Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7811: Lin Xuan! The posture of the emperor!

With a flash of light, Lin Xuan came into the void and turned to look at the golden willow tree behind.

He breathed a sigh of relief: It's finally figured out, it's really not easy.

A hundred years ago, when he first met the Black Dragon King. He felt that with his strength and hole cards, he should be able to come out easily.

After all, he has a big dragon sword, reincarnation eyes, and the power of a god.

However, he didn't know how difficult it was until the real impact of the Thunder World.

In the first ten years, he walked quickly and came to the depths of the Thunder World.

The vastness of this Thunder World was far beyond his imagination.

It is very difficult to get to the end of the world.

In the past few decades, he basically made no progress.

It can be said that I was completely trapped there.

At that time, Lin Xuan was a little desperate: How could this world be so terrible?

You know, according to the Black Dragon King, this world, according to his cultivation base, has reduced a lot of power.

In other words, this is completely in line with the test of his realm.

But even so, it still made him feel that it was as difficult as the sky.

I really don’t know, what kind of genius was the test of these three thousand worlds back then?

Is it really the young emperor, and the young immortal?

Fortunately, Lin Xuan is a descendant of the Great Dragon after all, and he also possesses the power of reincarnation eyes.

For the remaining decades, he practiced frantically.

Finally, came to the end of the Thunder World, and broke out of the Thunder World.

With a flash of light, the figure of the Black Dragon King also emerged.

He was also a little at a loss,

Is it really out?

He felt so unreal, like a dream.

You know, back then, he tried his best without coming out and was trapped in the Thunder World.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xuan did it now.

He looked at Lin Xuan, his body trembled a little.

Is it possible that the other party has the resources of the Emperor?

So shocking!

You know, even in the ancient times, in the heyday of the Protoss.

It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to create a heavenly emperor, or even almost impossible.

Unexpectedly, let him meet now, a young man with the talent of the Emperor.

Thank you son.

The Black Dragon Dynasty saluted Lin Xuan.

If it weren't for Lin Xuan, he would probably continue and be trapped here.

Senior is too polite.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, although it took a hundred years to get out of the Thunder World.

But it's worth it.

In the past hundred years, his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

It is much stronger than it was a hundred years ago.

First, his immortal Taoism reached 17 million Taoism.

To be honest, this improvement is not a lot.

However, his strength has been greatly improved than before.

Especially the small destruction technique he mastered, and the Tianlong Talisman, far surpassed before.

Even the Great Dragon Sword Soul and the Reincarnation Sword have become sharper than before.

Lin Xuan is also more handy when using it.

More importantly, after Lin Xuan passed the Thunder World, he also received a reward.

He got a thunder rune.

This Thunder Rune is somewhat similar to the Sky Dragon Talisman obtained earlier.

This made Lin Xuan extremely excited.

If Lin Xuan can comprehend, then he will have an extra peerless power.

The gain this time is really great.

Son, let's go.

The Black Dragon King said next to him.

Lin Xuan shook his head: No, I still don't want to leave.

After hearing this, the Dragon King was taken aback: Don't want to leave? What do you mean?

Lin Xuan looked at the golden willow tree again, and he grinned.

He said: I am ready to attack a world again.

The Black Dragon King only feels that his brain is confused.

Still have an impact!

What's the situation? Are geniuses so arrogant?

When he wanted to say something, Lin Xuan shook his body and entered the second leaf.

When the Black Dragon King saw this scene, he became nervous.

He didn't leave, but stayed by and waited.

In a blink of an eye, another 50 years have passed.

On this day, the Black Dragon King suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the leaves ahead.

He found that the leaf swayed violently, and a figure was killed from it.

Isn't it?

The Black Dragon King was stunned.

This time, will it come out in 50 years? The speed is twice as fast as before.

Isn't it incredible?

Lin Xuan did rush out, his expression a little weird.

Is it only 50 years? It seemed to be different from what he had imagined.

The Black Dragon King also said: Son, what realm is your strength?

Lin Xuan said: 18 million gods tattoos.

At the same time, he got another fire rune.

He did not say this.

He looked at the Black Dragon King and said: There are some problems with your intelligence.

I found that these three thousand worlds are not the same.

This world of fire seems to be weaker.

Weaker? impossible.

The Black Dragon King is blinded.

These three thousand worlds are adjusted at any time based on the cultivation base of the tester.

It stands to reason that Lin Xuan's strength has increased.

After entering the world of fire, the power to face should be stronger.

Why is it weaker? Is there a lack of law?

The Black Dragon King frowned.

The Rule of Three Thousands, although mysterious and powerful, it is impossible to practice it to perfection.

Of course, this is just his guess, what is it? He is also not clear.

At this time, he was taken aback.

He found that a figure also came out from the world of fire.

It was a woman wearing a long flame dress He saluted Lin Xuan.

Thank you son.

The Black Dragon King is shocked: Are there people still trapped here?

Looking at the other person's breath, is it possible that he is also a **** king?

He was stunned.

Lin Xuan nodded, rested for a while, and continued to shoot.

He is ready to enter the next world.

The Black Dragon King was a little numb, he stared at this scene blankly.

However, after three years, Lin Xuan came out.

Isn't it?

The Black Dragon King is stupid: How could it be like this?

It came out in three years. How far is this going against the sky?

However, this time, Lin Xuan's face was pale and his body was stained with blood.

He said: I failed.

what's the situation?

The black dragon was stunned.

With Lin Xuan's strength, how could he fail?

Lin Xuan said while healed his wounds: This time, after I went in, I found that it was a world of water.

The boundless black water swept everything.

The power of this water world is very terrifying, even exceeding my limit.

Lin Xuan said: I feel that this willow tree has a problem.

It is different from when you came in before, it should have some changes.

I am not going to try any more.

According to the Black Dragon King, every one of the three thousand worlds is the same, and will be adjusted according to the cultivation base of the tester.

However, this time Lin Xuan found that it was completely different.

The world of fire was weaker than he thought, and the world of water was stronger than he thought.

Had he not possessed the power of the Great Dragon Sword and the Samsara Sword, he would have fallen inside.

This place is so weird, Lin Xuan didn't plan to stay here anymore.

It's time to go back.

I have been here for nearly 200 years, don’t know what’s going on outside?

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