Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7845: Protoss gather! Open God!

The people around, watching this scene, were completely stunned.

What did they see?

A demon's heavenly arrogant, unexpectedly bowed to the mad god.

It's incredible!

Zhen Shaoyang and others were stunned, they seemed to be dreaming.

The demons are rebellious, when will they bow their heads?

Moreover, he bowed his head to the mad god.

If you didn't see it with your own eyes, and killed them, you wouldn't believe it.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss were also stunned.

Even the Goddess of Chaos frowned.

She dismissed the mad **** before, thinking that the other party was an ant.

But now, she found that this ant is a little capable,

The other party was able to make the genius of the Demon God Clan bow his head,

What a trick!

Lin Xuan looked at the figure in front of him and nodded slightly.

The person in front of him was Mojie, one of the top arrogances of the Mozu.

The opponent once lost in his hands,

The two sides had met before in an ancient city.

At that time, he used his eyes to suppress Mojie, and now it seems that it is really useful.

Except for Demon Jie, Demon Wangyue, Demon Madman, they are all here.

Several people came over and greeted Lin Xuan.

For Lin Xuan, although they did not bow their heads like Mo Jie, they were all extremely solemn.

No one dared to look down upon Lin Xuan.

The people of the heavens and all realms were dumbfounded when they watched this scene.

What's the situation?

Why is the attitude of the Demon God Clan towards the mad **** completely different from that of other God Clan people?

Could this mad **** hide his strength?

The opponent is stronger than imagined.

The crowd hadn't reacted yet, and the people from the Star God Clan also came over.

The leader is the Emperor,

Star Tiger and others are also there.

They also came over and greeted Lin Xuan with the same respectful attitude.

The people around were dumbfounded.

Before, looking at the attitude of the others in the Dragon Palace, they thought that the mad **** was nothing more than that.

It's a jumping clown.

But now it seems that it is not like this at all.

The opponent is strong!

Otherwise, it is impossible for the people of the Star God Race and Demon God Race to attach such importance.

Damn it, careless, almost cheated.

If they underestimate the mad **** in the ranking match, it is estimated that they will end badly.

When Long Xian'er watched this scene, her brows were also frowned tightly.

Before, she was aloof, thinking that it was complete, and stepped on the mad god.

However, she discovered that Mad God seemed to have another secret.

It was beyond her expectation,

But what?

No matter how strong the opponent is, it is only the second echelon.

Even if you stand at the pinnacle of the second tier, what about?

There is still a gap with her.

Lin Xuan looked at the demon lunatic and the others, and asked: Your **** son, didn't he come?

The madman said: The son of God has not come, but he will participate in the ranking match.

When it comes to this, they are also a little speechless.

The fire of God is so important, and it stands to reason that the Son of God should come.

However, just two days ago, their **** son was in a place in Jiuyou Land. An extremely precious monster beast was discovered.

Then, Mo Shenzi carried his **** pot and went to eat the monster.

Lin Xuan nodded, he looked at the emperor again, and asked: Where is your **** son of the Star God Race?

The emperor said: This time, we have not awakened the son of God.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes after hearing this.

It seems that not all **** races have **** children awakened.

They don't seem to have awakened the son of God in Dragon Palace.

The emperor next to him asked: Mad God, where exactly has your strength reached?

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Compared to before, it has been greatly improved.

I want to defeat the **** son, it shouldn't be a problem.

As for you, as the chosen one, you should not be too weak, right?

The emperor said: I can also defeat the son of God.

Two people are chatting here, and everyone around them is dumbfounded.

Too arrogant, right?

These two people simply don't put the goddess and goddess in their eyes.

Opening your mouth will defeat the son of God and step on the son of God.

These are really two ruthless people.


Goddess of Chaos, Goddess of Xuanbing, the two were also angry.

They decided to take action ahead of time and give a good lesson, these two guys who don't know the heights of the sky.

But before they could do it, someone came in the distance.

This time, coming to the Protoss more,

Even the people of the Tianyang Protoss came.

Among them, there was a young man surrounded by extremely terrifying flames.

Just like the sun, it shines brightly.

Countless people looked up, they were stabbed and couldn't open their eyes.

They seem to be melting,

They exclaimed: This is the **** son of Tianyang!

It's too powerful! The opponent's gaze seemed to be able to burn the world.

What state has he reached?

How do I feel that I can't resist even one of his attacks?

How can you fight this?

This Heavenly God Child can definitely enter the top 5, or even the top three.

Exclaimed voices sounded.

Demon lunatic, when he saw this scene, a touch of madness appeared in his eyes.

The Emperor also snorted coldly, and there was a purple star gleaming behind him.

As the chosen child, he is not afraid of everything.

Lin Xuan was still calm and calm, as if not paying attention to everything.

Although these people are not sons of god, their performance is really extraordinary.

It seems that I really dare to challenge the In the sky, the Saintess of Chaos, the Goddess of Ice, and the Dragon Xianer are also like enemies.

They naturally also felt the flame power that was just shining.

The legendary **** son of Tianyang finally appeared.

Meet the Son of God.

Those around them saluted.

Only a few geniuses stood there, confronting the **** son of Tianyang.

Tianyang Shenzi didn't care either. Looking at these people, he smiled and said: Thank you, everyone, for coming all the way. Please forgive me if there is any lack of hospitality.

The madman said: Don't be so hypocritical, the purpose of our coming here is very clear.

Just for the fire of God.

Where is the fire of God? Take us to see it.

Those people around have a numb scalp: If you dare to talk to the **** son like this, don't you want to die?

When they saw that it was a madman, they took a breath again.

This is a martial arts lunatic, it is said that he was born for war and likes fighting very much.

No wonder the other party is so arrogant.

Tianyang Shenzi glanced at the demon lunatic, but was not angry.

He still smiled and said: Since everyone is so impatient.

Well, I'll take you all to have a look.

After speaking, he said to the disciple of the Protoss next to him: Go to the elder and ancestor.

Open the fire of God in advance.

The disciples around him hurried to act.

Tianyang Shenzi is leading the way.

Walking beside him, the goddess of Chaos, the goddess of ice, Long Xian'er and others.

These people are the first echelon,

They are aloft and look up to them.

And there are a few others who are not weaker than they are.

It was Lin Xuan, the madman, the emperor and others.

These few people gathered together, faintly fighting against Tianyang Shenzi and others.

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