Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7970: Compete! Go against the sky!

The elders of the villa were taken aback: "Why does the mad **** have no future?"

Zhen Qianjue said: "I want to come and feel that the crazy god's body is extraordinary."

"It's true that he is practicing Long Dao Wu Shen Jue."

"This kind of magic is very overbearing. Only one person can practice in an era."

"But unfortunately, the top genius of our line, Long Tatian, has already cultivated."

"Now I have stood at the pinnacle of the true god, not far from the realm of the **** king."

"The two will have a decisive battle in 800 years."

"Do you think this crazy **** can win?"

"No matter how strong he is now, he is just a wedding dress."

After listening to the strong people in the villa, they were in an uproar.

what? Is there such a thing?

How could it be like this?

Unfortunately, such a genius.

A round of regretful voices sounded.

Xiao Tianyun and Xiao Tianlei also sighed.

Even Xiaoyaohou was taken aback.

He looked at Lin Xuan and said, "Little guy, do you have something unspeakable?"

"If you need other magic techniques, I can help you, and you can choose to practice again."

Although he would give up the martial arts body, the opponent is so young and will rise again after tens of thousands of years.

Xiaoyao Hou is actually very optimistic about Lin Xuan.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I have confidence in myself."

"In 800 years, I will indeed fight Long Tatian, but I won't necessarily lose!"

"I can win."

Xiaoyao Hou was taken aback when he heard this.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, he saw a trace of self-confidence and a firm will.

Go against the sky,

It's been a long time since I saw such a young man.

The other experts in the villa shook their heads and sighed: Have you beaten Long Tatian in 800 years? Just kidding!

Although they had just awakened for a month, the name they heard the most was Long Tatian.

This is the hope of the dragon clan in the future, and the opponent has a great possibility in the future to become a **** king.

I heard that there is still a king-level magic weapon in his hand, and his current strength is already very against the sky.

No matter how strong this mad **** is, it is impossible to win the opponent after 800 years.

Even for 80,000 years, there is no chance.

Really crazy,

Young and frivolous, but this time, the wrong opponent was found.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Qianjue's mouth raised a smile.

Very well, these people have given up the crazy god, and he is ready to add another fire.

He walked over and said: "Senior Xiaoyaohou, it is better to join forces with Tatian to create the glory of the dragon."

Those from the other dragon races looked envious.

The fate of this true dragon clan is so good, there is a Dragon Tatian.

If nothing happens, Xiaoyaohou will definitely support Long Tatian.

Xiaoyao Hou laughed, and he said, "Long Tatian, although he is only a junior. But with his strength, he can already be on an equal footing with me."

"My support is not important to him."

Zhen Qianjue's expression changed, and he said, "Why? Tatian is still young and needs guidance from seniors."

Xiaoyao Hou smiled and shook his head. He said: "Long Tatian has a king-level magic weapon. If he can completely control the king-level magic weapon, I will not be his opponent."

"I am not qualified to point him."

Zhen Qianjue sighed, but he refused to give up.

He said: "We are a true dragon, and there are countless geniuses."

"In addition to Tatian, there are many top geniuses."

"Shaoyu, Shaoyang, Shaoyue, they are all very good."

While talking, Zhen Qianjue also waved to let those young geniuses come out.

Those geniuses are full of horns and powerful dragon blood.

They came to Xiaoyaohou, showing their talent and strength.

When Jun Wentian saw this scene, he was also anxious.

He said: "Senior, although the mad **** does not have a bloodline against the sky. However, his talent is definitely the top."

"He can defeat Long Han, that is the best proof."

"No matter how good he is, so what? He has no future."

"How do you know he will lose in 800 years?"

"I believe that with the talent of the mad god, 800 years later, he can perform miracles."

Zhen Qianjue and Jun Wentian quarreled.


At this moment, Xiaoyaohou spoke and the villa became quiet again.

Xiaoyao Hou said: "I am very happy that the dragon race has so many geniuses to rise."

"This means that our dragon clan can continue to grow stronger in the future."

"I understand your thoughts too,"

"As for my thoughts?"

Xiaoyaohou looked at Lin Xuan, and then at Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyang and others.

Everyone became nervous.

Xiaoyao Hou said: "I just woke up. I really want to see, how strong is the Dragon Clan's current Tianjiao?"

"After you go back, you inform all the dragons."

"Dragon disciples under 300,000 years old can come to Xiaoyao Mountain Villa to compete and compete."

"Ranked according to record,"

"The top ten will get my Xiaoyao Villa, some treasures."

"The top three can go to the dragon-printed sky stele of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa to get a sense of practice."

"The number one, besides getting these and training resources, I can also promise him one additional condition."

"As long as it doesn't threaten myself or the dragon clan. No matter what the conditions? I can agree."

When they heard this, everyone was stunned, and there was an uproar in the villa.

Even the other dragons were excited.

This is a good opportunity.

Xiaoyao Villa is powerful and countless treasures.

Enter the top ten, you can get the treasures of Xiaoyao Villa.

If you become the top three, you can comprehend the dragon monument.

The eyes of some pinnacle gods were red.

The dragon-patterned sky stele is so precious that it contains the supreme avenue of the dragon family, and even they want to understand it.

However, they have no chance at all.

And becoming the number one, in addition to these rewards, can also make Xiaoyaohou do one thing.

In addition to not threatening Xiaoyaohou, not threatening the dragon clan, everything else is fine.

Then there are more choices.

You can worship Xiaoyaohou as your teacher, or ask Xiaoyaohou to take action in times of crisis.

Xiaoyaohou, but half-step God King, with high strength, what can he do?

All the dragons are excited,

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Zhen Qianjue's eyes also lit up. He said: "We remember what the predecessors said."

"We will go back and prepare now."

Although the mad **** was very powerful and defeated Long Han, what about it?

This time the conditions are under 300,000 years old.

In their line, there are still some warriors who are stronger than Long Han.

Always find one and defeat the mad god.

Their goal is not just the top three, but the first.

They must get first.

In this way, UU reading and they can ask Xiaoyaohou to do something for them.

Lin Xuan was also taken aback when he heard this, and then he also smiled.

It seems that getting a good ranking has many benefits.

He has confidence in his own strength.

He is about to make the number one this time.

Next, these dragons went back, and they had to prepare well.

After half a year, they will return to Xiaoyao Mountain Villa for a showdown.

The news came back to Dragon Palace, and the people in Dragon Palace were boiling.

Those of the Dragon Race began to prepare and select talented disciples.

Lin Xuan also returned to the Mad God Palace and began to practice in retreat.

He wants to practice the art of destruction!

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