Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7815: Recognize the mad god! Son of mercy!

Young Master Lingyun roared frantically, trying to kill him.

However, Mojie's hand stopped in midair.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you doing it?"

"Brother, what are you hesitating? Are you afraid of Dragon Palace?"

He is a little ant.

Those people around were also stunned: Why doesn't Mojie make a move?

Are you thinking about how to torture people?

Just as everyone was guessing, Mojie suddenly retracted his palm.

He turned towards the figure in front and asked: "Really, it's really you?"

"Yes, I'm out, do you want to do it to me?"

Lin Xuan said lightly.

Mojie took a breath, and the opponent was still alive.

He shook his head quickly: "Don't dare."

To be honest, in the past 200 years, his strength has also improved, much stronger than before.

He thought before that even if the mad **** was still alive, he could surpass the opponent.

But just now, the other's eyes made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

It was a death threat, a threat he hadn't sensed for a long time.

He knew that he was not an opponent at all.

Today's mad **** has become even more unfathomable.

This is not a discussion, once a fight, he may be beheaded by the mad god.

Mojie could only lower his head, and even he didn't dare to call the name of Crazy God.

Who knows, what is the plan for the other party to come out this time?

He can only say: "I am not the opponent of the son."

As soon as these words came out, those around them were confused.

The hall is terribly quiet, everyone is stupid,

what's the situation?

The aloof Master Demon Jie bowed his head unexpectedly.

Isn't it incredible?

Who is the other party?

Dragon Dragon Tatian?


Long Tatian is said to have stood at the pinnacle, and the breath on his body is extremely powerful. It can't be so weak.

Who is that?

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu? Although it is also a top genius.

However, it should not be able to beat Mojie.

There was one person who looked a lot like the other person, and that was the mad **** of Dragon Palace.

However, the mad **** has disappeared for 200 years, and it is impossible to come out alive.

Everyone became more confused.

Young Master Ling Yun was also blinded. He roared, "Brother, you give me revenge!"

"You must kill him."

"shut up."

Demon Jie was angry and gave Ling Yun a slap.

Young Master Lingyun was shot to the ground, his face was rotten, he was stupid.

Only when Mojie said: "You really know how to live and die, and dare to offend the son."

"He wants to kill you. You have died ten thousand times long ago. Don't get out and apologize to the son."

After finishing speaking, he carried Young Master Ling Yun, let the other party kneel in front of Lin Xuan, and said, "Apologize to me."

"Why? I'm not convinced."

Young Master Lingyun's crazy roar

Too frustrated

"Not satisfied?"

Mojie was also angry.

If the mad **** can't calm down his anger today, it is estimated that all of them will have to fall here.

Annoyed, he started directly and slammed Young Master Lingyun fiercely.

Young Master Lingyun had been severely injured before being beaten by his brother, making it even more miserable.

At the end, he said: "I was wrong, I apologize."

He knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing: "My son is spared."

The people around, watching this scene, were even more stunned.

Mr. Devil Jie is not only respectful, but afraid, afraid of the other person.

What is the identity of this young man?

All right.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, this young man Lingyun, he did not pay attention.

Now, the other party has also been punished, almost.

Lin Xuan came here to find out the news.

Just as Mojie came, he could ask about it.

Seeing Lin Xuan waving, Mojie stopped.

He said: "For your kid's fate, the son will spare you once."

"Next time I dare to be arrogant, I will kill you myself and get out of here."

After speaking, Mojie kicked his brother into the air.

Later, he came to Lin Xuan again and said: "I won't bother the son."

He is going to leave.

"and many more."

Upon hearing this, Master Devil Jie trembled, with a trace of despair in his eyes.

Isn't the other party going to let him go?

What else did he want to say, but Lin Xuan smiled and waved, and said, "Sit down, I have something to ask you."

"Tell me, what has happened in the past 200 years?"

Hearing this, Mojie breathed a sigh of relief.

He was scared to death, he thought the other party was going to do it.

He hurriedly sat over and gave Lin Xuan a cup of tea in person.

Then, I carefully recounted what happened in 200 years.

Most of them are news from the heavens and the world, as well as the gods.

What Mojie knew was more detailed than what Young Master Lingyun and others knew.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes after listening.

It can be roughly divided into three situations,

First, a new **** race, a new **** city, will come.

Second, in the Protoss, there are some sleeping geniuses, the strong, who will recover.

Third, there will be a ranking match between the Protoss.

It’s about the status of the Protoss, face,

There is still a big blessing for people on the ranking list.

Protoss Ranking Tournament?

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, he was definitely going to participate.

There are other news, Lin Xuan didn't care.

He said to Enchanted Jie: "You can go now."

"Remember, don't say anything about me for now."

"I understand." Mojie nodded.

He guessed that Lin Xuan should have any plan.

Next, Lin Xuan left first.

After Lin Xuan left, Mojie breathed a sigh of relief.

I was so nervous and dangerous just now.

The people around are more confused,

They came over and said, "Brother Mojie, who is that person? Is he strong?"

Ziqi also said, "Is he the top genius of the Dragon Race? But why haven't I heard of him?"

Mojie cast a glance at these people and shook his head slightly.

A group of things with eyes and no beads, don’t even know the famous mad god?

He just agreed to Lin Xuan and couldn't say.

He could only sigh and said, "This man is very strong, so strong that I look up."

"When you meet him in the future, don't go against Otherwise, you will end badly."

After everyone listened, their scalp became numb, and the other party was so powerful.

Ziqi wasn't convinced yet, and said, "How strong is he? Is there a demon lunatic senior?"

Demon lunatic!

Hearing this name, everyone's eyes were horrified.

This is a martial idiot, a lunatic, extremely powerful, and still above the devil.

If a madman makes a move, he will be able to defeat the opponent.

Unexpectedly, Mo Jie shook his head and said, "It's not good for a demon lunatic to take action."

"I'm afraid that the **** child can fight against the opponent."

what? Is it possible that the other party is a **** of Dragon Palace?

Everyone was frightened.

In the distance, Young Master Lingyun, still thinking about revenge, thinking about finding his grandfather.

Hearing this, he was so scared that he didn't faint.

What revenge is there? If the opponent had the power of the **** child level, killing him would not be an opponent.

If he dare to fight back again, it is estimated that he will die miserably.

Mojie said: "You know this matter yourself, don't tell it."

"Otherwise, at your own risk."

Those people around nodded quickly: We understand.

No one said the news here, so that people outside did not know that the crazy **** had returned alive.

Mojie returned to the Demon God Clan and told the elder about this.

after all! Next, they are very likely to face the mad **** in the ranking match.

Prepare as soon as possible.

After those elders listened, they also lost their brains.

what? Mad God is out!

how is this possible?

It is said that the ancient ruins are very scary.

At that time, Dragon Palace sent three half-step God Kings to take action, all of which failed.

How could he come out alive?

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