Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7988: First! Mad God!

Lin Xuan rushed over again, opening and closing, sweeping the square, and the imperial seat he fought in defeat steadily.

No way, Lin Xuan didn't suffer any injuries, and the emperor used his life fire and consumed too much power.

Now, he is not an opponent at all,

More importantly, his confidence was completely hit.

The fate he was so proud of didn't even play a role.

This broke him.

Next, he was completely beaten.

The look on the faces of the dragon people is extremely wonderful,

The people on the Star God Race are crazy.

Unexpectedly, the emperor would end up like this.

Old Monster Sikong couldn't stand it anymore, he shot and saved the emperor.

He said: "You won."

Lin Xuan stopped then.

This time, the world became quiet again.

Who could imagine that Lin Xuan could win the final game.

That's incredible, right?

The people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan cheered, and the other dragon clan were also happy.

They finally turned over.

People from the real dragon clan looked ugly, as if they had eaten a dead mouse.

Zhen Shaoyang shook his head frantically: "How could he win? Damn it, it's impossible!"

He had vowed to say that the mad **** would not win, but the reality slapped him in the face fiercely.

The people on the Star God Clan are also sad,

They came here this time, it was a mess.

It was going well, even victory is in sight,

Unexpectedly, he was finally turned over by the mad god.

Old Monster Sikong's face was not pretty, either.

He said, "Crazy God, right? You are very good."

"Unexpectedly, the Dragon Clan can still appear like you."

"I remember you."

"Boss Xiaoyao, get together later."

Old Monster Sikong waved his hand, and left with the emperor and other Star God Race people.

No face to stay here anymore.

Xiaoyaohou sat back again, with a smile on his face.

Today he is very happy,

Lin Xuan's performance made him very satisfied.

He is ready to reward each other well.

At the same time, he was also very curious, how did the other party stop the fire?

He was about to ask, but Lin Xuan walked around and said lightly, "Who else is not convinced?"

"Does anyone still want to fight me?"

"If not, I will be number one."

The other dragons shook their heads quickly,

Just kidding, even the Emperor is defeated, who is the opponent?

They served.

Zhen Shaoyang and the others gritted their teeth, they were not convinced, but if singled out, they could not beat each other at all.

Lin Xuan looked at Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and Zhen Shaoyue.

He said: "I give you a chance, the three of you come together!"

"You three, if you can be my ten tricks, I will give up."

When these words came out, everyone was in an uproar again: too crazy, right?

Zhen Shaoyang was also angry: "Boy, are you looking for death?"

He admitted that he was pushed down by the opponent and he was not an opponent.

But if the three of them work together, they can definitely defeat each other.

And now?

The other party unexpectedly uttered a wild word, saying ten moves to defeat their three arrogances.

This is not to take them seriously.

"Crazy God, this is what you said, don't blame us for jointly bullying you."

Zhen Shaoyang looked ferocious.

Zhen Shaoyu also sneered: "I want to see, how strong are you?"

The three of them stepped onto the ring.

This made everyone stunned: "This mad **** has already won the first place, why does he want to make a move?"

"That's right, if three geniuses join hands, the power is not only doubled?"

"If you cooperate well, you will definitely be able to exert superpower."

"Do it."

On the arena, the three Zhen Shaoyang shot, and they performed their skills as soon as they came up.

They want a thunder blow to solve the battle.

It is best to seriously hurt the mad god.

Let the other party know and underestimate their fate.

Lin Xuan displayed the Qingyun sword spectrum, his figure was vague, and instantly avoided the attack of the three of them.

The next moment, he came to Zhen Shaoyue and slapped it.

Zhen Shaoyue was beaten again and flew out.

Damn it.

The expressions of Zhen Shaoyu and Zhen Shaoyang changed.

They didn't expect that the body of the other party was so ethereal.

This is not the unique knowledge of their Dragon Palace.

"Block the space and suppress his speed."

The two looked at each other.

Zhen Shaoyang formed a huge sun suspended between the sky and the earth.

A scorching and supreme pressure swept out.

Zhen Shaoyu was formed by agglomeration, the Azure Dragon Phantom, as if to cut through the world.

On the other side, Zhen Shaoyue killed her again, her eyes were red, and she must destroy the mad god.

Lin Xuan sneered disdainfully.

In the face of these people's attacks, he did not dodge at all, letting these forces hit him.

His physique is extremely powerful, and these forces can't break his defense at all.

And he is pushing with all his strength, Qingyun Jianpu.

Another sword fell, Zhen Shaoyue's figure was split, and she screamed back.

She is too weak to be an opponent at all,

Even, he couldn't keep up with Lin Xuan's speed at all.

Next, Zhen Shaoyang and Zhen Shaoyu were also miserable.

The two of them were also hit by the sword qi,

Before long, the sky was stained with blood in the stool.

After seeing them seriously injured, Lin Xuan patted them with big hands and slapped them on the faces.

He knew that when he didn't come, these people were crazily suppressed and tortured, the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan.

Now, he is taking revenge.

Between heaven and earth, the sound of slapped slaps kept ringing.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they covered their faces unconsciously.

The five-element emperor-long clan, the fire and the fire are the first class, very excited.

Before they were slapped in the face by Zhen Shaoyu and Zhen Shaoyue and others, driving them crazy.

Unexpectedly, the mad **** now avenged them.

"well played."

They were extremely excited.

"Enough, you won."

When Zhen Qianjue saw this scene, her face turned green.

This is not just hitting the faces of Zhen Shaoyang and others, but hitting the faces of their real dragons.

What a shame!

He can only stop the game and admit that the mad **** won.

So far, no one dared to challenge the mad god.

The three of Zhen Shaoyang bowed their heads and walked towards the ring dingy.

Xiao Tianlei walked up and said with a smile: "Now I announce the result of the game."

"The first mad god."

Hearing this, the members of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan cheered.

"Second place, Zhen Shaoyang."

"Third place, Lei Lie."

Soon, the top ten came out.

These 10 people can get the treasures of Xiaoyao Villa.

And the top three can also comprehend the dragon-patterned sky stele.

More importantly, the first place can offer Xiaoyaohou a condition.

Countless eyes fell on Lin Xuan. They were very curious, what conditions did Lin Xuan offer?

Xiaoyao Hou smiled and said, "Little guy, what are the conditions? You can bring it up."

Lin Xuan thought for a while, he said: "Senior, I haven't thought about it yet."

"When I think about it later, let's talk about it."

"Also, no hurry, you can always ask me for a condition."

"As long as it doesn't affect my own safety and the safety of the dragons, that's fine."

Next, is the distribution of rewards.

The top 10, all got the treasure of the villa,

Lin Xuan also got it.

It was the kind of magic pill he had taken before, and he recovered very quickly.

This kind of **** pill is very precious, one is invaluable, enough to make those peak true gods jealous.

Lin Xuan got three.

Those other people have also gained something.

Next, Xiao Tianlei took Lin Xuan, Zhen Shaoyang and Lei Lie to the place of the dragon-patterned sky stele.

Seeing this scene, countless people envy again.

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