Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7990: The dragon is boiling! Crazy God is generous!

Lin Xuan promised to go there together.

Next, he returned to the Dragon Palace first.

On the other side, the people of other dragons had already returned to the dragon palace.

They took the news back,

The warriors of the Dragon Palace were extremely shocked.

what? The first place turned out to be a mad god?

Isn't it incredible?

Is he already so good?

Has the genius of the true dragon clan been suppressed by him?

More than that.

Those who came back from the villa said excitedly: "On the way, people from the Star God Race came over and challenged us."

"Do you know how powerful the Star God Clan people are?"

"Their tenth place can beat our eighth place."

"Their fourth place is more able to challenge our top three."

"Especially the number one, but also the chosen one."

"But even such a powerful person is still defeated by the crazy god."

"Our dragon still won."

When it comes to this, they are extremely excited.

Other warriors are also shocked: there is such a thing!

"It's a pity, I didn't make it."

Everyone talked a lot.

The atmosphere of the real dragons is extremely depressed.

This time they lost and were slapped severely.

Their three top Tianjiao teamed up, and none of them had ever played Mad God.

This result is really hard for them to accept.

Zhen Shaoyang said: "Elder, that crazy **** has a problem, he should be in control, the legendary dragon breathing method."

"Otherwise, he couldn't be so powerful with the Martial God Body alone."

"Yes, that's a lost breathing method."

"Elders don't know it, not even the ancestors of the **** king."

"This crazy god, why can he have it?"

"That is, this is something that belongs to our Dragon Palace, let him take it out."

Zhen Qianjue's eyes flickered, and he said to the people around him: "Go and bring the crazy **** here."

This time, he was not so polite.

He didn't send the younger generation, but sent his powerful men.

the other side,

Lin Xuan is back.

After he came back, countless people were stunned and went to greet him.

That scene can be said to be spectacular,

Countless dragon disciples gathered together and looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was taken aback: What happened?

"Congratulations, you won the first place. I didn't expect that you are already so good."

Long Wu walked over from the crowd and said with a smile.

"The son."

Feng Qingxue also flew over from a distance, with excitement on her face.

Lin Xuan looked around and asked, "What's the situation?"

Long Wu smiled and said: "Naturally I came to see you, but you have defeated the Son of Heaven."

"Now, your reputation goes even further."

It turned out to be like this. Lin Xuan understood, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, he stepped volley into the sky.

Countless people looked up.

Everyone was surprised, wondering what Lin Xuan wanted to do?

Among them, the true dragon clan, and some dragon clan allied with them, snorted coldly.

"Really arrogant enough, is this making us look up to him."

"What kind of thing is he? Our big brother, wouldn't he be so arrogant?"

"This mad spirit is so arrogant, it really has to be suppressed."

"Is this guy too arrogant?"

When Long Wu saw this scene, he was also shocked.

Isn't this going to anger all dragons?

Feng Qingxue next to her was also nervous. She said, "Senior Sister Longwu, let's quickly persuade, Lord Mad God."

There are more and more dissatisfied voices,

At this time, Lin Xuan's voice sounded.

He said: "May my dragon disciple be forever."

As his voice fell, his breathing changed.

Between breathing and breathing, the dragon blood in the body boiled quickly.

When the dragon power reached its extreme, suddenly the world roared.

A loud dragon's voice cut through the world.

On Lin Xuan, a ghost of the dragon seemed to appear, sweeping across the sky.

The next moment, the dragon disciples below, trembling, couldn't help but bow down.

The real dragons and others were angry: "Damn it, do you want us to surrender?"

However, some people were shocked,

These people have been to the villa.

They said: "This is Shenlong breathing method, a lost breathing method."

"The mad son, wants us to realize this breathing method."

"It's unselfish."

"Did he take out such precious things?"

"Everyone, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, get a good understanding."

It was Huo Yi who said this,

The others were also taken aback.

The next moment, they were ecstatic,

They have used their breathing methods one after another, using the power of the Dragon Dao to the extreme.

Want to resonate with the phantom of the dragon in the sky.

The whole process lasted a few seconds.

No way, Shenlong breathing method is too mysterious, and Lin Xuan can only be half-clawed.

Even so, it is already amazing.

After a few seconds, the people below all opened their eyes.

They seem to have some insights,

Mysterious and mysterious, I can't explain it.

It felt like a new road appeared ahead.

A young disciple walked out and saluted the void.

"Thank you Brother Crazy God, I have benefited a lot."

"Thank you, Lord Mad God."

Voices of thanks sounded,

The experience just now is really precious.

Those people from the real dragon clan had a ugly expression on their faces.

They also said that the mad **** was arrogant and wanted to suppress it.

Wherever I can think of it, people want to help the dragon disciples and make an insight.

They were slapped severely.

Thinking of this, they are ready to leave secretly.

Huo Yi and Shui Yi said, "Who said that the mad son was arrogant?"

"I also said that to suppress the mad son, it is really a villain to save the abdomen of a gentleman."

"It's those guys, they want to run away and stop them."

The dragon people around were angry.

The disciples of the True Dragon clan were almost shocked.

They turned around and fled, UU reading simultaneously shouted: "Help, the elders help me."

In the distant palace, there are several figures standing, these people are more powerful.

Among them was a beautiful woman who kept her eyes closed, and she raised a smile.

She is a dream.

She laughed: "The crazy **** is buying people's hearts."

"It looks like he really intends to fight Long Tatian to the end."

Next to him, there was a handsome man surrounded by a powerful thunder.

He is a genius of the Thunder Dragon clan. He laughed: "It's really buying people's hearts."

"However, I also benefited a lot."

Another person smiled and said: "This crazy **** has a boundless future."

Some people say: "I think it's difficult, the true dragons are so powerful."

"Big Brother Long Tatian, how powerful."

"No matter how strong he is, but if he can't cross this mountain, Senior Brother Long Tatian. Everything about him is just passing by."

"What do you care about so much in the future?"

"Right, how did you feel just now?"

"Although I have benefited a lot, I can't penetrate it and get the Shenlong breathing method."

"Satisfaction, it is said that the mad **** got a little too."

"When he was fighting with the Emperor, he also used the breathing technique for a few seconds."

The dragon genius began to practice.

And Lin Xuan returned to the Mad God Palace.

He was indeed buying people's hearts just now, and he needed the support of the Dragon Race.

Now it seems that the effect is very good.

The other elders were crazy after hearing the news.

They rushed quickly!

After arriving, he found that Lin Xuan had already left.

These elders looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling that they had missed a great fortune!

At the same time, the strong of the true dragon line, quickly kill!

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