Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7810: The new Protoss is coming!

The mad **** was trapped in the mysterious ruins, and the news that he could not come out spread out.

Suddenly, the people of other Protoss were also shocked.

The people of the heavens and all realms all started talking.

Some are happy, some sigh, and some are frightened.

It seems that there are still some mysterious places in the heavens and worlds.

Especially those deserted ancient areas, you must not enter easily.

The Demon Clan, Demon Jie and others sneered after learning the news.

Mo Dinghou also breathed a sigh of relief and said: This mad **** was originally a peerless enemy, and the opponent has the talent of the **** child level, so that the opponent is growing and can definitely compete with the **** child.

At that time, the Protoss Ranking Tournament will be very troublesome.

With him, I am afraid that many of us will be eliminated.

Well now, a peerless enemy has disappeared.

Next, you can prepare for the Protoss Ranking Tournament!

It's not just the Demon God Clan who thinks so, but the Star God Clan also does the same.

When they learned that the mad **** had disappeared, Star Tiger, Greed Wolf and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

They don’t want to face each other again,

The emperor sighed.

Originally, I was thinking that in the Protoss Ranking Tournament, the opponent would have a showdown.


On the other side of God's Domain, they also learned the news.

Murong Qingcheng, the dark red dragon, became nervous again.

They knew that the mad **** was Lin Xuan.

I wonder what happened to Brother Xuan?

Murong Qingcheng was worried.

The dark red dragon said: This kid is so bold every time, running to dangerous places.

Last time, in Tongtianhe, it was the same.

I don't know which life forbidden place went to this time?

Don't say so much, go to the wine master and look at the jade pendant of Brother Xuan's soul.

Murong Qingcheng hurriedly looked for the wine master.

They have already had experience, and there is Lin Xuan's soul jade pendant at the wine master.

As long as the soul jade pendant is still there, it shows that Lin Xuan is still alive.

They found the wine master and found that the soul jade pendant was still there. Murong Qingcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The dark red dragon said: I heard that this time, the place that kid went to is very mysterious.

It seems that the kid is trapped there.

He won't really be trapped there, can he get out? Shall we shoot?

Today's wine master is also of the **** king level, plus the devouring sword. If the wine master makes a move, there is absolutely no problem.

The wine master said: Give that little guy some more time.

This is only about ten years, so there is no need to worry.

If he doesn't come out for a few hundred years, it won't be too late for me to make another move.

Jiu Ye believes that Lin Xuan, as the descendant of the Great Dragon Sword, is impossible, so easily trapped.

There is no danger in Lin Xuan's side, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The wine master looked at Murong Qingcheng and said: Next, you have to prepare.

The new protoss is coming.

This time, there is the Phoenix Protoss,

We will send you to the Phoenix Protoss.

I know. Murong Qingcheng nodded.

In fact, not only her, Yan Ruyu, Xueqi and others have the opportunity to enter the Protoss.

Ye Wudao, ancient three links, they also have opportunities.

In an instant, a hundred years passed,

For mortals, this is a lifetime.

For a cultivator, it's a snap.

Hurrying for a hundred years, the power of heaven and earth changes again.

The law of divine power between heaven and earth has become even stronger than before.

The speed of everyone's cultivation is also faster.

In some places of the heavens and the world, there are often phenomena of heaven and earth.

Especially the land of the gods and the land of Jiuyou, a large area of ​​deserted ancient areas appeared.

These are new barren ancient areas, which also heralds the advent of the barren ancient era.

Even, some news has already spread: a new Protoss is coming.

There is even some news that this time, it is not just the Protoss.

Some ancient **** cities will also appear.

In the deserted ancient times, there were thousands of ethnic groups, countless strong, and genius like rain.

The ancient hundred clans were just some of the strongest families at that time.

In addition, there are other families.

Although these families are not ranked in the top 100, they have the same profound background.

Some even passed on from the previous era.

Some ancient families live in God City.

Even in the family, there are **** king level masters.

Nowadays, these **** cities seem to appear too.

Suddenly, the heavens and all realms were shocked.

As more and more forces emerge, the pattern between heaven and earth will definitely change.

At that time, the battle will be even more terrifying, maybe the **** king will fight.

When the time comes, the weak will be more like ants and can only look up.

But at the same time, it is also their opportunity.

This is a world of great controversy. Once caught, they can rise up and turn a snake into a dragon.

Everyone is excited and looking forward to it.

Those Protoss are also preparing.

While they waited for more powerhouses to come, they began to make arrangements, and the genius disciples recovered.

Next, there will be a contest between the Protoss, that is, the Protoss Ranking Tournament.

The Protoss Ranking Tournament existed in ancient times.

It was even more spectacular at that time, it was the Hundreds League.

Hundreds of Protoss sent their genius disciples to compete.

Those who can be on the Protoss rankings have a boundless future.

Today, only eight Protoss have emerged, but the Protoss Ranking Tournament is still going on.

I don't know who can reach the top this time?

This ranking competition is not just a symbol of strength and status.

Once on the ranking list, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com has achieved a good ranking, and the good fortune it has obtained is endless.

This is a good opportunity for fame and fortune.

These geniuses of the Protoss will not be missed.

Of course, there are restrictions on this ranking. Only people under one million years old can participate.

Million years seem to be very long, but from the perspective of the king, a million years is too young.

People under the age of 1 million get a good place on the leaderboard.

In the future, it is extremely likely to be able to impact the realm of the **** king.

Protoss of all parties, hurry up to prepare.

There are even some protoss that have used means to revive some sleeping geniuses again.

On the Dragon Palace side, the real dragons were extremely excited.

They have received news that there is a goddess who is about to wake up.

This Tianjiao belongs to their line, and his identity is extremely extraordinary.

It turned out to be Long Tatian's sister, Long Xian'er!

This is the little sister of Long Tatian, the little princess of the dragon clan.

His status is noble, his bloodline talent is even more extraordinary.

Zhen Qianjue and others have already begun to make full preparations, waiting for Long Xian'er to wake up.

As for the mad god, no one paid attention anymore.

A hundred years have passed, and there is no news on the ancient ruins.

Don't talk about them, even Jun Wentian and the others are desperate.

In the ancient ruins and mysterious passages, there is a golden willow tree.

The golden willows are flying in the wind.

Three thousand golden leaves shone mysteriously in the air.

One of the leaves shook suddenly, and then the rune on it swept the sky.

A figure rushed out from the leaves.

This figure, surrounded by Ling Xu's sword aura, was like a sword god.

He opened the sky with a sword, and slew out of the world of leaves.

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