Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7826: revenge! Throw the mad god

Inside the hall,

Jun Wushuang said: "Crazy God, I will give you my place."

The others sighed, and it seemed that this could only be done.

At this moment, Lin Xuan received a message from Old Ancestor Nether.

"The quota is fixed."

Lin Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He said, "No, I can go in."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned: "You can go in, are you kidding?"

It's useless for Xiaoyaohou to show up, how can the mad **** get in?

Jun Wushuang also said, "Don't be arrogant, and don't think about breaking in."

"This is challenging the elder Qinglong."

"Don't worry, I won't be so reckless."

Lin Xuan smiled very confidently: "I'm going to practice first."

Next, he left.

"Ancestor, what do you think?"

They all looked at Jun Wentian,

Jun Wentian was also confused.

To be honest, he didn't know where did Lin Xuan come from?

In his opinion, Lin Xuan just didn't want Jun Wushuang's place.

the other side,

People from the real dragon clan laughed.

They said, "Jun Wentian and even Xiaoyaohou have also invited. However, they still couldn't get the spot."

"The people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon are really naive."

"They thought it would be fine with Xiaoyaohou's help?"

"Are they too stupid?"

"Don't think about how strong our background is."

"Xiaoyaohou just woke up, there are many things he can't do."

"This time, I can finally stop the mad **** from Qianlong Pavilion."

"In this way, his cultivation speed will be much slower."

"At that time, when we surpass him, it will not be a problem at all."

"Hmph, maybe, now we have surpassed him."

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others sneered again and again.

Long Xian'er raised his chin again,

This matter was just a piece of cake for her.

With her hands, she can embarrass the **** of death.

Fighting her is too far away.

"Okay, get ready, let's enter Qianlong Pavilion!"

Qianlong Pavilion

It was extremely lively, all the people around gathered together.

Most people are not qualified to enter.

They just come here to watch the excitement.

Those who can enter are all the existence that makes them look up to.

Soon, they exclaimed: "Look, Lei Lie is here."

"God, the power in him is getting more terrifying."

"I feel that this kind of destructive power can make me disappear in an instant."

"Jian Tianchen is even more terrifying. His sword skills are unfathomable."

"There are also dreams. It is said that few people can make him open his eyes."

There were exclamations,

A Zun Tianjiao came to the outside of Qianlong Pavilion.

"Look, Princess Xian'er is here."

At this moment, another exclamation sounded.

I saw Long Xian'er, fluttering in white, falling from the sky.

Countless people exclaimed and looked up.

Behind Longxian, are Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, Long Han, Zhen Shaoyue and others.

This time, their true dragon family got the most places.

The other dragons only got a small number of places.

Such a comparison shows the gap.

Someone said: "It's really maddening that people are better than people."

"I heard that the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan seems to have got a place."

"Only Jun Wushuang can enter."

"What? Impossible? Can't the mad **** get in?"

"Yes, you heard that right, Mad God didn't get the spot, he couldn't enter Qianlong Pavilion."

"How could it be like this?"

Countless exclamations sounded.

"The mad son is so powerful, he is qualified to go in."

"Don't you understand? The crazy **** has offended the true dragon line."

"This is the line of True Dragon, punishing him."

"Too much deception."

There are many people who fight for the mad god.

Some people sneered, thinking that the mad **** was too arrogant and did not know the height of the sky.

Are you suppressed now?

At this moment, someone exclaimed: "The members of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon Clan are here."

Many people turned their heads and looked around, and soon their eyes widened.

They saw the mad **** in the team.

"Crazy God is here too!"

"Isn't he? Isn't he unavailable? What is he doing?"

"Is it shameful to come?"

Hearing this, the people of the true dragon line also turned their heads.

When they saw the crazy god, they were also slightly taken aback.

This guy even dared to come.

Zhen Shaoyue snorted coldly: "Don't you feel embarrassed?"

What about it? He can't get in at all.

Zhen Shaoyang shook his head.

He didn't believe that Mad God could get the spot.

Even Xiaoyaohou failed, this crazy **** definitely has no way out.

The members of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan are also very nervous.

They have not given up, tried many methods, but they all failed.

They also didn't understand, why did the mad **** say they could enter?

Lin Xuan didn't explain, after all, he didn't want to let other people know about the Black Dragon King.

"Some people's cheeks are so thick, they even have cheeks."

"The ants are the ants. They are not qualified to stand in the same circle with us."

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, they sneered again and again.

Long Xian'er was even more condescending, looking at Lin Xuan.

She said: "Now you know what the gap is?"

The people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan were very angry.

They said: "If you didn't do it secretly, wouldn't the mad son get the quota?"

"You are so mean."

Hearing this, the others also shook their heads and sighed.

It seems that Mad God really didn't get the spot!

"Just ignore them, let's go."

Long Xianer led the way and walked towards Qianlong Pavilion first.

Soon, they entered Qianlong Pavilion.

They stood in Qianlong Pavilion, turned around and looked at the crazy god.

They laughed and said: "This is a Even if you work hard for a lifetime, you can't get in."

"Just like you, dare to challenge my brother? You are really stupid."

"A door can trap you. What qualifications do you have to challenge my brother?"

Long Xian'er turned around.

Mad God is not to be feared.

Her opponent is the **** son of other gods.

Everyone is also desperate.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Let's go too."

He walked towards Qianlong Pavilion ahead.

Seeing this scene, everyone around was blinded.

What's the situation?

The mad **** wanted to enter Qianlong Pavilion, didn't he have no quota?

"Wait, I thought of a possibility,"

"Jun Wushuang's quota is given to the crazy god."

"It must be like this."

"It seems that the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan really fully supports the mad god."

"Even Jun Wushuang was given up?"

However, they soon discovered that this was not the case.

Jun Wushuang unexpectedly followed and walked towards Qianlong Pavilion together.

What's the situation? Everyone was dumbfounded.

"You are advanced."

Lin Xuan first let Jun Wushuang enter the Qianlong Pavilion.

The people around are more confused,

Jun Wushuang's quota is used up, how can the crazy **** get in?

If the mad **** did not replace Jun Wushuang, he would not be able to enter Qianlong Pavilion.

Long Xian'er cast a glance, then shook his head again: "To be pampered by the crowd."

Zhen Shaoyang and Zhen Shaoyu also sneered: "Joker."

Others can't bear to watch, the mad **** will be thrown out.

After all, no matter how strong the mad **** is, he is only a young man.

Behind Qianlong Pavilion, but the elder Qinglong.

In the eyes of countless people sighing desperately, Lin Xuan came to the front of Qianlong Pavilion.

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