Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7972: What a ruthless method!

In the palace, Lin Xuan opened his eyes, and there was a black light in his eyes.

The gaze crossed, and the void kept shattering, and a burst of power came out.

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth raised a smile: "Is this the technique of destruction? It's so strong."

"I only realized it for a moment, and then I felt a faint breath of horror."

"If I can really control it, I'm afraid no one can stop this force."

The technique of destruction is too difficult to practice.

Although Lin Xuan is unparalleled in talent, but in the past six months, he has only felt a little bit.

Did not even get started.

But even so, he felt that his strength had improved.

I don't know how long it has been, Lin Xuan stood up and probed.

Soon, his expression changed.

He discovered that outside the palace, there were many messages left by Jun Wentian.

Lin Xuan frowned: It seems that I missed it.

Want to come to the game over there, it should have just begun.

He should still have a chance.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan soared into the sky and flew towards Xiaoyao Villa.

Xiaoyao Mountain Villa,

Above the ring,

A figure fell down.

Huo's body cracked open, and bones appeared.

He vomited blood, his eyes dimmed.

When Jun Wentian and others saw this scene, they stood up suddenly.

Their eyes were red, and the elders roared, "Stop it."

"What a ruthless method."

"It's just a contest, why are you playing such a killer?"

Just now, the two have decided the outcome.

Huoyi displayed the strongest supernatural powers, but he was still not an opponent.

He was defeated by one move.

A fire dragon circled the sun and landed in the sky.

Instantly shattered his blade light, and fell on him fiercely.

His defense broke open instantly and he was seriously injured.

Zhen Shaoyang sneered when he heard this, "I have been merciful."

"If it was really a battle of life and death, he would have gone to **** now."

"Besides, it's no fault of me. I just make a random move, and he can't resist it."

"Who can imagine, you members of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan, so weak!"

"what did you say?"

The elders roared.

Even Jun Wushuang felt very angry.

The other party deceived too much.

Jun Wentian stopped the elders around him.

This is a battle for the younger generation, and they can't take action.

Although the opponent was very cruel, Huo Yi did not fall within the rules.

Even Xiaoyaohou didn't say anything, it was useless for them to argue.

Jun Wentian said to the people around him: "Go and bring the Huo over to heal the wounds."

As soon as Huo was taken down, he was extremely weak.

He said: "Elder, I'm sorry, I let you down."

The elders said: "Don't blame you, they are too cruel."

Jun Wushuang also said: "Don't worry, I will avenge you."

Next, the game continues,

Not long after, Jun Wushuang made a move.

She also defeated her opponent with one move.

Those strong men in Xiaoyao Villa nodded one after another.

It seems that the Five Elements Emperor Dragon family also has Tianjiao.

The game continues.

Some powerful geniuses have emerged.

On the Fenglong clan, there was a Tianjiao named Feng Linger.

Won three battles in a row, showing extraordinary strength.

On the side of the Thunder Dragon tribe, a Tianjiao named Lei Lie appeared.

The strength is very powerful.

No matter who the opponent is? He solved the enemy within three moves.

On the sword dragon clan, a genius appeared, named Jian Tianchen.

So far no one can stop him with a sword.

There are more geniuses on the real dragon side,

In addition to Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and Zhen Shaoyue.

The strength is very terrible, it seems that they can enter the top ten.

The battle was extremely fierce,

Before long, Shui Yi also shot.

Shui Yi is also very strong, he has won three games.

However, in Game 4, he met Zhen Shaoyu.

He lost again,

This time, he was also seriously injured and almost fell.

The elders of the Five Elements Dragon Clan were all mad.


Jun Wentian's eyes were also red.

To the disciples behind him, he said: "I will meet the people of the true dragon clan again. If the gap is really too big, just give in."

Although a little shameful, it is better than being seriously injured.

Those disciples, their faces are ugly,

Someone said: "It would be great if the mad son was here."

"Yes, Lord Mad God is here, and Zhen Shaoyu and others dare not arrogant at all."

Those elders also sighed.

They didn't know that Lin Xuan was already on his way.

People from other dragon races also talked a lot when they saw this scene.

Someone said: "The members of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan have been targeted."

Today's masters, only Jun Wushuang is left, and the others have no chance to enter the top ten.

It is estimated that even the top 30 can't get in.

This time, the five-element emperor dragon clan, I'm afraid they will lose their face.

Xiao Feng and Xiao Chen also sneered when they saw this scene.

"The Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan, the strength is too bad."

"Thinking that you can fool us with a good gift?"

"It's ridiculous."

The mad **** didn't come either, he was coming, and it is estimated that he would be killed in seconds.

The game continues,

The battle of these geniuses ended quickly.

Generally, if there is a big difference in strength, the winner can often be determined within a few moves.

Before long, the game went through several rounds.

These warriors who participated in the competition have already seen obvious levels.

There are some geniuses who have won consecutively and have a lot of points.

Currently ranked first is Zhen Shaoyang.

In second place is Zhen Shaoyu.

Ranked third is Jian Tianchen.

Ranked fourth is Lei Lie.

Feng Linger ranked fifth.

Ranked sixth is Zhen Shaoyue.

Jun Wushuang, only ranked seventh.

Although not the final ranking, Jun Wushuang has already felt the pressure.

She felt it was difficult for her to even enter the top 5.

Let alone enter the top 3.

It is almost impossible.

Damn, I didn't expect the strength of these geniuses to be so strong.

She was somewhat weak in successor.

The real dragon clan was very dazzling.

The top three, they occupy two,

In the top 10, they occupy 4 of them.

In the top 30, they occupy 13 of them.

In addition, the Thunder Dragon and Stegosaurus also performed very well.

On the contrary, it was the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan who had a terrible record.

Only Jun Wushuang entered the top 10, and she was the only one who entered the top 30.

The others are all 30 away.

Xiao Tianlei, Xiao Tianyun, the two true gods at the pinnacle, saw this scene, they also shook their heads slightly.

Although the gift from the mad **** before, UU reading www. makes our ancestors happy.

But judging from the current performance, I am afraid that it is impossible for the ancestors to support the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan.

On the contrary, it is the real dragon family, which is too dazzling.

Although Long Han was ashamed before, the performance of Zhen Shaoyang and Zhen Shaoyu was really shocking.

It is estimated that even if the mad **** comes, he can't beat these two people.

Zhen Qianjue is satisfied with the true dragon family.

Follow this momentum. The first is definitely theirs.

In this way, Xiaoyaohou can do one thing for them.

Thinking of this, he grinned with excitement.

At the same time, outside of Xiaoyao Villa, a figure quickly landed.

It is Lin Xuan.

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