Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7989: reward! Comprehend the Heavenly Monument!

Zhen Shaoyu's eyes were red. He was ranked third before, and he was qualified to enlighten the monument.

However, after the Mad God came, he was ranked fourth and missed this opportunity.

He was beyond recognition with jealousy.

The three Lin Xuan followed Xiao Tianlei and walked towards the depths of the villa.

The excitement behind him drifts away.

The front is extremely quiet.

Going forward, there are no buildings, only this stone monument.

A very old stone monument,

The shape of this stele is like a dragon.

It is covered with patterns, which are dragon patterns.

It is said that the dragon-patterned sky stele contains the supreme avenue of the dragon family. If you can penetrate it, you will benefit infinitely.

Xiao Tianlei brought Lin Xuan and the others here, and said, "Next, you will cultivate here."

"Remember, you only have one month."

"A month later, I will come again and take you away."

After Xiao Tianlei left, Lin Xuan and the three began to look around curiously.

Zhen Shaoyang let out a cold snort and strode forward, he wanted to practice at close range.

He just walked a few steps before he stopped, his face flushed.

He found that there seemed to be an invisible barrier in front of him, preventing him from moving forward.

"Damn it, drive me."

He yelled up to the sky and blasted out with a punch, as if he was about to break the ground.

With a boom,

With a thunderous sound, Zhen Shaoyang tore the barrier and walked forward.

As he walked, his body trembled.

It turns out that the closer to the dragon-patterned monument, the greater the pressure.

In the end, Zhen Shaoyang stopped at a distance of 50 meters from the dragon-printed sky stele.

He began to fully understand the practice.

Lei Lie also walked forward and stopped at 60 meters.

Lin Xuan did not act immediately, but carefully surveyed the Quartet.

He used Long Dao Wu Shen Jue, Qian Kun breathing method to resonate with the world.

He felt that the stone stele in front was like a sleeping dragon.

Can you awaken this dragon?

Lin Xuan tried a lot of methods, but the results failed.

Finally, he performed the Shenlong breathing method again.

This breathing method, he can only be a fragment, however, the effect is surprisingly good.

Lin Xuan found that the scene ahead seemed to have changed, and the dragon-patterned sky stele seemed to move.

Lin Xuan looked at Zhen Shaoyang and Lei Lie, and found that these two people did not seem to notice.

That is, saying that only he could see, the dragon-patterned sky stele moved.

The other two people are invisible,

Apparently, it should be related to the Shenlong breathing method.

He pushed again, and that period of breathing started to feel.

In the end, he stopped at 70 meters.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Shaoyang frowned slightly: What is this crazy **** doing?

He thought that the mad **** would approach the dragon-printed sky stele.

With the opponent's physique and strength, he should be able to get closer.

He guessed that it should be around 30 meters.

However, the other party did not do this, instead, the other party came to 70 meters away.

Zhen Shaoyang shook his head, no longer paying attention to the other party, but fully comprehending.

One month, very fast,

It can be said that in the blink of an eye, the time is up.

Zhen Shaoyang and Lei Lie stood up and sighed.

They didn't have any magical powers on it.

However, for the power of Dragon Dao, I have a deeper understanding.

Their own Dragon Dao breath has been improved.

This month is equivalent to hundreds of years of cultivation.

It's amazing.

Unfortunately, there is only one month. If you can stay here, it will be better for one year of comprehension.

At that time, their strength will improve even more.

Lin Xuan also opened his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His dragon power has also become stronger,

The power of the divine body has also increased.

It is indeed equivalent to hundreds of years of penance.

There is a more important point, he has mastered some Shenlong breathing methods.

He gained more power than Zhen Shaoyang and others.

In his vision, the dragon-patterned sky stele came alive, and the dragon pattern on it kept turning.

Lin Xuan felt a rune from above.

This rune has only seven strokes and is not complicated, but its power is terrifying.


Lin Xuan called it the Tianlong Talisman!

This Tianlong rune possesses the power of Tianlong.

The deeper the Heavenly Dragon Rune cultivated by Lin Xuan, the more Heavenly Dragon power he would get.

This is an incredible power.

You know, Lin Xuan received a drop of Heavenly Dragon's blood before, and his bloodline has been greatly improved.

The power of Tianlong is very terrifying, it is the power that makes other dragon people look up.

In the distance, Xiao Tianlei walked over again and said with a smile: "Three, how are you gaining?"

Zhen Shaoyang and the others said: "It's just that the laws of the Dragon Dao are improved, but they haven't realized magical powers."

He looked at Lin Xuan again, Lin Xuan also shook his head slightly, and did not say anything about the Heavenly Dragon Rune.

This is his killer.

Xiao Tianlei smiled and said, "This is normal. If you can increase the power of the Dragon Dao, it is already against the sky."

"Should save hundreds of years of hard work."

"As for wanting to comprehend supernatural powers from here, it can't be done in a short time."

"Okay, I will take you away."

"If you have a chance in the future, you may be able to come here again."

"Of course, it depends on your good fortune."

Xiao Tianlei led Lin Xuan and others and left the dragon-printed sky stele.

Zhen Shaoyang and Lei Lie left the villa directly, but Lin Xuan stayed.

Xiao Tianlei said: "The ancestor wants to see you."

Lei Lie was very envious.

Zhen Shaoyang let out a cold snort and left unwillingly.

Lin Xuan was slightly surprised, and soon he understood that it should be a matter of fate.

Want to come, Xiaoyaohou should be very curious, how did he stop the fire?

When he saw Xiaoyaohou, Xiaoyaohou asked about Lin Xuan's cultivation situation at the Tianbei.

Then he asked: "How did you stop the fire?"

Lin Xuan said: "Martial artist is practicing against the sky."

"When I was enveloped by the fire of destiny, I kept my heart and stick to my own way."

"It passed without expectation."

Is it that simple?

After listening to Xiaoyao Hou, he was stunned.

He didn't quite believe it. UU reading www.

What Lin Xuan said was indeed correct. A martial artist practiced is to go against the sky and fight against the sky.

But it's one thing to say, it's another thing to do it.

His eyes were like fire, covering Lin Xuan.

He wanted to investigate and see if there was any secret in Lin Xuan?

Lin Xuan did not resist this, he was not worried at all.

He had long placed the treasures such as the Great Dragon Sword Soul in the ancient land.

The other party could not detect it.

Sure enough.

Xiaoyaohou inspected for a while, but did not find that Lin Xuan had any problems.

He can only believe what Lin Xuan said,

Perhaps the other party's Dao Heart is really like a rock.

The other party really has the power to change fate against the sky.

This is incredible.

Xiaoyaohou said again: "I know that in 700 years, you will fight Long Tatian."

"To be honest, your chances of victory are not great, but don't worry, I will keep you."

"Even if you lose, I will save your life."

"In any case, he will not let the opponent fall."

"Thank you senior, but this is not the request I want to make."

Xiaoyao Hou smiled and said: "Little guy, don't worry, this is not a condition, I just like you."

"Besides, you can still make a request to me."

"You can think about it."

While talking, he also removed a piece of jade pendant from his body and said, "You take this."

"Those of the Dragon Race, dare not embarrass you."

"Thank you senior."

Lin Xuan thanks again.

"By the way, after a while, I'm going to visit the deserted ancient area. Then you will go with me."

"This time, it was an ancient ruin. Maybe there is some good fortune in it?"

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