Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7999: You fell down before I shot?

Mojie didn't care at all, in his opinion, he could kill the opponent in seconds.

In the next moment, there were voices of exclamation from all around.

Mojie frowned slightly, turned his head and looked around.

He was dumbfounded.

how is this possible? The other party is still alive.

The opponent has not even reached the second watershed, how could it be possible to block his gaze?

It was easy for him to kill the opponent.

This guy has a problem.

Lin Xuan waved his sleeves and shattered the two sacred fires.

He stared at Mojie and said, "You are not bad, it is worth my shot."

"It's so arrogant."

Mojie smiled: "It looks like you are a genius who can leapfrog and fight."

"But, it's a pity that you found the wrong target."

"Let me tell you what is true power."

Mo Jie pointed out, this finger was 10 times larger than the previous two flames.

He didn't believe that the other party could stop it.

Those people in the surrounding demons also laughed.

"This kid is really stupid enough,"

"Look, he will be beaten into blood mist under this finger."

"The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know the vastness of the world. How could he know how powerful Senior Brother Mojie is?"

Facing the opponent's Demon God, Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and grabbed it forward.

In the ridicule of everyone's eyes, he grabbed the finger, and then snapped it forcefully.

With a click, the bone broke.

The smiles on the faces of the people of the Demon Race froze, and there was a touch of shock in their eyes.

Mojie's expression changed even more.

The broken finger is nothing to him.

It was just a minor injury.

However, this is not an ordinary finger, this is a finger of the devil.

People in the second watershed can't bear it.

Not only did the other party bear it, but also broke his demon finger.

Where is the other party sacred?

Is the opponent hiding his strength?

Those people of the Demon Race, when they recovered, they also exclaimed.

"I'm dazzled, am I? He broke the devil's finger."

"He actually injured Senior Brother Mojie!"

"Are you kidding me?"

Lin Xuan broke the opponent's finger and threw it aside.

He said lightly: "Give you a chance to show your true power."

"Otherwise, you won't have a chance to shoot."


Mojie looked up to the sky and roared, and the sacred fire swept all directions.

He said: "Dare to be so arrogant in front of me, you are still the first."

"The devil is in the world."

As his voice sounded, the demonic energy on his body was vast.

Turned into a world-famous demon king, descending from the sky.

The people around all exclaimed: "This is a supernatural power."

"It seems that Senior Brother Mojie is really angry and will not give the other party any chance."

"This kid will definitely lose."

"The people at Xiaoyao Villa are really rubbish."

A sneer sounded.

Lin Xuan raised his head, facing this peerless magical power, a sneer was raised at the corner of his mouth.

In the next moment, he also made a move: martial arts combined with God.

With a punch, the fist is like a magic weapon, shattering the sky.


The earth-shaking voice sounded, and the demon shadow in the sky was like paper.

Was pierced instantly.

Not only that, this punch is like a broken bamboo.

After smashing the Demon Shadow, he continued to kill the Demon Jie and fell on him.

Mojie flew out like a lightning strike, his arms turned into blood mist.

The devil blood stained the world.

The people around were shocked when they watched this scene.

The demon disciple, with a blank brain, can't react.

What did they see?

The devil came to the world and was smashed by a punch?

Brother Mojie was injured!

Are you kidding me?

Countless uproar sounds sounded.

If you say that Brother Mojie was careless before and was bitten by a little ant.

So understandable.

But now, Senior Brother Mojie even showed his demons, and he was even injured.

This is incredible!

In other words, has Senior Brother Mojie been suppressed?

The number of divine Dao patterns in Brother Mojie's body reached 22 million, sweeping across the same level.

Leapfrog fighting is no problem.

Now it was lost to a warrior with 16 million Dao.

How much is the difference between the two sides?

No one has ever been able to fight across so many cultivation bases.

Is this guy going against the sky?

"Did he use it, what artifact?"

"It must be so, he broke the rules."

"This battle does not allow such weapons to be used."

They looked at Mo Dinghou and said, "Ancestor, we must punish him."

Mo Dinghou's face was extremely ugly.

As a half-step **** king, he could tell at a glance that what Lin Xuan displayed was only physical strength.

Did not break the rules at all.

He snorted coldly and said, "Fight well, he didn't break the rules."

"He is a top talent, don't be careless."

Mo Dinghou's face was a bit ugly.

Unexpectedly, there is a killer on Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, which can defeat Mojie.

It was beyond his expectation.

Those people on the battlefield were even more confused.

what? He didn't use the magical weapon, but with his own power, he wounded Brother Mojie.

Too bad!

Mojie was even vomiting blood with anger, he stood up, his broken arm had recovered.

His eyes were like electricity, staring at Lin Xuan.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, you have successfully angered me."

"Next, I want you to know what despair is!"

Although he could not kill the opponent, he could catch the opponent and torture the opponent well.


It's the devil coming to the world again.

Before it was just one demon king, now it is three demon kings, whose power is several times stronger than before.

Obviously, Mojie was really angry.

The three demon kings overwhelmed the world and killed Lin Xuan.

The huge figure swallowed Lin Xuan in an instant.

The devilish energy there rolled, as if it turned into an eternal devil world.


Lin Xuan's arms are like a sword, sweeping across the world

One sword fell, one demon shadow was split in half, and a few more swords, three demon shadows collapsed.

Lin Xuan came out forcefully, and with a wave of his arm, he hit Mojie's body.

Mojie was split in half, blood staining the sky.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, how can you be so strong?"

Mojie roared frantically,

He was stunned, he had already displayed his strongest power.

The three demon kings shot together, even if they were the strong men of the older generation, they were not opponents.

But now, he was easily defeated.

The other disciples of the Demon Race also collapsed when they saw this scene.

Is the gap so big?

How sacred is this guy?

"You are nothing more than that." Lin Xuan snorted coldly, "Wasting my time."

Originally thought, what a genius the opponent is, now it seems that he is on the same level as Long Han.

Not his opponent at all.

That being the case, Lin Xuan was ready to resolve the battle quickly.

Hearing this, Mo Jie vomited blood angrily, was he looked down upon?

However, the opponent's strength is really too strong, he can no longer fight.

Run quickly.

He can't be eliminated, he still has important tasks that have not been completed.

He wants to eliminate other geniuses.

He turned into flashes of lightning and flew into the distance.

However, he found that Lin Xuan's speed was also very fast.

Mojie gritted his teeth, printed on his palm, and performed a secret method.

The devil blood on his body flew out and turned into countless clones.

"This time, what do I see you do?"

Qingyun sword spectrum, Qingyun Promise.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and his figure became ethereal and uncertain, as he used his peerless swordsmanship.

With one sword cut out, all the clones of Mojie were shrouded in heaven and earth.

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