Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7814: Demon Tianjiao? Defeated!

Yuqianqian is just a **** of the ancients.

But it's long and good-looking, so it was favored by Young Master Lingyun.

It can be said that staying next to Young Master Lingyun is a step forward.

She was so swollen, even the disciples of the ordinary Protoss were respectful when they saw her.

Now a disciple of the Dragon Race, dare to be arrogant in front of her. How could Yuqianqian be able to bear it?

She thinks, what about the dragon disciple? She can pinch to death at will.

The more Yuqianqian talked, the more arrogant she said: What about the dragon disciple?

Not at all, the opponent of the Demon Race.

Even if the crazy **** was here, he had to bow his head when he saw Young Master Lingyun.

Let alone you.

Mo Lingyun next to him didn't say anything, letting Yu Qianqian arrogant.

Because he also felt that the Dragon Clan was here and couldn't overcome anything.

Here, he has the final say.


Lin Xuan frowned, put down the wine glass, and waved his sleeves toward the back.

A gust of wind swept out, and it was enveloped in an instant.

Yuqianqian screamed, his body split, and the ashes disappeared.

When the wind disappeared, only a cloud of blood was left.

Those people around were confused: what's the situation?

Yuqianqian is dead!

This guy dared to kill!

Is he going to pierce the sky?

Everyone is crazy.

Jade Qianqian is only good-looking, but its own strength is not very strong.

However, no one dared to touch her, because this was Young Master Lingyun's woman!

But now?

Someone actually killed Jade Qianqian directly in front of Young Master Lingyun.

This is not paying attention to Young Master Lingyun at all.

Those people around kept backing away, they knew that Young Master Ling Yun was going to be angry.

Next, that kid will end badly.

Young Master Ling Yun, his face was extremely cold, his body trembled with anger.

No one has ever dared to be so arrogant in front of him.

you wanna die.

He slapped it with a palm, and he swears that he will not let him go easily.

He wants to torture each other to death.

With a bang, the sky broke and the earth broke, and this palm was so terrifying.

However, Lin Xuan was unscathed.

Lin Xuan glanced at Young Master Lingyun, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Is this your strength? With this little power, dare to be arrogant in front of me?

With a flick of his finger, a thunderbolt flew over, piercing the opponent's body instantly.

Young Master Lingyun felt that his legs were broken, and he knelt to the ground with a plop.

what's the situation?

When the people around saw this scene, they were all blindfolded.

The aloof Young Master Lingyun actually kneeled!

Isn't it incredible?

What is this young man sacred? The strength is so powerful!

Everyone thought that Lin Xuan was going to be wiped out.

No matter how much I wanted, it was Young Master Lingyun who was injured!

Someone said: Is it possible that this guy is a master of the dragon clan? Coming here is a mess.

It must be like this.

The top genius of the dragons, the mad god, has fallen, causing heavy losses to the dragons.

The dragons must be dissatisfied and come for trouble.

Young Master Ling Yun was also crazy, but he didn't expect that he would lose so easily.

The opponent is a master, the opponent is not good.

He roared and said: Do you dare to move me? My brother is Mojie.

No matter how strong you are, you are not my brother's opponent.

You wait, my brother will not let you go.

is it?

Lin Yixuan cast a glance at the opponent, waved his hand, and a black light flew over.

In the next moment, Young Master Lingyun screamed, and his body began to shatter.

This kind of fragmentation is different from the previous fragmentation.

Lin Xuan used the technique of small destruction.

Young Master Lingyun's body began to shatter in an extremely strange way.

Young Master Lingyun was so miserable that he was so painful.

The people around had numb scalp.

fast! Quickly notify Mojie.

Soon, news flew out,

Lin Xuan did not stop.

What about Mojie? The opponent was defeated, he didn't care.

Before long, a terrifying force swept in from a distance.

At the same time, there was an angry voice: Who would dare to do something to my brother?

Brother, save me.

Young Master Ling Yun was excited when he heard this voice.

His expression became ferocious, and he said: Boy, you are dead, my brother is here!

In the next instant, a figure appeared in the void.

This is a very powerful man, tall and devilish, standing there like a demon god.

After he came, he suppressed Bahuang,

The bodies of those around were trembling.

In an instant, Mojie saw his younger brother, kneeling on the ground, his body broken.

Life is better than death.

Mojie was immediately angry: Who dares to be so presumptuous?

The people around said: It's a strong dragon from the dragon clan who came to hit the ground.


Mojie was taken aback, and soon he snorted: What about the dragon?

In Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, he was alone, and the dragon clan who beat him couldn't raise his head.

Had it not been for the existence of the mad god, the dragon clan would have been trampled under their feet long ago.

Now that the mad **** has fallen, who is still their opponent for the younger generation of the Dragon Race?

He looked forward,

He saw a man with his back to him, drinking there.

The light wind and the calm look made Mojie very angry.

Mojie said: No matter who you are? You are dead.

Kneel on the ground, kowtow to my brother, and then let my brother torture you for ten thousand years.

I can keep you alive.

Otherwise, what is waiting for you will be death than life.

It's over, this kid is dead.

That's for sure, no one can compete against the devil in the younger generation of Dragon Race.

Brother Mojie's strength has become stronger than 200 years ago.

That guy is not an opponent at Master Lingyun, he is even more hideous.

He roared frantically: Roll over, kneel, I will torture you to death.

Lin Xuan in front of him was extremely calm.

He said lightly: Are you sure, you want to do it to me? You cannot afford the consequences.

While talking, he also raised his hand and gave Young Master Ling Yun a few slaps.

Young Master Lingyun, his body was broken even more severely, and his blood was beginning to be shattered.

Young Master Lingyun screamed, is his origin injured?

Nothing can be restored for tens of thousands of years.

Brother, save me.

Mojie was completely crazy, and the other party dared to torture his brother in front of him.

Find death!

He reached out the big palm of Demon Dao and grabbed it forward. He wanted to torture the opponent to death by himself.

Just when this palm was about to catch the opponent, Lin Xuan turned around.

He said: Are you sure you want to do it?

Mojie originally disdain! No one dared to threaten him.

When he saw the face of the opposite party, he was stunned.

Even, he thundered.

His palm stopped in mid-air,

He was dumbfounded.

how is this possible?

This face was so familiar to him that he often saw it in nightmares.

The other party is his nightmare.

As a top arrogant, he was defeated in the opponent's hands.

The other party shouldn't show up.

Isn't the other party trapped in the ancient ruins? I can't get out in my life.

Even, many Protoss powerhouses speculate that the opponent has fallen.

The nightmare is over, and Mojie has no one to fear.

Now he was scared again.

Those people around are also blinded: what's the situation? Brother Mojie, why did you stop?

Young Master Ling Yun roared wildly: Brother, kill him, you must kill him.

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