Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7809: The fall of the mad god? The dragons are shocked!

The ancient ruins, Xiaoyaohou and Modinghou, are still fighting two mysterious people.

The half-step battle at the God King level is really terrifying.

Both sides played real fire, and two years later, they stopped.

The winner was Xiaoyaohou, and Mo Dinghou, they finally joined forces and took away Yuhua Qingjin.

Of course, they were also injured,

At this moment, extremely weak.

Xiaoyaohou turned his head and looked at the abyss, he asked: Has the mad **** not come out yet?

Xiao Yang and others, who were guarding the abyss, quickly answered: No, there is no movement at all.

It's been two years, I don't know the mad god, what have you experienced in it?

Do you have to wait any longer?

Mo Dinghou said: I won't wait with you anymore. I was injured, so I have to go back and heal my injuries.

He took the people of the Demon God Race and left quickly, leaving only those who were Xiaoyaohou.

Xiaoyao Hou raised his hand and shot a avatar, saying: I will let the avatar stay here.

Others follow me.

After he finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and also took people away.

After these people left, the ancient ruins were completely silent.

On Xiaoyaohou's side, he returned to Xiaoyao Villa and healed his injuries quickly.

After half a year, he walked out, and his injuries have almost recovered.

However, his brows were frowned tightly.

In the past six months, there has been no news of his clone.

In other words, there is no news from the mad god.

Could it be that, as the two mysterious people said, after entering, there is no doubt that they will die.

Can the madness come out?

What a pity!

Xiao Tianlei and the others said: Patriarch, wait a minute, maybe, the crazy **** is inside, working hard.

They waited for another three years, but there was still no news.

Crazy God, it has been in for six years, and it really worries them.

Xiaoyaohou's heart gradually sank.

In his opinion, perhaps the mad **** would really not come out.

Not reconciled.

He stood up and went to the Dragon Palace.

He is going to unite the people of Dragon Palace to explore again, the ancient ruins.

See if you can open the channel?

After all, the mad **** is not only the person he fancy, but also the top genius of Dragon Palace.

If the mad **** disappeared, Dragon Palace would definitely not agree.

Xiaoyaohou went to the Dragon Palace and shocked the people in the Dragon Palace.

Countless elders came to meet.

However, when they learned that Xiaoyaohou's purpose was to find a crazy god.

They are all blindfolded.

what happened? Where did the mad **** go?

When they learned that the mad **** had gone to an ancient ruin, he had been trapped for six years without coming out.

They are even more shocked.

Jun Wentian and others are worried to death: How could it be like this?

They hurriedly dispatched the strong, and even invited the elder Qinglong to take action.

Xiaoyaohou also invited some people to take action.

Finally, the three half-step **** kings were dispatched unexpectedly.

Plus a few peak true gods,

This is an extremely strong lineup.

Together, they killed the ancient ruins.

It can be imagined how much Dragon Palace attaches great importance to the mad god.

The people in the entire Dragon Palace became nervous.

I don't know if this time, can the crazy **** be saved?

People from the real dragon clan were also talking about it.

Even if they pray, the mad **** will not come back.

After all, they and Mad God are rivals.

Two years later, the pedestrian returned.

How's it going?

The people in Dragon Palace were extremely excited: Is the mad **** coming back?

Sure, the three and a half steps of the **** king shot, how powerful is that powerful, it can sweep everything.

As long as the opponent does not die, the King of God will not fail.

Two and a half-step **** king, sighed, shook his head, turned and left.

Go back to your palace.

The other peak elders of the Dragon Palace also said: Wen Tian, ​​let's look at the opening point.

Jun Wentian's face was the most ugly.

The second ugly thing is Xiaoyaohou.

This time, it was his mistake that trapped the crazy god.

Two years ago, they went to the ancient ruins and returned to the mysterious passage again.

They attacked together for two years, but still failed to open the channel.

I couldn't even contact the mad **** inside.

After discussing several half-step **** kings, they felt that the mysterious man was right.

After entering, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

Unless it is the power of the **** king level, it can come out of it.

In other words, if the mad **** is still alive inside. At least you have to cultivate to the level of a **** king before you can get out.

That's so hard.

It may be tens of millions of years, it may be hundreds of millions of years.

It is even possible that this life will not be able to break through to reach the realm of the king.

Upon learning the news, Xiaoyaohou closed his eyes and sighed.

But Jun Wentian, his brain was blank, he almost fainted.

How could it be like this?

The talent of the mad **** is so strong, the future achievements are limitless.

But now, I was trapped in this mysterious place,

It may even fall inside.

How can he accept it?

He still wanted to continue to take action. In the end, he was taken away directly by the Half-Step God King.

The people in the Dragon Palace were in an uproar after learning the news.

The top arrogant god, has it ended like this? It's really unexpected!

Voices of discussion and sigh came.

Some people even look forward to the decisive battle between the opponent and Big Brother Long Tatian hundreds of years later.

Now it seems impossible.

Hahahaha, the mad **** has fallen.

The happiest ones are those of the real dragon clan.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, Long Han and others, after learning about it, Yang Tian laughed.

The sky has eyes,

Let this crazy **** no matter how arrogant, dare to contend with our big brother ~ now unlucky?

Crazy God is already in the past tense, he will not appear again.

It's a pity, the previous Lin Wudi was very strong. As a result, the Chaos Protoss was offended and wiped out.

Now, has this crazy **** also fallen?

It seems that people in this era want to rise up, it is really difficult.

In the future, it will be the world of our Protoss.

Zhen Qianjue said with a smile.

On the other side, Long Wuque also sneered after learning the news.

This guy has fallen, which is really surprising.

Before, he was forced to bow his head to apologize to Lin Xuan.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the opponent fell.

Long Tingshan beside him sighed: What a pity.

He looked at the problem from the perspective of Dragon Palace.

If there is no accident, the mad **** can definitely become a half-step **** king in the future.

There is even a chance to attack the **** king.

If the other party becomes the next **** king, the help to their dragon palace is really too great.

It can be said that according to the current situation, one more **** king can definitely determine the status of the **** race.

Can greatly improve the Protoss.

But it is a pity that the mad **** has now fallen.

How could it be like this?

The Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan, Water One, Huo Yi shook his head.

They said: Lord Mad God, how powerful he is, he will definitely come out alive.

That's right, it's only a few years, and it's less than ten years.

For people above the true god, it is normal to stay in seclusion for tens of thousands of years.

How could it be possible to determine the life and death of a mad **** after only ten years?

Having said that, most people sneered.

Even the half-step **** king can't open the channel, how can this crazy **** open it?

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