessed that he is in illusion.

However, sensing the changes in his own power, he still couldn't calm down.

It is conceivable that those other people, if they don't know it is illusion, will definitely be crazy.

When the time comes, I will go crazy,

Even be forever trapped in this illusion.

Can't come out again. UU reading

It seems that I can only use the power of reincarnation with all my strength.

Lin Xuan was about to summon the Reincarnation Sword.

Taking a deep breath, six worlds were gathered around him.

The six worlds bloomed with light, and a sword shadow slowly emerged above his head.

Lin Xuan did not directly attack, but turned the phantom of the Samsara Sword into an eye.

Reincarnation sword eyes, see through everything.

Reincarnation sword, five swords in the world, extraordinary power and extremely mysterious.

Under its power, Lin Xuan found that his realm had not improved at all.

It's still one for four to nine million.

Sure enough, he was in illusion.

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