Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7954: despair!

Boom boom boom!

Two golden mirrors erupted, launching a peerless blow, enough to kill everything in seconds.

Everyone was excited.

Shen Nian looked at two golden lights, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he actually avoided two golden lights.

Appeared out of thin air, in front of two golden mirrors.

He shot suddenly.

The two brothers Tianqi and Tiancang had numb scalp, and they felt a fatal crisis.

They hurriedly pushed the golden light mirror to guard, absolutely unable to let the other party grab their throats.

The two figures flew upside down, and the golden mirrors in their hands became dim.

There was even a crack on it.

The eyes of the two brothers are red: just kidding, this is a top artifact.

At this moment, there was a crack,

How strong was that blow?

The other people were also scared to numb their scalp: What strength did this divine mind reach?

The living fossil of the Dragon Palace almost knelt down. He said: This will not be the divine mind left after the death of the **** king?

Otherwise, why is it so terrible?

At this moment, Shennian continued to take action, and his figure became even more erratic.

He appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, waved his hand, and grabbed his throat.

With a click,

Anyone caught by the throat was killed in seconds.

Fell from the sky.

One, two, three,

In an instant, dozens of these geniuses fell.

Those other people were scared mad, and they fled quickly.

Long Han was talking about: Don't run away, you can't run away, his speed is too fast.

All people unite together and use your sacred fire.

There is still a chance of winning together.

Sure enough, no matter how fast you escape, the divine mind can appear in front of you out of thin air.

Several strong men have fallen, and the others will no longer run away.

They pushed the Shenhuo with all their strength,

The dazzling rays of light joined together and once again turned into a world of divine fire.

But this time, Long Han and Mo Shenzi took the lead, and they shot wildly.

On one side, the cold air is freezing and the world is frozen, and on the other side, the magic way is amazing.

They are together with the divine mind.

This time, even Lin Xuan shot.

He also needs to use the power of everyone to suppress this divine idea.

The sacred fire of everyone floated forward, forming the sacred fire world.

Coming to the divine mind.

Shennian and Shenhuo world contended, and the earth-shaking voice sounded.


Shennian snorted coldly, his voice was extremely cold.

As soon as this sound came out, everyone's souls immediately shook.

The soul of many people seems to be broken.

The people of the soul race have taken action,

The third uncle of the soul clan brought some powerful men to chase and kill Lin Xuan.

There are still some strong players left,

These people are guarding Mo Tianji's side.

At this moment, they are also taking a strong shot, they beat the **** soul power to counter the power of divine consciousness.

Everyone felt that the pressure on the soul was much less.

They breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, shocked.

It's worthy of being an ancient **** clan, and it is really strong enough to be able to contend with gods.

On the other side, Demon God Child also shot.

There is a bead on his body, bursting with mysterious light.

The beads scattered and flew into his body.

Between his eyebrows, a black flame appeared.

The bear child was originally a teenager.

After displaying all his blood, he turned into a handsome young man.

Above his head was an iron pot, and in his hand, there was a spear of the Demon God.

In addition, there are several magic weapons around him, blooming with a biting light.

He quickly killed it.

Shennian waved his arm and fought against the Demon God Child. In a blink of an eye, dozens of strokes passed.

Divine mind was suppressed.

He roared, displayed a super power, and retreated the Demon God.

In his eyes, there was a bit of piercing light blooming.

The previous divine mind was very vague, like a shadow.

But at this moment, everyone can see clearly, the other's eyes.

These eyes seemed to have magical powers, even the bear children were shocked.

His heart seemed to jump out,

He quickly closed his eyes.

At this time, Long Han also shot, carrying icy power.

Boundless snowflakes fell from the sky.

Every snowflake can easily freeze a true god.

The snow all over the sky slew towards Divine Mind, trying to freeze him.

In addition, everyone used their full strength to display the divine fire, and divine consciousness was gradually suppressed.

However, it was only suppressed,

He was not defeated, nor did he even mean to run away.

Instead, the corner of his mouth raised a strange smile.

When they saw this smile, everyone shook their hearts, and they just felt bad.

In the next moment, they felt that their bodies were flying towards Shenyan involuntarily.

What is this method?

In an instant, a few young disciples came to Shennian.

Shennian gently raised his hand and squeezed the opponent's throat.

When they saw this scene, everyone was dumbfounded: What kind of method is this?

beyond imagination.

The divine mind ahead, continue to do it,

Some people flew towards each other.

Some people are desperate, no matter how they resist? Can't stop it.

And among these people, there was Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan sneered: The other party really did not live or die.

In this case, let the other party be perfect.

Lin Xuan suddenly accelerated, and instantly came to the opponent.

Cut out with a sword.

Shennian originally disdain, UU reading www. After was cut by this sword, he made a stern voice.

He seemed to have met, something terrible, he stared at Lin Xuan firmly.

When Lin Xuan made another move, he turned around and left.

He felt that there seemed to be a force in Lin Xuan that could threaten him.

This is something he has never seen before.

At this time, the demon **** child, Long Han, and their supernatural powers came over again.

Shennian completely left.

Finally gone.

The others were relieved.

We won, we won.

They laughed.

They didn't know that it was Lin Xuan's power that scared the opponent away.

They thought that everyone had worked together to beat the opponent away.

In any case, the result was very good, and finally there was no threat of spirituality.

Next, they are going to compete.

Long Han cast a glance at Lin Xuan and snorted coldly. He didn't do anything.

His main opponent now is the Demon God,

As for this mad god, I will solve the opponent later.

He said to the people in Dragon Palace next to him: Find a way to stop the mad god, and the devil **** child will give it to me.

On the other side,

The demon **** child also stared at Long Han,

He can also feel the strength of the other party.

As for some other people, they stared at Lin Xuan.

Seeing the war is about to break out,

But at this moment, a mysterious shadow appeared in the world.

The spirit of the previous one is back again.

This time, not only did he come back, but besides him, there were some mysterious shadows.

They are all divine minds,

These divine thoughts stood between the sky and the earth, staring at everyone.

How come there are so many?

The people around were stunned.

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