Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7941: Pass the test and improve your cultivation!

Inside the secret room, Mo Tianji was already crazy, he stood up and roared.

"Hahahaha, I have become the king of gods. After I go out, I will sweep the wasteland."

"Who can fight with me?"

In the other secret rooms, the old men were just like old monsters.

They were also very excited, they also reached the realm of the **** king.

It's too bad.

After living for millions of years, they finally took a chance and they soared into the sky.

It's ridiculous, but they don't know, they have been illusioned.

At this moment, everything is a vision of illusion,

And they have been trapped by illusion.

In the other secret room, Huan Meng's face was extremely ugly.

She had opened a pair of eyes, dreamy eyes, as if she could see through everything.

However, she couldn't find any flaws.

How could it be like this?

Dreamy's face was extremely pale, and a crack appeared between her eyebrows.

This is a scene of confusion.

Huanmeng didn't believe it, she felt that there must be a problem with becoming a **** king.

However, she couldn't find any problems, this tangled state made her go crazy.

If this continues, it is estimated that she will be wiped out.

Lin Xuan's face was cold.

Under the power of the Reincarnation Sword, Lin Xuan finally discovered that he had been hit by an illusion.

An extremely powerful illusion, far beyond the realm of true gods.

That is to say, he has the power of the Samsara Sword, otherwise, he can't see through it at all.

I don't know, where is the sacred, illusion technique?

It's horrible, specializing in human hearts.

No matter you are magnificent and unparalleled in the world, I am afraid that you can't resist this crazy increase in strength.

Once you fall into it, it will be forever.

Next, is to break this illusion.

Lin Xuan shouted in a cold voice, "Exit it to me."

He swung the phantom of the Samsara Sword and cut it forward.

Kaka Kaka, as if glass was broken, many cracks appeared in the void around Lin Xuan.

Then, it broke.

The secret room had disappeared, and Lin Xuan seemed to be standing on top of a cloud of mist.

He looked around,

Soon, he saw a fruit floating in the distance.

It is the dragon fruit.

Is it still an illusion?

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, he continued to use the power of the Samsara Sword, looking through everything.

He discovered that this time it was not an illusion, but a real dragon fruit.

It seems that the previous illusion is a test, but this postgraduate entrance examination is too terrible.

What can't be passed will be mad,

Once passed, the Dragon Fruit can be obtained.

Lin Xuan felt a trace of luck,

If he didn't have the Reincarnation Sword, it would be very difficult for him to pass.

He quickly walked over, got the Dragon God Fruit, and swallowed it.

The next moment, Lin Xuan felt that the Dragon Dao power in his body, and the God Dao Wen, quickly boiled.

His bottleneck was broken.

Before him, it was as if there were chains, preventing him from breaking through smoothly.

But now, this shackle, under the power of the Dragon God Fruit, crashed to pieces.

Lin Xuan's strength increased rapidly, and he used the Long Dao martial arts technique to cultivate.

As he got the real Dragon God Fruit, the other six chambers changed.

Mo Tianji and the four old men, their complexions changed drastically.

They discovered that the power of the king they had originally had disappeared at a fast speed.

They are back to their original state, the great gods of the second watershed.

"No, why is it like this? What about my power?"

Mo Tianji snarled frantically: "Who took my power? Give it back to me."

The four old men are also crazy,

They looked up to the sky and roared, and they slew in all directions.

However, the world is vast and there are no people.

Speaking of it, they didn't have any loss, they didn't suffer any injuries.

They just experienced illusion.

However, they regard illusion as reality, and they regard themselves as the **** king.

Now, returning to the real world, they couldn't accept this gap and went crazy immediately.

The cultivation base of Huan Meng also disappeared, still in the original state.

However, she laughed.

She said: I guessed it was right, it really was an illusion.

It seems that this is the test, but unfortunately, I did not pass.

I don't know who passed it?

Are the elders of those older generations? Or Mo Tianji?

Or is it a mad god?

she does not know.

In the next moment, she was teleported out.

At the same time, Mo Tianji and the old men were also sent out.

After coming out, Mo Tianji and others roared frantically.

"Damn it, who stole my cultivation base? Give it back to me."

The four old men were also murderous, and they were extremely hostile to each other.

Even, they started fighting frantically and fought.

When Dreaming saw this scene, her complexion changed.

These people have been illusioned, and they all seem to have failed.

Even these people are not as good as her, she at least knows that she has been in illusion.

Although there is no strength to unravel, but it will not be so crazy.

But how about these people? It seems to have become a lunatic.

She shook her head and left as soon as possible. This is a place of right and wrong.

Where to go?

An old man killed him and was with the fantasy war.

These are the second watershed-level powerhouses, their battle immediately alarmed others.

Originally those people were following Lin Xuan and others.

However, Lin Xuan and the others were too fast, and these people were chasing after them. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

At this moment, they sensed a devastating force coming from a distance, and they rushed over immediately.

Maybe there is the Dragon God Fruit, where it is.

When they arrived nearby, they saw Mo Tianji and others.

They found that Mo Tianji and others were making crazy shots.

Are you robbing the dragon fruit?

These people are excited.

It seems that they still have a chance.

There are even some masters who have joined the battle, and the battle ahead is even more terrifying.

Huanmeng was more sober, she said: "Don't shoot anymore, we didn't get the Dragon Fruit at all.

"Also, those guys are crazy, ignore them."

What is going on?

The complexions of these newcomers changed drastically.

Among them, there are strong souls,

This is a middle-aged man wearing an ancient Taoist robe.

When he saw Mo Tianji, he immediately became nervous.

He came near Mo Tianji and said, "What's the matter with you?"

"Fuck me."

Mo Tianji killed the middle-aged man with one punch.

The middle-aged people are crazy: "Don't you know me? I'm your third uncle!"

"Tianji, your state is not right, who did it to you?"

The middle-aged man snarled frantically.

He found that Mo Tianji's eyes were red, and he looked crazy, like a crazy monster.

Not only Mo Tianji, but also the other elders.

What have these people experienced?

The other masters also found out, and they returned one after another.

I saw Mo Tianji and the four old men snarling frantically.

"You all deserve to die, you stole my cultivation."

"I have become a **** king, but why, my cultivation base is lost?"

"You stole it."

He killed the heroes.

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