Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7828: Lin Xuan's choice! A great deal!

Half a day passed,

After half a day, the world of laws disappeared.

The figures of these geniuses emerged.

These geniuses are pale,

too frightening.

Is this the power of the elder Qinglong?

The rules that were played out at random made them look like enemies.

"What do you think of your performance just now?"

Feng Ling'er frowned slightly and said, "I feel that the performance is not perfect."

"I'm a little nervous."

Jian Tianchen also took a deep breath.

Long Xian'er was as proud as ever.

She stood there with her chin raised, not dealing with anyone.

But Zhen Shaoyang and others next to him, looking towards Lin Xuan

They frowned slightly: "This guy seems to be motionless, he didn't make a move."

"What is he doing?"

"It's not because of the laws of the elder Qinglong, is it scared?"

"I heard that wanting to come out from the ancient times together will have to pay a heavy price."

"It is even possible to abolish one's cultivation."

"You said this crazy god, would it have been abolished?"

Various speculations sounded.

All right.

At this moment, in front of him, Long listened to the water with a cold snort.

He said: "Next, I will start to choose."

Everyone became nervous after listening.

Long Tingshui's first choice was Long Xian'er, and then he chose Zhen Shaoyang.

Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyu, Long Han and others became nervous, and they wanted to listen to the water with the dragon.

Because of Long Tingshui's strength, it was very terrifying.

It is said to be the strongest of these four elders.

With the guidance of the other party, their strength can definitely be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, Long Tingshui did not choose them.

After choosing Long Xian'er and Zhen Shaoyang, Long Tingshui chose another person, Huan Meng.

Next, Long Tingshan chose,

He chose Long Han, Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyu and others.

Long Tinglei chose Lei Lie, Jian Tianchen and others.

With some geniuses left, his face became a little ugly.

Did not choose them,

Could it be that they can only follow Long Ting Chan?

Lin Xuan looked at Long Ting Chan,

Among these 4 people, he felt that Long Ting Chan was the most mysterious.

He couldn't understand at all.

Lin Xuan has enough combat experience now. What he wants to learn now is his understanding of the law and Tao.

Whether it is a dragon talisman, a thunder talisman, or a flame talisman, they are all condensed from the great road.

If you want to increase these three powers, you must increase the power of the avenue.

In addition, the practice of the technique of small destruction has higher requirements for the laws of the great avenue.

This is also what Lin Xuan currently lacks.

The understanding of the law of the Great Way cannot be accomplished overnight.

Even Lin Xuan, who often drinks enlightenment tea now, has an understanding of Dao far beyond other geniuses. But Lin Xuan felt it was not enough.

I hope this dragon listening to Zen can give him some surprises.

"Well, I will give you directions for the next time."

Long Tingchan said with a smile.

Lin Xuan and Jun Wushuang walked over,

Both of them followed Long Tingchan.

In addition, there are several young talents.

Those young talents are obviously not interested, but they dare not have any dissatisfaction.

Zhen Shaoyang and others cast a glance at Lin Xuan in the distance, with a trace of schadenfreude in their eyes.

In the next ten years, Mad God will not make any progress.

"Well, hurry up, I'll give you pointers quickly, and then you can go and practice."

"Strive for ten years to let you improve again."

Several Qinglong elders, vigorously and vigorously, left with the selected geniuses.

They each opened up a space and began to point these geniuses.

Long Tingchan did not leave, but stood there, looking at these young geniuses.

He smiled and said: "The great way is simple, and everything remains the same."

"Next, you will have a good understanding and practice Dadao."

Long Ting Chan, let these people sit down and start practicing Dao.

This is what Lin Xuan wants,

Lin Xuan acted immediately.

Jun Wushuang next to him followed Lin Xuan.

And the other geniuses were blinded: What is the way to feel?

They came here to improve their combat effectiveness.

How can it be possible to comprehend the great road in a short time?

To be honest, they only have ten years.

If ten years are spent on comprehending the great road, there may be no improvement at all.

However, if you increase your combat power, it will be different.

In a short period of time, it might really be able to improve.

"Senior, can you tell us about combat experience?"

"Or teach us some secret methods, so that we can greatly increase the combat effectiveness in a short time?"

"We really need such a solution."

Several geniuses asked.

Long Tingchan shook his head: "There is no shortcut to cultivation. What you said is very expensive."

"There are side effects, the foundation is not stable, I can't teach it."

"You still have a good understanding of the road."

Several geniuses sat down depressed,

The next picture is a bit peculiar.

The place where the other three Qinglong elders are located is really very lively.

The geniuses exchanged views with each other, and the elder Qinglong personally gave instructions.

Even sometimes, they were taught various fighting skills. The application of various magical powers and the application of laws.

Those geniuses are shocked.

They found that even with the same level of law, the power they displayed was not as powerful as these Azure Dragon elders.

Most of the power they showed was dissipated between heaven and earth.

Unable to condense to form combat effectiveness.

This is the level gap.

With the guidance of famous teachers, they can increase the power of the law.

Even if their legal realm has not been improved, the power they have played out is far beyond before.

Before long, the three Azure Dragon elders and the geniuses under them all improved.

Long Tingchan is very quiet,

No one fights and no explanation.

Everyone sat there cross-legged, practicing silently.

The light of the laws on the body flickered, and the road to the road was at the feet of everyone, unpredictable.

Long Tingchan also sat down cross-legged, and a great road appeared on him.

At the same time, there is a light of law surrounding him,

This light enveloped Lin Xuan and others.

Those geniuses were obviously absent-minded, and their cultivation had no effect.

To be honest, they really admire those other geniuses.

What's the use of practicing here?

In ten years, it is too difficult to achieve a breakthrough in the realm of cultivation.

Several geniuses did not say anything, but Long Tingchan seemed to see through their minds at a glance.

He sighed slightly: These few people are very minded, it is difficult to achieve anything.

He hoped to face Lin Xuan, slightly surprised,

He found Lin Xuan really unexpected.

He had never seen Lin Xuan before, but he had heard of the name of Mad God.

It was so crazy, I dared to challenge Long Tatian and didn't put the real dragon in his eyes.

Even, many dragon geniuses were injured.

This is really a fighting maniac, a martial arts maniac.

I want the other party to calm down and learn about the great road, it is probably as difficult as the sky.

For such people, practicing and fighting is the best way.

Comprehend in battle and break through in battle.

However, Lin Xuan at this moment was quiet and honest, practicing there.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, no one would believe it if you were killed.

Long Tingchan was also very surprised,

The corners of his mouth raised, a faint smile.

Moving like thunder!


This is a big deal!

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