Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7844: Crazy God: Are you sure I shot first?

Then you can be careful, I'll take action.

Lin Xuan raised his hand and patted forward.

The tall man on the opposite side smiled and said: "You can shoot, but I will take a step back, even if I lose.

He is also the arrogant of the Chaos Protoss,

Ranked matches, it is possible to enter the top 50.

His strength is absolutely formidable.

How strong can this mad **** be?

He didn't take it seriously.

In the void, Lin Xuan's palm came over.

Lin Xuan didn't even use the power of the magic rune, but the power of the martial **** body.

His palm, as if turned into a piece, a peerless artifact, pushed out horizontally.

The void shattered in an instant, and the whole world was shaking violently.

All the smiles on the faces of the martial artists around him disappeared.

The people who had been dismissive before were stunned at this moment.

On Lin Xuan's palm, they felt an extremely terrifying power.

Where is the hand? This is simply, a terrifying artifact.

The tall man on the opposite side changed his face even more.

how is this possible?

How can your strength be so strong?

The tall man snarled frantically.

He was really stunned,

He was full of confidence before and didn't put the other person in his eyes.

In his opinion, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is not his opponent.

But now, he found that he was completely wrong.

This palm was beyond his imagination and even gave him a fatal crisis.

Damn, this guy really has arrogant capital.

The tall man yelled up to the sky, he did not dare to have the slightest reservation.

He shot with all his strength, and the chaotic power on his body quickly condensed.

In front of him, condensed into a chaotic tripod.

This chaotic tripod is simple and majestic, as if it can suppress eternity.

After condensing it, it moved toward the palm of the front and suppressed it.

The tall man regained his confidence again.

Even if the opponent's strength is unexpected, what about?

He can suppress everything.


The two attacks collided in the air, and the sky fell apart!

The mysterious and primitive Chaos Cauldron was instantly shattered.

It turned into endless chaotic air, scattered everywhere.

Lin Xuan's palm was like a broken bamboo, passing through these chaotic auras, and patted the tall man.

With a click, the bones of the tall man quickly shattered.

His body split and flew out.


Like a meteorite, he hit the hall in the distance, smashing a hall to pieces.


The blood of chaos is scattered between heaven and earth.

The surroundings are terribly quiet.

Everyone looked at this scene, unable to believe it, as if they were dreaming.

Especially the people of the Chaos Protoss, even more dumbfounded.

The tall men, among them, are very powerful.

But now, he was injured by a move.


A complete defeat!

The strength of the mad **** surpassed everyone's imagination.

The other party has arrogant qualifications.

The people who watched the excitement before swallowed their saliva, and their scalp was numb.

Even some family members apologized immediately.

Just kidding, they can be slapped to death if they want to anger the other person.

Those of the Protoss also frowned tightly.

They felt a trace of pressure on the mad god.

In the ruins, the tall man stood up, his broken body quickly recovered.

He was bloodied and his face was extremely ugly.

This time, he lost his face at home.

He gritted his teeth and said: I was careless, I didn't expect you to hide your strength.

He is giving himself down the steps.

But Lin Xuan said: If you are careless, the result is the same.

Because you are not my opponent at all.

Mad as always.

The tall man looked ugly, and he didn't do any more.

He just said coldly: I admit that you are very strong, you are the genius of the second echelon.

But so what?

No matter how strong you are, you can't stand a blow in front of the goddess.

Even the strongest in the second echelon cannot enter the first echelon.

Unable to face the goddess.

If you want to go to the first echelon, you will undoubtedly die.

That's right, how strong you are? No matter how strong it is, it is not the opponent of God Son and God Woman.

Those people around came back to their senses and talked a lot.

Many geniuses of the Protoss sighed.

They sighed both for the mad **** and for themselves.

Not only are the mad gods unable to enter the first echelon, neither can they.

That is a moat.

Except Long Xian'er, who can cross the past, who else can cross the past?

That's too difficult!

It's as difficult as climbing!


The Goddess of Chaos also frowned.

Before, she dismissed the matter of Mad God and others.

But unexpectedly, the genius of their family was injured and lost face.

The Goddess of Chaos is very angry,

She turned her head, with a faint light in her eyes.

Before, she dismissed it, but if someone insists on challenging, she will live and die.

She didn't mind, she stretched out her hand and crushed the ant to death.

The complexions of those around him changed drastically.

They felt that the breath of the chaotic goddess became bitter.

Isn't it? Will the goddess do it?

Then this crazy **** is dead.

The people of the Chaos Protoss sneered.

Zhen Shaoyang and the others also snorted coldly: Look at this crazy god, how can you contend?

Jun Wushuang was frightened and hurriedly walked over and said: The goddess calms down and we leave now.

She pulled Lin Xuan and wanted to leave quickly.

Lin Xuan didn't care.

He and the Chaos Protoss are rivals.

I cut a chaos **** child before,

Now there is another chaos goddess.

Lin Xuan did not intend to let him go either.

In this situation, although there is no way to kill directly.

However, it should be okay to beat the opponent half to death, right?

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a bitterness, and he wanted to do it too.

But at this moment, a few terrible breaths swept across in the distance.

The monstrous demon energy, like a boundless sea of ​​demon, rushed to it.

On the other side, the starlight filled the sky, like the universe descending.

Suddenly, everyone only felt that the primordial spirit was shaking, as if to go out.

These terrifying forces made the world tremble again.

Demon clan.

Star Protoss. UU reading www.

Ancient Soul Race.

Three ridiculous ancient gods came again.

Those top talents must gather together.

I don't know if this time, is there a **** child level existence?

Everyone became excited, they turned their heads and looked into the distance.

Even the Goddess of Chaos did not make any more moves, she also squinted her eyes and looked into the distance.

Mad God is not to be feared.

For other protoss, if the goddess and goddess appeared, they would be her peerless enemies.

The world was divided into three parts, which were occupied by three deserted ancient gods.

The boundless devilish energy rolled, and one figure after another came out from the inside, unruly figures.

These are all powerful existences of the Demon Race, and the people of the Demon Race have a very strange temper.

Few people dare to provoke.

Once you offend the demons, it will be better than death, and an eternal nightmare.

At this moment, so many powerhouses of the Demon Race came together, like a demon world, opened up.

Many people have scalp numb, and those with weak strength even lower their heads and dare not look anymore.

The people of the Demon God Race are really arrogant and unrestrained.

They controlled it, and fell from the sky.

Facing the Tianjiao powerhouses of other gods, they gave a cold snort and dismissed it.

Even many people arrogantly looked at the two goddesses.

That demon-like posture is evident.

During the whole process, no one dared to say anything.

No one dares to offend the Demon God Race easily.

Even the people of the Chaos Protoss just snorted and didn't dare to stop it.

In this way, the Demon Clan and his party walked over in a swaggering manner.

Suddenly at this moment, a world-famous arrogant of the Demon God Clan was taken aback.

He saw Lin Xuan.

The next moment, this worldly arrogant arrogant came over and came to Lin Xuan.

Have seen the mad son!

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