Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7838: Can't get out of Lin Wudi's kendo!

In the vast mountains, Zhen Shaoyue was flying in the sky, and she was in a very good mood.

I just taught Jun Wushuang, after looking at the other party, dare you still arrogant in front of her?

The next time she met, she was going to teach the other party again.

Two days later, she stopped, and she met Jian Tianchen.

She straightened her hair and walked over: "Big Brother Tianchen."

"It turned out to be Junior Sister Yue'er."

Jian Tianchen nodded.

Zhen Shaoyue came over and said with a smile: "Big Brother Tianchen, how are you in your practice recently?"

"Why don't we talk about it!"


Jian Tianchen nodded, and the two discussed each other.

However, Jian Tianchen always made mistakes and looked absent-minded.

"Big Brother Tianchen, what's wrong with you?"

Zhen Shaoyue looked nervous,

She admired Jian Tianchen very much.

Now, seeing Jian Tianchen's state was wrong, she was naturally nervous.

Isn’t there too much pressure recently?

"Actually, you don't need to be so stressed."

"In the Dragon Clan, apart from Princess Xian'er, there are almost no opponents for you."

"Even if it is Big Brother Shaoyang and Lei Lie, I am afraid they may not be able to beat you."

"As for that mad god, it's nothing to be afraid of."

"I know."

Jian Tianchen nodded.

He was not thinking about these things, he was thinking about Jun Wushuang.

How could the opponent have such a sharp attack?

"By the way, Yue'er, let me ask you, how much do you know about Jun Wushuang?"

"Do you know her true strength?"

Jun Wushuang?

"You said that waste. Two days ago, I taught her a lesson and wounded her."

"Her strength is nothing to fear."

"Did that woman do what? Affected you?"

"I will teach her this."

It's not.

Jian Tianchen shook his head.

"How did you feel about her fighting power when you were fighting her?"

"Hey, forget it, just assume I didn't ask anything."

Jiantian turned around and left.

Zhen Shaoyue's jealous look: When did Big Brother Tianchen begin to notice that Jun Wushuang was already.

She remembers that there is not much intersection between the two, right?

Even Jian Tianchen didn't pay much attention to Jun Wushuang?

Why pay more attention now? I also asked her about Jun Wushuang's news.

Damn Jun Wushuang, what did that woman do?

Zhen Shaoyue was furious, she was going to find the other party and teach him again.

After searching for a few days, she did not find Jun Wushuang.

At this time, Long Xian'er transmitted the sound and let her pass, and Zhen Shaoyue could only stop there.

She came to Long Xian'er at an extremely fast speed.

She found that it wasn't just she who came.

The other geniuses also arrived, in front of Long Xian'er.

Long Xian'er said: "You join forces to attack me, giving me pressure."

Long Xian'er wanted to break through under pressure, and even wanted to create swordsmanship under pressure.

"Princess Xian'er, you are careful."

Zhen Shaoyu, Zhen Shaoyue and others quickly attacked.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed.

On this day, Long Xian'er held the Zixia Immortal Sword, standing in mid-air, her brows frowned slightly.

Surrounded by Zhen Shaoyue, Zhen Shaoyu and others, their faces were a little pale.

I have to say that even if they join hands, they seem to be unable to suppress Long Xian'er!

If singled out, they are not opponents at all.

Long Xian'er is really too strong. It is absolutely no problem to enter the top ten.

It is even possible to strive for a higher ranking.

This makes them both envious and excited.

"Princess Xianer, let's continue."

Zhen Shaoyu said.

Long Xian'er shook her head slightly, she was still not satisfied.

She still couldn't get out of the mysterious sword mark.

She always feels that there are mysterious sword marks in her sword moves.

She is a little upset.

She said, "No, let's take a break!"


Several people did not dare to say anything, they could feel that Long Xian'er was in a bad mood.

Even a little angry.

But why is it angry? They don't know, they didn't dare to provoke each other.

Is it because the speed of promotion is too slow?

God, do geniuses have such high demands on themselves?

They felt that the current Long Xian'er was already against the sky.

Is it still not satisfied?

It's really harsh enough.

A few geniuses sat aside and rested, and they talked quietly.

"Princess Xian'er, it's really hard work."

"Yes, the top Tianjiao has worked so hard, how can we dare to neglect?"

"I am afraid that we will not be able to catch up with Princess Xianer if we work hard for a lifetime.

"I think Princess Xian'er should be in swordsmanship, not satisfied."

"Our swordsmanship is not top-notch and cannot help Princess Xian'er."

"If Jian Tianchen is here, it will be fine."

"With Jian Tianchen's kendo talent, she can definitely help Princess Xian'er."

"Don't tell me, I haven't seen Jian Tianchen recently.

What is he doing? "

Zhen Shaoyue's eyes flickered. A month ago, she had seen Jian Tianchen.

However, Jian Tianchen's state at that time was not quite right.

When she just wanted to say it, Zhen Shaoyu next to her gave an exclamation.

"Isn't that Jian Tianchen?"

He pointed to the mountains in the distance.

Several people turned around and looked around. They found that a figure appeared on the mountain not far away.

A man in white, carrying a divine sword, mighty and extraordinary.

Far away, they could all feel the kendo on the opponent's body, extremely terrifying.

As if to tear the sky.

It was really Jian Tianchen.

He is here, great.

Zhen Shaoyue also raised a smile at the corner of her mouth. She wanted to fly over to meet her.

However, she was stunned just as she rose into the air.

She found that Jian Tianchen did not come by herself, and there was a figure beside him.

When she saw this figure, Zhen Shaoyue's expression instantly became ugly.

Even, the expression became a little savage.

Several geniuses around also exclaimed: Isn't that Jun Wushuang?

Why is she following Jian Tianchen?

When did the two have such a good relationship?

Those people around had a lot of discussions, and Zhen Shaoyue's face was pale.

She squeezed her hand, her nails were cut through her palms, and the blood of the gods fell.

She is really jealous and crazy,

Damn Jun Wushuang, dare to fight with her, and die.

The lessons from the previous time were not enough. Next time, she had to make a heavy hand and even abolished Jun Wushuang.


Zhen Shaoyu waved.

Above the mountains in the distance, Jian Tianchen stopped, he saw Zhen Shaoyu and others.

He said: "Let's go over."

Jun Wushuang next to him was a little nervous. She said, "Is it a member of the true dragon clan?"

"Forget it, I'm not going."

They belonged to the real dragon family, but they were rivals.

Two squares are in the same water and fire, now we meet, isn't that asking for trouble?

"Then wait for me, and I will go back."

Jian Tianchen said with a smile.

If others see this scene, they will definitely be frightened.

As a young genius sword god, Jian Tianchen has always been unsmiling.

It can be said to be an iceberg, and I didn't expect that now, there is still a smile on his face.

Zhen Shaoyue's eyes are sharp, she has been staring at Jian Tianchen's movements.

Seeing Jian Tianchen, she actually smiled at Jun Wushuang, she was extremely crazy.

In her heart, there was a bitter killing intent.

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