Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7998: Crazy **** is an ant?

There are a lot of strong people on the side of the Demon God Race.

The true gods at the peak each look for their opponents.

As for the people below the peak, they looked at Xiao Yang and Xiao Yu.

They laughed: "These two people should be the strongest."

"Especially that Xiao Yang, is the first genius of Xiaoyao Villa."

"As long as you defeat him, the others shouldn't be afraid."

"Leave this person to me." Mojie said with a smile.

He is the top arrogant of the Demon Race, he said: "If I lose, there will be lunatics."

Beside him, there is another person.

This man, dressed in black armor, with disheveled hair, looked like a beggar.

However, his eyes were extremely harsh.

He is a lunatic.

Fighting lunatics.

The madman is the strongest among these young arrogances,

With the other side, they are not afraid.

The people on the side of the Demon Race are already looking for opponents.

They talked and laughed happily, and didn't put the people of Xiaoyao Villa in their eyes.

In their opinion, they should be easy to solve the battle.

The people on Xiaoyao Villa are also looking for opponents.

Xiao Yang and Xiao Yu gathered everyone together and said: "There are many strong people in the opposite Demon Race."

"The Pinnacle God of War doesn't need us to care, the younger generation, there are a few people who need attention."

"One is called Mojie, and the other is Mo Wangyue. Both of them are top talents."

"Above them, there is a more terrifying one, called the demon lunatic."

"That guy, really a lunatic,"

"If you meet, you must admit defeat."

"Don't fight against the madman."

"This time the competition is the number of victories."

"In other words, in the end, as long as there are more people on our side of Xiaoyao Villa, we will win."

"We will be able to get more feather green gold."

Everyone nodded, they took a deep breath and walked forward.

Xiao Tianlei, Xiao Tianyun and other peak powers rushed into the distance, looking for their opponents.

There was a roaring sound, and the war broke out in an instant.

These people shot strongly and broke the world.

The people below the peak also shot one after another.

Suddenly, various fighting broke out.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, he stared at the demon lunatic, and he walked forward.

Hearing that this is the strongest one of the other party, he is ready to take action against the devil.

On the way, I was stopped by someone.

It was a big man, three meters tall, holding a black axe in his hand.

Condescendingly, staring at Lin Xuan, he shook his head and said, "Where is the waste?"

"Xiaoyao Villa, is there still such rubbish?"

"It's a pity, I can't reduce it to a blow, otherwise, I'll kill you in a flash."

"Get out of here, this is not where you can come."

The demon man snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes.

In his opinion, Lin Xuan's cultivation base is here to die.

It seems that there is no one in Xiaoyao Villa, and they are determined to win.

Lin Xuan glanced at the other person and didn't say anything. He waved his fist and slammed forward.

People with strong strength cannot be reduced to a blow, but those with weak cultivation base can leapfrog the challenge.

Lin Xuan shot and killed forward.

Upon seeing this, the demon man sneered: "Boy, this is your own death."

Since the opponent has taken the shot, then he has a reason to take it.

The axe in his hand smashed down fiercely, to kill this, who does not know the height of the earth, in seconds!


In the next moment, the power of the two collided.

That huge black axe was shattered in an instant and turned into countless fragments.

The demon man who was three meters high was blown out, turning into a blood mist.

In the sky, an illusory palm appeared and took away the man's soul.

This is a half-divine king shot again,

The bottom line of this battle is that no one can fall.

With one punch, Lin Xuan defeated a strong man of the Demon Race, shocking those around him.

Many people looked at Lin Xuan, with a biting light in their eyes.

They said, "Who is this person?"

"It's strange,"

"I didn't expect Xiao, there are hidden geniuses in Yaoshan Villa."

"so what?"

"Before our people were careless, the next time we meet him, if we try our best, he will definitely die."

Lin Xuan continued to walk forward,

At the same time, there were some more battles, and the winners were decided.

Many people were beaten into blood fog, and the soul was saved by the half-step **** king.

They left the battlefield, their faces pale.

They are all eliminated.

Xiao Yang, Xiaoyu and others all easily defeated their opponents.

On the other side,

The powerhouse of the Demon Race also eliminated several disciples from Xiaoyao Villa.

There are winners and losers between the two sides.

On the battlefield, Mojie eliminated a disciple of Xiaoyao Villa.

Then he looked into the distance,

His eyes flickered, and he didn't act on Xiao Yang and others.

He is going to eliminate others first.

After all, for every number of people eliminated, the opponent will get a share of the feather green gold.

He didn't plan to give up these treasures to the other party.

He was going to eliminate all the people in Xiaoyao Villa.

Thinking of this, Mojie turned into a black lightning and shot frantically.

His strength is very strong, no one in the same rank is his opponent.

Before long, two geniuses of the same level were eliminated by him.

He even eliminated a powerful middle-aged man.

When seeing this scene, the faces of the people in Xiaoyao Villa became extremely ugly.

No way, you must stop this Demon Jie, otherwise, they will lose.

However, a strong person cannot make a move and can only wait for the opponent to challenge.

And the same level of can't stop Mojie at all.

For a while, the people at Xiaoyao Villa were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Xiaoyaohou also narrowed his eyes, and he looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's move should be able to solve this devil.

Lin Xuan did notice the opponent, this person is very strong and worthy of his action.

He changed direction and flew towards Mojie.

The people of the Demon Race immediately focused on Lin Xuan.

However, the next moment, they were stunned.

"This kid, there are only 16 million Shinto writings, is this too weak?"

"How did he get in?"

"Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, why would you put such **** in?"

Those demon people in Zhou shook their heads.

None of them can shoot Lin Xuan.

In their opinion, Lin Xuan is here to fill the number.

Soon they found that something was wrong,

Someone said: "Look, this kid flew towards Mojie."

"Just kidding, he wants to challenge Mojie?"

"Is his brain flooded?"

"It is estimated that Mo Jie can kill him with a single look."

"Unfortunately, it can't be reduced to a blow, otherwise, I will kill him with a slap."

The geniuses of the Demon Race gritted their teeth.

The devil in front was also stunned.

He had just shot a genius from Xiaoyao Villa into the air, and was about to make a ruthless hand to eliminate the opponent.

But suddenly, he stopped, he turned his head and looked.

He found that a person with the weakest cultivation base rushed towards him.

The man seemed to have raised his fist and shot at him.

Where did the ants come from?

In Mojie's eyes, a bit of killing intent was released.

His eyes turned into two divine fires, floating towards the rear.

A little ant, he didn't care at all.

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