Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7860: Mad God! Break the record!

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect that Mad God was the second Long Tatian.

It's incredible.

Lin Xuan let out a cold snort while listening to these words.

The second Dragon Tatian? This is not what he wants,

What he wants is to surpass Long Tatian.

The avenue on Lin Xuan's body was boiling, and his divine body burst into a more terrifying light.

He walked forward again,

One step out, the sky is shaking.

In him, the phantom of a dragon appeared.

Lin Xuan showed it, Shenlong breathing method,

At this moment, it was as if Tianlong was resurrected.


Lin Xuan left the 81st floor and came to the 82nd floor.

Everyone looked at this scene, shocked again.

Between the heavens and the earth, the silence is terrible

In the eyes of countless people, there was only Lin Xuan.

What did they see?

This Lin Xuan broke Long Tatian's record.

It's too bad!

Even the people of the Protoss were extremely shocked.

For a long time, Long Tatian had been a supreme existence in their eyes.

Is the future king of God, no one dares to challenge!

Even these goddesses and goddesses are not completely sure, saying they can surpass Long Tatian.

But now, the mad **** has done it,

Mad God broke Long Tatian's record.

The people in the Dragon Palace are boiling,

Two and a half steps, the king of God, breathed in cold air.

Unexpectedly, the talent of this crazy **** is so strong,

This is also the future **** king.

Hahahaha, their dragon race is about to rise.

People from the real dragon clan were dumbfounded.

They are rivals to the mad god, the stronger the other, the more desperate they are.

Zhen Qianjue was dumbfounded, his brain blank.

Long Xian'er's eyes turned black and almost fainted. In the end, she sprayed out old blood.

How could it be like this?

Her brother's record was actually broken.

Is it a dream?

Long Xian'er's teeth were all crushed.

Lin Xuan stood on the ladder, looking down at the common people.

At this moment, he was full of pride,

He is above Long Tatian.

Lin Xuan didn't stop there, he walked forward again.

Finally, he reached the 85th floor,

He stopped and did not move forward.

Going forward, I'm afraid the power of the Great Dragon Sword will not be able to suppress it.

There are too many half-step gods here, and you will definitely find it.

The eighty-fifth floor, this result is already very good.

Lin Xuan turned around and left the ladder.

At this moment, the people of the heavens and worlds were extremely shocked.

Lin Xuan not only broke the record of Long Tatian, but also set a new record.

It is estimated that in the future, the genius of the Protoss, looking at this record, will despair.

Those half-step **** kings stepped out and said: The knockout is over.

Successful people have three days to rest. After three days, the ranking will start.

Everyone was boiling, and the next step was actual combat.

Long Xian'er snorted coldly: Ranking Tournament, I want you to look good.

She will definitely step on the mad god.

Those other people also resumed their practice one after another.

Quiet between heaven and earth,

Three days later, everyone was excited again.

At the same time, the ladder and the ancient clock in front had disappeared.

Instead, there is a ring.

The ancient arena is like a battlefield of God.

Here, there had been a peerless battle.

The people of the heavens and all realms are curious, do not know how this final battle is going to be carried out?

According to what ranking? Is it a draw?

The people of the Protoss are not surprised,

They are not the first time to witness the Protoss Ranking Tournament.

They know that there is absolutely no moisture in the final ranking.

There is no luck.

The final ranking is based on points.

For each win, one point is earned.

In other words, basically everyone will meet and fight each other.

When the people of the heavens and ten thousand realms learned of the news, they took a breath.

In this way, there is no element of luck.

Isn't that crazy **** dangerous?

I am also looking forward to that he will meet many weak opponents, and then soar into the sky.

Now it seems that he will not only meet weak opponents.

He will meet all those goddesses and goddesses.

Is this the Protoss Ranking Tournament? It's terrible too!

Those goddesses and goddesses snorted coldly.

The reason why they did not try their best in the elimination round is because of this rule.

They are waiting for the final battle,

This is their chance to show their talents.

After Lin Xuan heard this rule, he just nodded slightly, not paying attention.

He is not just luck, his strength is absolutely beyond the imagination of these people.

Next, these people will be even more shocked.

Soon, the game began,

This ancient arena is extremely mysterious.

There are many Dao runes on it, and there are these Dao runes to choose opponents.

Anyone who is enveloped by the runes of the avenue will come out to challenge.

The first to appear was the people from the Chaos Protoss.

His opponent is a member of the Star God Race.

Both of them are geniuses of the Protoss, there is nothing nonsense.

Being able to pass the knockouts shows that the strength is not weak.

As soon as they came up, they tried their best.

Chaos opens up the world,

On the other side, the stars are vast, as if the universe descends.

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

The people of the heavens and worlds were stunned.

In the blink of an eye, 300 strokes have passed,

In the end, the people of the Chaos Protoss triumphed.

People from the Star God Race were injured and blood stained the sky. He quickly retreated and retreated from the ring.

This strong man of the Chaos Protoss is called Chaos Sword Fairy.

He held a Chaos Sword and said coldly: You can't.

After speaking, he turned and left.

Next the game continued, basically without stopping.

The people of the heavens and worlds were extremely excited and excited.

The next battle was from the Demon God Clan and the Sky Swallowing God Clan, and they fought equally well.

In a blink of an eye, 5 battles have passed.

Everyone found that every battle was an all-out effort, and it was a shocking battle.

This trip is really worthwhile,

Just watching these battles has benefited them a lot.

These spectators only feel that their bodies are boiling, they seem to have more and a lot of insights.

At this time, a rune flickered at Lin Xuan's feet.

Lin Xuan was taken aback, is it time for him to play?

He took a deep breath and walked forward.

When those people around saw this scene, they also exclaimed.

Is Crazy God going to make a move?

Unexpectedly, so far ahead?

I was finally able to see the strength of the mad god.

Before, they saw the luck, but they had never seen it before, the crazy **** really shot.

I don’t know, how is the opponent in terms of combat effectiveness?

Those contestants of the Protoss are also solemn.

Even the goddess and goddess paid special attention.

Long Xian'er opened his eyes even more and stared at Lin Xuan's back.

Lin Xuan's opponent was no stranger to everyone, it was the Chaos Sword Immortal before him.

The swordsmanship in this man's hands is very terrifying.

Lin Xuan looked at the opponent and said faintly: You should take action first and show your strongest swordsmanship.

Boy, you are crazy, although you have achieved excellent results on the ladder.

However, this does not mean anything.

I want to see, how strong are you in combat?

The Chaos Sword Fairy roared.

Behind him, a fairy sword appeared, blooming with a world-breaking light.

Cut down with a sword.

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