Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7953: 1 move, spike!

Lin Xuan looked forward and found that the battle ahead was very terrifying.

However, there is still no one's way of destruction.

He smiled, he really came in time.

After shaking his body, he rushed towards the cliff ahead.

His speed was very fast, and it didn't take long before he came near the cliff.

Soon, someone noticed him.

Someone said: Get out of here.

What is the other party? Do you dare to **** the art of destruction?

The shot was from the Xuanbing Protoss.

The terrifying Bingzhu, overwhelming the sky, came towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan did not dodge at all, letting these ice cones fall on him.

His divine body bloomed with mysterious light, shattering the ice.

As soon as he pointed it out, his fingertips were like a peerless divine sword, instantly piercing the opponent's eyebrows.

The powerhouse of the Profound Ice Protoss who shot, flew out, **** the sky.

Who is this? So strong.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

They said: Hurry up and stop this kid.

This time, a total of 6 people rushed over quickly.

They came from different families and sects, and they killed Lin Xuan together.

In their opinion, this can suppress the other party.


With a sound like the sky, Lin Xuan made a strong move, punching like a dragon, and six figures flew out backwards.

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, someone exclaimed: Isn't he the arrogant kid?

He seemed to be stared at by people from the Soul Race, how could he still be alive?

I recognize him, he even said before, he crushed the god-eater, was he kidding?

Unexpectedly, he has some strength.

Crushed the worm? Everyone didn't believe it at all.

Since 6 people can't do it, come more people.

This time, 23 figures rushed over.

The number was several times as many as before. This time, it was time to kill the other party.

Even if the opponent is a top arrogant, I'm afraid he can't bear it.

Qingyun sword spectrum.

Lin Xuan used his peerless swordsmanship, and his figure was erratic.

Every time the sword fell, a figure was split apart, and screams sounded one after another.

Not long after, all 23 figures flew upside down. They were seriously injured and even disappeared.

Everyone was shocked

They backed madly, and when they looked at Lin Xuan, their bodies trembled.

The opponent is too strong.

At this time, someone finally exclaimed: Wushen body, his body is Wushen body.

He is the mad **** of Dragon Palace.

what? It turned out to be him, no wonder he was so tough.

There were exclamations.

Unexpectedly, this crazy **** had changed his face, and they hadn't recognized it before.

No matter how well the other party hides, it can't hide the power of the Valkyrie Body.

Lin Xuan didn't conceal any more, he fully used the Martial God Body, swept everything, and slammed towards the cliff.

not good.

When seeing this scene, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

Even the figures in the decisive battle rushed back.

Tianyang Protoss, Tianqi and Tiancang, quickly shot.

Two golden lights cut through the void, like a peerless divine light.

Long Han and Xiongzi also shot,

An ice dragon and an iron pot fell from the sky.

Kill Lin Xuan together.

Everyone exclaimed: I'm afraid this crazy **** can't resist it, right?

These shots are all top talents.

Even if the true **** of the second watershed was hit by such a force, he would be killed instantly.

Lin Xuan didn't resist it hard either, he used the Xing Zi Jue, and the speed suddenly doubled.

Moved out in an instant, avoiding these attacks.

The next moment, he looked at these people and said: Are you sure you want to be my enemy?

In his eyes, there is a bitter light, blooming.

What else did Long Han want to say, suddenly his expression changed.

The bear child also said: bad.

They found that Shadow Monster suddenly accelerated.

With the help of everyone's shadow, he came to the front of the cliff in an instant.

He grabbed the mysterious handprint on the cliff.

Damn it.


They tried to stop it again, it was too late.

Everyone is desperate,

Will the technique of destruction be obtained by a monster?

Hahahaha, it's mine now.

The Shadow Beast laughed up to the sky, so proud that he was about to grasp this mysterious handprint.

But at this moment, the void shook, and a figure appeared out of thin air in front of him.

This is an illusory figure, just like a shadow.

Shadow Monster was originally a shadow, however, this shadow is more mysterious than him.

Get out of me.

Shadow Monster didn't think much, snorted coldly, waved his hand, and shred the world with his black claws.

The palm of his hand, like a magic mountain, fell in the sky.

He also has the strength of the second watershed, this blow, in the same rank, it is difficult to find an opponent.

The mysterious shadow ahead was shrouded by the claws of the demon, without dodge in the slightest.

His figure suddenly became blurred, and the next moment, he shot.

His palm traversed everything, ignoring the magic, and instantly grabbed the Shadow Beast.

Grabbed the opponent's throat.

The Shadow Beast screamed, and all the power in him disappeared, as if frozen.

His eyes were wide,

The most frightening thing he met.

What is this? It could easily suppress him.

Those other people are dumbfounded, who can think of it?

The Shadow Monster, which originally had the advantage, could be so miserable?

The living fossil of the Dragon Race exclaimed: It's divine mind, he's here again.

He seems to have become stronger than before.

what? Divine mind again!

When the others heard this, their scalp numb with fright, and they backed away.

Lin Xuan also frowned, and he realized that it was not that his divine consciousness had become stronger.

It's that this divine mind that came is already very powerful.

Sure enough, there is more than one divine mind here.

Hearing that it was divine mind, Shadow Monster was so frightened that he knelt in the void.

He said: Forgive me, please, forgive me, I will never dare anymore.

I will return to the 14th floor and never come out again. UU reading

With a click, the voice of Shadow Beast stopped abruptly.

Shennian waved his hand and squeezed the opponent's throat.

The vitality of Shadow Beast slowly disappeared, as if swallowed.

The next moment, his body fell from the sky.

The incomparably powerful Shadow Beast, that can compete with Long Han, Demon God Child and others.

But now, he was killed by Divine Mind.

Everyone looked at this scene, frightened.

This divine sense is too terrible, right?

Can seckill the existence of the second watershed.

They are not rivals at all.

How to fight this?

Long Han's scalp was numb, and he kept backing away.

On the other side, the powerhouse of the Demon God Clan even came to the Demon God Child.

They said: The patron saint.

A divine thought shocked all directions,

At this moment, no one dared to move, and everyone backed away.

Do you just give up like this? Long Han was not reconciled.

He looked at Demon God Son, Tian Qi, Tian Cang and others.

He said: Let's join hands to solve this divine mind first.

Then, how about we compete again?

no problem.

People from the Tianyang Protoss nodded quickly,

People from other protoss also agreed.

Even the demon **** child agreed.

No way, the other party is really too strong.

It is so strong that they have no certainty and can compete with each other.

In case they were caught by this divine sense, they would be killed instantly.

That being the case, let's do it.

With a roar, the people of the Tianyang Protoss took the lead.

Two brothers, Tianqi and Tiancang, appeared above the nine heavens.

Two golden mirrors appeared in the hands of the two, bursting out with bright light.

Like two golden divine swords, falling from the sky.

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