Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7839: Tianyang Shenzi!

Jian Tianchen flew forward, and soon he came to Zhen Shaoyue and the others.

Zhen Shaoyue asked quickly: "Big Brother Tianchen, why are you with Jun Wushuang? She is so weak and will hurt you."

"She is not weak at all, she is very powerful, and I have learned a lot from her."

Jian Tianchen smiled and said, "You guys have misunderstood her."

"Know more about her, and you will know that she is pretty good."

Hearing this, the people around were surprised.

Jun Wushuang is indeed great, but compared to them, he is still a bit worse.

After all, before in the ranking of Xiaoyao Mountain Villa, Jun Wushuang only entered the top 10.

Not in the top 5.

And here, there are several top 5.

Zhen Shaoyue was even more jealous. She said, "What's so great about her? If you want to find someone to discuss, you can find me."

"I can always be with you."

Jian Tianchen shook his head without saying anything, then he looked into the distance again.

He saw Long Xian'er, he walked over and chatted with Long Xian'er.

Then he left.

Upon seeing this, Zhen Shaoyu asked: "Tianchen, won't you stay with Princess Xian'er and practice together?"


Jian Tianchen shook his head and said, "My swordsmanship has a breakthrough opportunity."

"It's a critical juncture, and I'm ready to make a full impact."

After speaking, he returned to the mountain and left with Jun Wushuang.

When she saw this scene, Zhen Shao Yueqi's eyes were red.

She didn't believe how powerful Jun Wushuang could be.

The other party must have used it, what despicable means.

Don't give her a chance, otherwise, she must have abandoned Jun Wushuang.

Zhen Shaoyu also felt that something was wrong, and he came to Long Xian'er.

He said: "Princess Xian'er, Jian Tianchen has recently walked very close to the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan."

"He won't switch to the camp, will he?"

"Don't worry, Jian Tianchen is not that stupid,"

"You still have to prepare well. As long as we get a good place in the Protoss Ranking Tournament, no one can threaten us!"

"Jian Tianchen will obediently submit to my feet."

Not only the Dragon Clan's crazy cultivation, but also other Protoss.

The land of heaven, the gods of heaven,

At this moment, the family was extremely excited.

During this time, their Tianyang Protoss has greatly increased in strength.

One of their **** son, awakened.

The strength of this **** child is very strong, and it is absolutely no problem to enter the top ten.

It is even possible to enter the top five and hit the top three.

They have great confidence in the son of God.

Of course, they are not sure whether they can get the first place.

After all, they learned that other gods also had **** children awakened.

They figured out a way to improve the strength of the **** child again as much as possible.

During this time, they made amazing discoveries.

They found the fire of God.

The fire of the gods is very mysterious, and it is a unique sacred fire of the land of the gods.

It is said to be a sacred fire that will never go out.

As soon as their **** son recovered, the fire of heaven appeared.

This makes them, how can they not get excited?

God bless the sun.

Their Tianyang Protoss is destined to be in the ranks of the Protoss and shine brightly.

Even the **** child Tianyang was extremely happy.

If he can absorb the fire of fusion, then he is absolutely confident and won the first place.

Tianyang Protoss blocked the news, and many masters came together, ready to collect the fire of God.

However, they discovered that the flames currently appearing are just false fires.

It will take some time for the fire of the gods to fully appear.

Those powerful elders talked a lot,

Even the half-step **** king was dispatched.

Half-step God King personally explored, and then said: "I want the real fire of God to appear. It will take at least several hundred years."

Hundreds of years?

The expressions of the elders changed drastically,

Under normal circumstances, they will naturally not worry.

For hundreds of years, in an instant,

However, not now.

It’s only a few years before the Protoss Ranking Tournament,

They can't wait.

"Ancestor, is there no other way to make the fire of God appear in advance?"

Although these virtual fires were terrifying in strength, they were still inferior to the real fire of God.

What they want is from the fire of God, the flame of God!

"There are ways, but in that case, the news can't be kept."

"All the heavens and all realms will know the existence of the fire of God."

God Child Tianyang thought for a while, and said: "Immediately arrange the formation here and build the palace."

"Make this the territory of our family."

The elders around were taken aback, and then asked: "God, you want to..."

God Child Tianyang carried his hands on his back and said loudly: "Since you can't hide it, then don't hide it. As long as we make this place our own territory."

"I don't think other people dare to **** it."

Indeed it is.

The other elders' eyes lit up, and they rushed to act.

Mobilize the power of the family, begin to lay out the formation and build the palace.

Even moved some spiritual veins and divine veins here.

Make this the domain of their Protoss.

The Half-Step King also said: "In this case, we might as well take the opportunity to invite all the geniuses of other gods over."

"Look at how many gods have recovered? At that time, during the game, you will be more confident."

"The arrival of these sons of God is also of great help to our plan."

"For the fire of God to really appear, it needs a lot of power to inspire it."

"The bloodline power of the Son of God is the best."

After hearing this, the **** son Tianyang nodded, and said: "Give you a year to decorate this place. Make this place our territory."

"One year later, we will entertain the heavens and all realms, and the great protoss."

Tianyang Protoss here crazy action.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed.

Near the fire of God, millions of miles of space have been created by them. Formed their territory.

Even, they are still here, mobilizing countless masters.

Even the half-step **** king is near the fire of heaven, practicing in retreat.

With such a peerless master sitting here, the people of the Tianyang Protoss has no worries.

They began to send invitations to entertain the heavens and the world.

The heavens and myriad realms, countless family sects, were shocked by the news.

They naturally did not dare to neglect the invitation of the Protoss.

They set off one after another.

However, those wild ancient gods frowned.

Now that the ranking competition is about to begin, where do they have the time to participate in such a banquet?

What they wanted to refuse,

But soon, another news came out.

In the Tianyang Protoss, the fire of God appeared.

When hearing this news, the Demon God Clan, Ice God Clan and other Protoss were shocked.

"What? The Fire of God!"

"In the legend, the sacred fire that never goes out."

"This Heavenly Sun God Race's luck is too good, right? It's actually possible to have, God's Fire."

"Really? How do I feel like a trap?"

"If there is such a fire from heaven, they will advertise it?"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

"No, even if there are traps, you have to go and see."

"I heard that Tianyang Protoss has already revived a **** son."

"If you let him merge with the fire of heaven, then no one will be his opponent."

"This time, let's explore the reality of God's Fire."

"Furthermore, look at this Heavenly Sun God Child, how good is it?"

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