Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7800: Demon lunatic shot!

Lin Xuan's sword, misty to the extreme, instantly enveloped all the clones.

Puff puff puff!

The avatar of the sky is penetrated,

One figure among them screamed.

This is the real body of Mojie.

His real body was also pierced through and fell from the sky.

Lin Xuan continued to make another move, another sword of Promise.

Mojie finally couldn't resist it, his body was shattered, and even the original **** was about to go out.

At this critical moment, Mo Dinghou took action and rescued Mo Jie.

Lin Xuan didn't make another move.

The half-step God King shot, indicating that the opponent was completely defeated.

Sure enough, a cold voice sounded: You have won this battle.

Those other people were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

what happened? Is Mojie defeated?

The people could not be calm for a long time,

Especially the people of the Demon Race, they were even more stunned.

To be honest, Mojie is not invincible,

In their opinion, even if Mojie was defeated, it should be the first genius of Xiaoyao Villa, Xiao Yang, to defeat Mojie.

But now,

An unknown person easily defeated Mojie.

And this person's cultivation base is only 16 million gods.

This is a monster!

So strong.

The people at Xiaoyao Villa were shocked.

Although they knew that Lin Xuan was very strong, they were still shocked when they saw Lin Xuan again.

Some people got excited: great.

Mojie is the top three genius of the Demon Race.

Now that they have been eliminated, they finally lost one, a peerless enemy.

With the strength of the mad god, he can continue to shoot.

They have a great chance of winning this time.

Hurry up.

On the side of Xiaoyao Villa, the momentum has greatly increased.

The Demon Race is extremely nervous, I don't know who is this kid going to deal with next?

Demon King Yue took a deep breath, as if he was facing an enemy.

To be honest, he is also a top talent, ranking in the top 3.

However, his strength is similar to Mojie.

It's the same level, even if he is a little stronger.

It is impossible to defeat Mojie so easily.

In other words, if he really wants to fight, he is probably not the opponent of this crazy god.

He turned his head and looked at a figure, he said: Madman, leave it to you.

The madman opened his eyes and stared at Lin Xuan, with a trace of madness in his eyes.

He grinned: Interesting, I haven't met for a long time, such a master.

Hope it won't let me down.

There was a trace of blood in his eyes.

When the other people saw this scene, their scalp numb.

Even Demon King Yue was nervous.

This lunatic is much stronger than them, it can be said to be unfathomable.

Once targeted by this lunatic, the end will be miserable.

The madman walked forward,

At the same time, there have been some changes in the battlefield ahead.

That was the battlefield of the pinnacle of God of War. Obviously, the winner was also divided there.

There is a true **** at the pinnacle, who lost, is Xiao Tianyun.

This made Xiaoyao Villa's people extremely desperate.

How could it be like this?

Elder Tianyun is so powerful, but has he been defeated?

Has their peak combat power been suppressed?

The little joy that I had just achieved disappeared instantly.

The people on the side of the Demon Race were excited.

Hahahaha, what can you do with a young genius on your side?

On our side, the pinnacle elders are strong, and we will win in the end.

The situation is not good.

Xiao Yang, Xiao Yu and the others also frowned, and they felt tremendous pressure.

Is it possible, is it really going to be defeated?

Lin Xuan looked at the battlefield in the distance, and he said lightly: No need to worry.

How can you not worry? The peak battlefield plays the most decisive role.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Although the battlefield over there is losing, I can guarantee that we can have an absolute advantage in the young battlefield.

How absolute is it?

Everyone was a little confused,

Lin Xuan grinned.

He said: Eliminate all the younger generations of the opposite Demon Race, and we will win.

Eliminate all!

Hearing this, Xiao Yang was dumbfounded. He couldn't even think of such a result.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan said it easily.

The other geniuses in the villa were also dumbfounded.

To be honest, they didn't believe it.

They knew that Lin Xuan was very strong, able to defeat the emperor, and was a top genius.

But no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to eliminate the Demon Race, all the young geniuses.

This is simply impossible.

Lin Xuan didn't explain anything, first defeated the demon lunatic, and then eliminated all the others.

It should be fine.

He is ready to do as he wants.

At the same time, the demon lunatic flew towards Lin Xuan at an extremely fast speed.

The people in Xiaoyao Villa were shocked when they saw this scene.

Xiao Yang even exclaimed: Mad God, be careful.

He was called a lunatic, a martial idiot, born for war.

His strength is very strong, far above Mojie.

He should be the first genius among the young people coming this time.

Got it.

Lin Xuan nodded, raised his brows, and there was a bit of bitterness in his eyes.

He had long wanted to do something to this demon lunatic.

You are called a mad god, right? You are strong.

The demon lunatic came to the neighborhood and looked at Lin Xuan condescendingly.

He said: Come on, take out all your strength, and fight with me.

Hope you can give me pressure.

Want pressure, right?

Lin Xuan smiled: as you wish.

With a big wave, it flew forward like a dragon.

The world collapsed, and Lin Xuan's palm turned into a divine beast, instantly engulfing the demon lunatic.

Those people around saw this scene, their scalp numb.

This person's physique is really too strong.

Good coming.

In the eyes of the demon lunatic, there was an astonishing light The next moment, his palms came out, overwhelming.

The black magic energy, like the boundless sea, flew out and slammed into Lin Xuan's palm.

The magical powers of the two collided between the heavens and the earth, tearing them apart.

A world-destroying aura swept out in all directions.

Those young geniuses who were still fighting around were lifted off by this force.

They vomited blood, their faces full of horror.


They retreated one after another to make room.

Those people watching the game outside were extremely nervous.

The two most geniuses met,

I don't know who can win this battle?

This result is really too important. It can be said that it determines the situation and direction of the young battlefield.

You must not lose.

The people at Xiaoyao Villa are extremely nervous.

On the battlefield, Lin Xuan was also surprised: so strong.

He was able to use his physique to contend with his martial arts body.

This lunatic is indeed well-deserved.

Then try again.

Lin Xuan slaughtered forward and fought against the lunatic.

The demon lunatic looked up to the sky and laughed, with magic texts all over him.

He seemed to have transformed into a demon god, sweeping all over the place.

The two fought together in an instant, their speed was too fast and their strength was too strong.

It is like two lightning bolts, constantly colliding.

Every time, the world is torn apart.

Before long, hundreds of black holes appeared in front of them, and they kept spinning.

Those people of the Demon God Race were shocked to see this scene.

They know that the demon lunatic cultivates the demon body.

This is a peerless divine body of the Demon Race, with infinite power.

Few people can contend with the magic wind in their physique.

Unexpectedly, one appeared now!

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