Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7827: Crazy face slap!

Seeing Lin Xuan walking forward, everyone was stunned.

Does the other party want to enter Qianlong Pavilion?

Is the opponent challenging, Elder Qinglong?

I don't know how high the sky is.

Long Xian'er also looked down. She said, "You still don't do anything, throw him out for me?"

Next to Qianlong Pavilion, there is a powerful dragon guard.

When they saw this scene, their expressions became cold, and they drew out their swords.

Seeing the war is about to break out,

But at this moment, Lin Xuan threw a token.

The word Qianlong is written on it.

This is the Qianlong Order, which is the qualification to enter the Qianlong Pavilion.

Ahead, two powerful guards were taken aback.

They took the token and probed it carefully.

Afterwards, he respectfully bowed: "Master, please come in."

what's the situation?

The people around were all stunned.

They looked at the scene before them and couldn't believe it.

Crazy God is even qualified!

Crazy God actually went in!

It's incredible.

People in the real dragon line are all dumbfounded.

They shook their heads frantically: "Impossible! Fake, this is fake!"

They knew that at the beginning, Jun Wentian and even Xiaoyaohou had invited them out, and they didn't get a place.

In their opinion, it is impossible for a mad **** to enter.

But now?

Crazy God entered easily.

The other party slapped them in the face fiercely.

Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, they roared crazy.

"What do you guards do for food?"

"His token is fake, throw him out quickly!"

The expressions of the two guards changed. They said, "We have checked, the token of the mad son is true."

"You guys are rude,"

"Dare to run wild again and throw you out."

How could it be like this?

Zhen Shaoyang and the others were completely blinded.

Long Xian'er was also stunned on the spot, the sneer on her face disappeared.

Too embarrassing, right?

She used to say that the mad **** is an ant.

It is said that there is a great moat between them, and the other party will not be able to cross it in this life.

Where can I think of it, the other party lifted his foot and stepped over?

Has she been slapped crazy again?


Long Xian'er came back to her senses, her teeth were crushed.

She gave a cold snort, turned and left quickly.

Those people outside are still dreaming.

Soon, Huoyi laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, I know that the mad son is not easy."

"Who would dare to underestimate our mad son?"

"The mad son is mighty."

Those other people also cheered,

After all, Mad God has many supporters.

"Unexpectedly, this mad **** even kept a hand."

"I heard that Xiaoyaohou didn't seem to be able to get a spot."

"How did this mad **** get it?"

"Besides Xiaoyaohou, does the mad **** still have a backing?"

"There are still people in the Dragon Palace who dare to challenge the real dragons?"

"How do I feel, the water inside is so deep?"

There were exclamations.

Even Jun Wentian was stunned.

Just now, he was really worried to death, for fear that the mad **** would be suppressed.

Unexpectedly, the mad **** actually took out the quota token.

It was beyond his expectation again.

The elders next to him all said: "How did he do it?"

Jun Wentian shook his head and said, "We don't need to know."

"We only need to fully support the mad god."

Everyone has a secret.

Jun Wentian guessed that the mad **** was very likely to be taken by a certain ancestor of the dragon clan.

Of course, this is his guess.

Who is that ancestor? He didn't know and didn't dare to probe.

The current situation is very favorable for them.

Crazy God walked into Qianlong Pavilion and said to Jun Wushuang next to him: Let's go.

Jun Wushuang nodded, and the two walked inside.

Her brain is a little blank up to now.

This guy is really capable.

Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen and others were also shocked, and they went in one after another.

Next, the pressure will increase,

Cultivating with a crazy god, don't know what kind of scene it will be like?

Soon, these top talents entered Qianlong Pavilion.

Those outside said: Let's go too.

We do not have the point of elder Qinglong. But the elders of our family will do their best to give us guidance.

Within ten years, we must break through again.

Everyone is practicing hard.

After Lin Xuan and others entered the Qianlong Pavilion, they found that four figures appeared in front of them.

The four strong men wearing green robes, they are all Qinglong elders.

Next, the four of them will guide everyone to practice.

The first step is to choose an elder.

The four Qinglong elders are very strong, but they have different laws and supernatural powers.

It is very important to choose an elder who suits you.

The four elders are Long Ting Shan, Long Tingshui, Long Ting Lei, and Long Ting Chan.

Lei Lie looked at Long Tinglei instantly.

Both sides are masters of the Thunder system. He hopes that he can get advice from the other party.

Most of the people from the real dragon clan looked at Longting Mountain and Longtingshui.

These two people are very close to the real dragon.

As for Long Ting Chan, few people looked at it.

They have heard some legends.

Although this Dragon Ting Chan has a very high level of cultivation, it is said that his combat effectiveness is not very strong.

Next, they want to participate in the ranking competition, it is a very top battle.

They hope that they can make a breakthrough in combat power.

Long Tingchan did not help them very much.

In the void ahead, there is a light.

This lamp is called the Qinglong Lantern, with flames on it, turning into a green dragon Qinglong flames said: "Next, you have to conduct some tests."

"According to the test results, choose different elders."

"I hope you will do well."

Everyone took a deep breath.

When the voice fell, the four elders joined forces and played a piece of rule.

A quadrangular world was formed, covering everyone.

Next, it's time to express yourself.

Long Xian'er and the others are doing their best to counter these worlds of laws.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes when he felt the power of those laws.

He did not make a move, but stood still and did not move.

Apparently, there is a feeling of giving up.

What is this guy doing?

Outside, Long Tingshan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

It's not the first time he has dealt with Lin Xuan.

But he felt that he couldn't understand this crazy god.

Long listened to the water with a cold snort: I don't know the height of the sky, don't care about him.

Long Tinglei took a look, but didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Long Ting Chan, who was next to him, narrowed his eyes, stared at Lin Xuan, and nodded slightly.

"Not bad."

this one? not bad?

Listening to the water, Long rolled his eyes.

He admitted that the mad **** had some reputation before and defeated many people.

But in his eyes, the opponent can only be regarded as average.

The other party's attitude is too arrogant, too mad, the other party is not qualified to get his guidance.

His gaze fell on Long Xian'er, and he kept nodding, and a smile raised at the corner of his mouth.

As expected to be Long Tatian's younger sister, she has top talent and blood.

It's just that the combat experience is a little worse, and the application of the rules is not perfect.

However, with my guidance, she should be able to advance by leaps and bounds.

Go up one floor.

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