Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7971: Jumping clown! Mad God dare not come?

Those geniuses of the Dragon Race are extremely excited, this time, they must shine brightly.

Half a year's time, soon arrived.

Those strong men of the various dragon races, with their respective disciples, set off again to Xiaoyao Mountain Villa.

Suddenly, Xiaoyao Villa became extremely lively again.

The most confident are the real dragons.

This time, they sent a lot of geniuses.

Among them, the strength of several geniuses is stronger than Long Han.

This time, not only did they occupy the top three, they also wanted to take revenge, and they must step on the mad **** under their feet.

"Has the mad **** come?"

Zhen Shaoyu asked coldly.

The disciples around took a look, then shook their heads: "I haven't come yet."

"Stare at him, this time, we must make him look good."

On the other side, the people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan were extremely anxious.

They discovered that the mad **** was still practicing in retreat.

They have come to the Mad Shrine and have passed the news,

However, there was no response.

How to do?

Jun Wushuang said, "Or, let's go in directly."

Jun Wentian said, "No, maybe he is at a critical juncture in his cultivation, so I can't disturb him."

"But, that way, he will miss this game."

"If you really miss it, then miss it."

He thought about it, but still didn't rush in.

In case it disturbs the cultivation of the crazy **** and makes the other party get into trouble, it is really not worth the gain.

Jun Wentian left a message again. Then, with the geniuses of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan, they left.

When they came to Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, countless eyes turned around.

They only know that there is a mad **** on the side of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon.

Crazy God is definitely the top ten favorite, and can even compete for the top three.

Others said: the opponent has the possibility of winning.

How can these dragon geniuses not be nervous?

When they discovered that there was no mad **** in the team, they were taken aback.

what's the situation? Didn't the mad **** come?

The fire dragon tribe, those strong men of the thunder dragon tribe, have already passed by to say hello.

By the way, check out the news of the mad god.

Jun Wentian could only say: "The crazy **** will be back in a while."

However, after waiting, the mad **** did not come.

Until the end, those strong people from Xiaoyao Villa came, and the game was about to begin.

The mad **** did not come either.

what's the situation?

Those people from other dragon races are all dumbfounded.

Did the mad **** not come to participate? What is he doing?

Is he going to miss such a golden opportunity?

Some dragon geniuses were extremely excited.

The absence of such a competitor as Crazy God is definitely good news for them.

People from the True Dragon clan looked puzzled after learning the news.

Zhen Shaoyu snorted coldly: "I didn't come? What does this crazy **** want to do?"

"Would you like to have one, by surprise?"

"Perhaps I want to make a final appearance at the last moment. This is to show the limelight."

However, when the game really started, the mad **** did not come.

The people of the real dragon clan are a little confused.

Then they laughed.

It seems to think too much,

This crazy **** really won't come.

"Fortunately for him, originally this time, I wanted to suppress him in public. It seems that I can only wait for the future."

"If he doesn't come, we will lose one, a strong competitor."

"The top three, we must win all of them."

They are extremely confident!

Even those people in Xiaoyao Villa were surprised again and again.

"Has that mad **** not come? What is going on?"

Xiao Tianlei asked.

Jun Wentian said: "After the crazy **** returned half a year ago, he retreats to practice."

"Until now, it hasn't come out."

"Perhaps he is at a critical juncture in his cultivation, and he may miss this game."

Is it like this?

Xiao Tianlei sighed: I still want to see the strength of this crazy god.

Now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

Two young masters, Xiao Feng and Xiao Chen, their eyes lit up when they heard this.

They said, "Hmph, this crazy **** is just bragging."

"Yes, he must have defeated Long Han by despicable means."

"His own strength is not strong, so this time, he dare not come out."

"I really thought he was a peerless arrogant man, and now it seems that he is just a clown."

"It seems that the old ancestor was still deceived by him."

"Damn fellow, if I meet him in the future, I will personally suppress him."

Xiao Feng said coldly.

The people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan sighed.

The mad **** is here and can definitely compete for the championship,

However, if the mad **** does not come, there is a lot of pressure on their side.

On their side, the strongest one at present is Jun Wushuang.

Jun Wushuang, it’s no problem to enter the top ten,

Getting into the top three is difficult.

Let alone fight for the first place,

It can be said that it is almost impossible.

Jun Wushuang said: "Dear elders, don't worry."

"This time, my strength has also improved, and I will definitely be able to enter the top three."

Soon the game began.

One after another young figures stepped onto the ring, and the battle broke out.

They showed their strengths, various supernatural powers and faculties, emerging in endlessly.

Those people in Xiaoyao Villa were also exclaimed again and again.

Although Dragon Palace, only part of its strength has been recovered.

However, the power displayed by these geniuses is beyond their imagination.

The elders of the villa have already begun to guess who will win the championship.

The first few battles were quickly settled.

The loser sighed, and the winner was triumphant.

Before long, a young man walked out from the real dragon clan, it was Zhen Shaoyang.

He is very strong.

He is surrounded by a phantom of the sun, extremely mysterious.

He stood there, one after another, dragons and flames circled the four directions.

This flame seemed even more terrifying than that of the Tianyang God Race.

Just by feeling this breath, the faces of the geniuses around changed.

It was terrible, and they seemed to be unable to resist it at all.

Those people in Xiaoyao Villa also exclaimed.

This young man is so strong, he seems to be a young master of the true dragon family.

His name is Zhen Shaoyang.

Even the elders were shocked.

"I don't know, who is my opponent?"

Zhen Shaoyang stood on the ring with his hands in his hands, watching from all directions.

He is extremely confident.

No matter who his opponent is? He doesn't care.

He can only win.

The way of the game is to draw lots, and then based on the winning points,

Finally, rank according to points.

Everyone, there is more than one battle.

The formation flickered, and suddenly, the rune around Huoyi lit up.

The people around, one after another,

Someone said: The opponent has been selected.

Huo Yi's complexion also changed, not good, he actually faced Zhen Shaoyang!

He felt that UU reading www. is under immense pressure.

Jun Wentian also had a solemn expression. He said: "Do what you can, be careful in everything."

"I know."

As soon as Huo stood up, he walked forward.

Zhen Shaoyang looked at each other and laughed, "So it was you."

"It seems that this battle will be easy for me."

He was aloof, not paying attention to the fire at all.

Huo gave a cold snort, and in his hand, a flame magic knife appeared.

He didn't say anything, but quickly killed it.

at the same time.

Dragon Palace, Mad Shrine.

Lin Xuan opened his eyes.

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