Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7859: The second Dragon Tatian?

Lin Xuan's speed is still very slow.

Because he wants to comprehend the power on the ladder to enhance the power of the dragon and reincarnation.

But at this moment, no one dares to underestimate him.

Countless eyes fell on him.

They found that Lin Xuan had reached the 76th floor.

Long Xian'er's face is hard to see the extreme,

Zhen Qianjue's face was green.

The other members of the true dragon clan were also dumbfounded.

They are really suffering.

If this mad **** is extremely powerful, like a broken bamboo, ascend to the 81st floor in one breath.

They will absolutely be stunned.

But at that time, all they had was shocked.

But now, they are full of worry.

The speed of the mad **** was too slow, and every step of the opponent seemed to torture them.

They didn't dare to relax in any way.

Once you don't pay attention, you don't know where the opponent is?

This feeling is uncomfortable.

They felt that this mad **** deliberately tortured them.

Either the opponent has strength or luck, but why does the opponent go so slowly?

Long Xian'er was even more mad, looking like this, this crazy **** would have to walk for a few days.

In the past few days, she has been suffering every day, receiving a blow every day, and breaking down every day.

She really wanted to rush up and kick the crazy **** down.

Before, she was beaten in the face,

But now, she was repeatedly shaved.

Those other arrogances are not comfortable either.

Especially those goddesses and goddesses are also very stressed.

This kind of pressure is continuously increasing, and their confidence has been shaken a little.

Finally, they snorted and closed their eyes directly.

No longer look, no longer think about it.

Keep your heart and prepare for the final battle.

Long Xian'er also wanted to close her eyes, but she found that she couldn't do it.

Her heart can no longer be calm.

Finally, 5 days later, the mad **** stopped.

Crazy God came to the 80th floor, this is a result that shocked everyone.

Surpassed the goddess and goddess, surpassed Long Xianer, and even surpassed everyone's imagination.

There is only one level away from Long Tatian's glorious record.

The mad **** stopped at this moment.

After entering the 80th floor, the pressure was countless times higher than before.

Wanting to go one step further is as difficult as the sky.

He finally stopped.

Zhen Shaoyue and the others fell to the ground.

These days, they are nervous, their state is not right, and the avenue is about to collapse.

Fortunately, everything is over.

Although the final result was unbearable for them.

However, this torture process has finally passed.

Long Xian'er gritted her teeth again, her face was gloomy and terrible, and her nails pierced her palms again.

Her pride, once again, was stepped on the ground by the mad god.

Before, she made a promise and triumphantly, and even did not hesitate to display her trump cards before stepping onto the 72nd floor.

It is temporarily ahead of those gods,

It can be said to be famous all over the world.

But now? She was completely compared.

Now everyone is discussing the mad god, no one discusses her, no one remembers her,

This made her proud, unbearable.

She vowed that if she met in the finals, she would be cruel.

It will be today's aggrieved, 100 times, 10,000 times back.

Zhen Qianjue and the others also came to Long Xian'er.

They said: Don't care too much, it's just a knockout.

Yes, he is just lucky, and his true strength is definitely not as good as you.

Long Tingshui also said: Didn't you create your own swordsmanship?

If you use that kind of swordsmanship, that crazy **** can't stop it.


After hearing this, Long Xian'er quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Long Tingshui, but the elder Qinglong, knows well.

The other party has said so, I think it should be no problem.

The people of other protoss were also shocked.

Unexpectedly, in addition to Long Xian'er, the Dragon Clan also produced a mad god.

It's really surprising.

Although Zhen Qianjue and others said that Mad God is lucky.

However, luck is so good that it is already very bad.

This is the son of luck.

With this luck alone, it is enough to sweep through the ages and be proud of the world.

Crazy God, the son of luck, is definitely the first echelon.

The goddesses, goddesses, opened their eyes again.

Lin Xuan's achievements, they also looked different.

Some are disdainful, some are angry, and even some are murderous.

This crazy god, the process of ascending the ladder, made their Dao Xin a little uneasy.

Bad their Dao Xin.

Damn the other party!

Tianyang **** child is murderous.

He said: I want to see if your luck is still in the finals?

Those people in the heavens and worlds sighed.

It's a pity that he was almost able to catch up, and Long Tatian had a brilliant record.

They can also see that the 80th floor is more dangerous and more difficult.

If you want to go further, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Just when everyone thought it was about to end, Lin Xuan acted again.

I am in heaven, what's the situation?

He actually wants to continue!

Is he going to hit the 81st floor?

Is he going to break Long Tatian's record?

The people of the heavens and all realms were all agitated, and those of the Protoss were also shocked.

Even the goddesses and goddesses stood up suddenly.

In their eyes, there was a bitter light.

Long Tatian's position in their hearts is extremely extraordinary.

Long Tatian was the number one in the Protoss last time.

This ranking is the ranking they look up to and also their goal.

Everyone wants to be the number one this time.

Breaking Long Tatian's record now is absolutely significant.

Can this crazy **** do it?

Can the opponent's luck support each other and surpass Long Tatian?

People from the real dragon clan are extremely nervous.

Longta genius is their greatest pride and their future.

Even, it's their god.

Is anyone going to pierce the sky now?

He will never succeed.

Long Xian'er's eyes were red.

Lin Xuan stepped on the 81st floor with one foot.

There was a roaring sound, and there seemed to be endless avenues between the heaven and the earth, connecting them together.

It was as if the endless sky fell towards Lin Xuan.

The atmosphere of the avenue is boiling, UU reading www.uukanshu. com swallows mountains and rivers,

Lin Xuan's figure was instantly swallowed.


Will not be killed?

Those of the Dragon Race became nervous.

The two and a half-step **** kings also burst out with a biting light in their eyes.

They absolutely don't allow it, the mad **** falls.

Regardless of whether the mad **** is strength or luck, it is absolutely top-notch.

Their dragons must be well cultivated.

Even if the opponent and Long Tatian have an antagonism, the real dragon is the enemy.

They also did not let the mad **** fall.

They are ready to do something to save the mad god.

But at this moment, amidst the sky's rules, there was a cold drink.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a figure, like a peerless divine sword, splitting the world.

The laws of the great road all over the sky split into two halves.

Lin Xuan is like a peerless **** of war, walking in the world.

He stepped out again, shaking the sky.

He boarded the 81st floor, roared up to the sky, waved his hands, and stirred the world.

At this moment, Lin Xuan displayed the Martial God Body.

Martial arts can be used to sweep the world.

It succeeded!

He really made it to the 81st floor.

He walked to the same position as Long Tatian.

The people of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan are excited.

The people in Dragon Palace were also shocked,

They all know that Lin Xuan will challenge Long Tatian 500 years later.

Before, no one was optimistic,

They felt that the mad **** was overwhelmed.

But now it seems that it is not necessarily true.

At least the other party did it, what Long Tatian did back then.

This is very likely, it is the second Long Tatian.

Long Xian'er was completely stupid,

Is anyone as guarding as her brother?

How could it be like this?

Her eyes lost their luster.

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