Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7801: Valkyrie vs. Demon!

What physique does this crazy **** cultivate? It's too strong.

It was able to contend with the devil body.

The demons were stunned.

The people in Xiaoyao Villa smiled.

They said: The physique of the mad son is beyond everything.

Look, the mad son, he can definitely win.

Can win? Humph, dream.

You don't understand the madman at all, and then the mad **** will be desperate.

People of the Demon Race sneered again and again,

Both sides are very confident of their own geniuses.

Ahead, is another shocking duel,

A huge black hole emerged between the sky and the earth.

Afterwards, the two figures retreated, and they stood on both sides of the black hole.

Lin Xuan's body glowed with a metallic light, as if it had been transformed into a divine weapon.


The opposite demon lunatic also stood there, his hair flying, his eyes were electricity.

There were countless magic patterns all over him, as if he was wearing an armor.

His body trembled, which was exciting.

He smiled and said: He was able to contend with my demon body for so long without falling under the wind.

You are really strong enough.

After searching for so long, I finally found an interesting opponent.

You can make me break through, give me pressure.

He laughed and rushed over again, the magic light on the demon god's body was even more terrifying.

The demon lunatic swept across the four directions and killed Lin Xuan.

It's melee again.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, the opponent is indeed very strong, and the opponent's body is a peerless divine body.

This guy is even more terrifying than the Star Tiger of the Star God Race.

As for whether the throne is terrible? He is not clear.

After all, the imperial seat is not physique, but the blood.

The madman is stronger in physique,

And Lin Xuan is also very good at this aspect.

He was also very happy to be able to meet an opponent who was close to him.

He looked up to the sky and roared, urged the martial **** body with all his strength, and killed it.

The battle between the two is like a duel between the Valkyrie and the Demon God.

In a blink of an eye, thousands of moves passed.

Lin Xuan looked up to the sky and roared, his whole person, as if turned into a divine sword, stood upright.

With a boom, the entire sky was split in half.

The demon lunatic was smashed out and his demon body was broken.

The magic lines on his body were destroyed by the devil, a crack appeared in his body, and even the bones were broken.


The warriors of Xiaoyao Villa all cheered: Crazy God has won.

The people of the Demon Race are blinded: impossible, right? Has the demon body been suppressed?

Isn't it incredible?

What kind of physique does that kid cultivate?

This time, even Mo Dinghou was taken aback.

To be honest, he didn't believe that the lunatic would be hurt.

He looked at Xiaoyaohou and said: Who is this person?

He was called a mad god, and he was the one who defeated the throne before.

By the way, what he cultivates is the Martial God Body.

Mad God, Valkyrie Body.

Mo Dinghou frowned: So it was him! No wonder it is so powerful!

No wonder it can suppress the devil body!

Regarding the legend of the Valkyrie Body, he naturally knew that when he saw it now, it was really extraordinary.

Xiaoyao Hou smiled and said: The mad god's martial **** body is very powerful.

The younger generation, few people are his opponents, this time, I am afraid you will lose.

Not always.

Mo Dinghou coldly snorted: Do you know the devil, why is it called a lunatic?

Next, you will see, what is crazy?

What about the Valkyrie Body? Mo Ding Hou believed that a madman would not lose.

Hearing this, Xiaoyao Hou frowned slightly: Is it possible that the demon lunatic has any other cards?

Ahead, the demon lunatic looked at his wound, his body trembled.

Was he actually injured? This is how many years, nothing has happened.

It was really surprising that someone could hurt his demon body.

His eyes are red.

The people at Xiaoyao Villa smiled when they saw this scene: Look, his demon body trembled.

He was scared, he was definitely not the opponent of the mad son.

Next, he will undoubtedly lose.

I think he might surrender directly.

Suddenly, the madman raised his head and looked forward.

The people at Xiaoyao Villa shut up immediately.

They felt cold all over, as if they had fallen into the Wannian Ice Cave.

Just because they saw a pair of eyes.

Those are the eyes of the lunatic, blood red, like two seas of blood.

how is this possible?

How could this guy possess such a terrible murderous aura?

Isn't he afraid?

Why do I feel that he is excited?

Lin Xuan also frowned slightly, and in this look, he actually felt a hint of happiness.

Someone would be happy when he was injured, which he had never met before.

Hahahaha, crazy god, right? Thank you for hurting me.

You made me feel the pressure. Next, let me feel more pressure.

The demon lunatic rushed over again, and the magic lines on his body bloomed with mysterious light.

Cracked scars recover at an extremely fast speed.

He was like a monster, culled in front of Lin Xuan and fought Lin Xuan.

Not long after, he was smashed into the air by Lin Xuan again.

Another piece of bone broke, and this time, more cracks appeared on his body.

However, he didn't care.

His demon blood dripped out and surrounded him.

His eyes became more blood red.

The pressure is not enough, keep giving me pressure.

He shot like crazy.

At this moment, everyone looked at the lunatic, dumbfounded.

Is this guy crazy?

How does it feel that he is like a crazy beast?

Everyone trembled, and they only now understood how the title of Demon Madman came from.

This is really a lunatic, the more he fights, the more mad.

Once targeted, I am afraid the end will be very miserable.


The people of the Demon Race They breathed a sigh of relief.

They knew that the lunatic had won.

Once the opponent enters this state, it is absolutely impossible to lose.

Becoming an opponent of a demon lunatic will be miserable.

This crazy **** is dead.

Mo Dinghou also breathed a sigh of relief. He took out a wine glass and poured a glass of Mozu wine.

Taste it.

He cast a glance at Xiaoyaohou, and said faintly: Demon lunatic, possesses the blood of madness.

The crazier he is, the stronger he is. Next, you just wait for despair.

It turned out to be the blood of a madman? Does this kind of blood still exist?

Xiaoyaohou's face also became solemn.

He looked into the distance and couldn't help but worry about Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan also frowned, he had never seen such an opponent.

The more you fight, the more crazy you get.

The opponent was beaten out by him, and as a result, he charged at a faster and stronger speed.

The strength of this guy has improved quickly.

Does the opponent treat him as a magic knife stone? No wonder you will be called a lunatic.

Lin Xuan also smiled: It's kind of interesting, you are also qualified to be my magic sword stone.

There was a bit of piercing light in his eyes, and then he would do his best to shoot.

With a boom, the dragon veins on his body broke out again.

A bit of breath swept out of Lin Xuan.

The people of the Demon Race are still talking and laughing.

They talked about how miserable the mad **** will be next.

But at this moment, a burst of power erupted from the mad god, making them completely stunned.

They saw the eyes of the crazy god, and there was also a bit of light in the eyes.

That kind of look, mad to the extreme, seems to not put everything in the world in his eyes.

Seeing this look, their hearts shook.

No, they seem to have overlooked something.

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