Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7861: Fairy sword! Spike!

This sword is really terrifying, and the speed is very fast.

In an instant, he came to Lin Xuan and fell in the air.

Many people did not react.

Lin Xuan smiled indifferently and grabbed it with big hands.

It was like the claws of a dragon, grabbing the flying sword in the sky.

With a bang,

The flames fluttered, this peerless flying sword was grabbed by Lin Xuan.

Then, Lin Xuan flicked his finger,

This flying sword was beaten dull and dull.

Fell from the sky.

The Chaos Sword Immortal on the opposite side, like being struck by lightning, vomited a mouthful of old blood.

A crack appeared in the center of his eyebrows,

His face became extremely pale.

how is this possible?

The opponent ruined his swordsmanship in an instant!

He even injured his fairy sword, so much so that even his foundation was injured.

It's incredible, what is this method?

Chaos Sword Fairy, with a trace of panic in his eyes.

I surrender.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan let go and threw the flying sword back, then turned and left.

Throughout the whole process, he was extremely calm, and achieved victory with just one move.

The people around looked stunned, a little at a loss: Is this over?

Before, they had seen, Chaos Sword Fairy shot.

That was 300 moves against the enemy, and the world was broken.

In their opinion, the opponent and the mad **** should also fight earth-shattering.

Wherever he wanted it, he would be killed by the mad god.

The crazy **** just stretched out a palm and patted gently.

Is the gap so big?

The strength of this mad **** is so unfathomable.

The people of the heavens and all realms were in an uproar, and those of the Protoss were also nervous.

Some top geniuses of the Protoss said: Don't underestimate this crazy god.

He is definitely a second-tier person.

He cultivated the Dragon Dao Wu Shen body, the same body as Long Tatian.

Long Dao Wu Shen body?

This time, even the Chaos Goddess and others were surprised.

They had heard of this physique, but they didn't expect to see it with their own eyes.

Even next, there will be a battle with it.

Okay, just let me see, how strong is this Dragon Dao Wu Shen body?

Goddess of Chaos, there was a bitterness in her eyes.

The other goddesses and goddesses also snorted coldly.

Next, the game continues,

It was another two top geniuses who started the battle.

The person who wins can accumulate one point, and in the end, rank according to points.

Today, Lin Xuan has earned one point.

In his opinion, the first battle should be easy.

The people in the second tier are not his opponents, and his goal is those gods and goddesses.

Before this, he should not be able to exert his full power.

He did not give up the opportunity to watch the battle.

These geniuses, although their strength is not as good as him, are the top talents of their respective Protoss.

They also practice top-level divine tactics and breathing techniques.

Lin Xuan also benefited a lot from watching these divine tactics and breathing methods.

In this way, Lin Xuan watched the battle while feeling.

Finally, it was time for him to play again.

The second point is about to get it.

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Hearing this, people around him talked a lot.

Some people from the Protoss snorted coldly: Don't be arrogant, don't know, who is the opponent?

Yes, if you are in the first echelon, just cry.

People from the real dragon clan also snorted coldly.

On the other side of the Ancient Soul Race, a woman wearing a veil walked out.

Did it come to me? interesting.

I want to see, can your martial arts body block my attack?

The figure shook, and the black-clothed woman fell on the ring like a shadow.

It turned out to be Gu Lan!

The people around all exclaimed.

The people of the true dragon clan laughed: Haha, mad god, how can I resist it?

People from other protoss are also talking about it.

They said: This is the genius of the Ancient Soul Race, and the genius of the second echelon.

Moreover, what is good at is the power of the soul.

No matter how strong the Martial God body of this crazy **** is, can the original **** be able to resist it?

When the people of the heavens and all realms heard the news, they exclaimed.

Body and original god, that are two powers.

The mad **** has a strong body, but the original **** is not necessarily strong.

Today, I am afraid that I will suffer a loss when I meet the ancient soul race who specializes in cultivating the soul.

The good luck of this mad **** ends here.

He will lose in this battle.

That's for sure, Gu Lan is also in the second echelon.

Talent strength is not weaker than Mad God,

He also has spiritism, which can suppress the opponent.

There is no suspense at all in this battle.

Gu Lan is also very happy,

She has also seen Lin Xuan make a move. She smiled and said: It seems that this time I won.

When the voice fell, a mysterious rune appeared in her eyes.

These are two ancient runes, just like two divine fires.

As soon as it appeared, everyone's bodies trembled, their faces pale.

They felt that their primordial spirit seemed to be extinguished.

Is this the spirit of the ancient soul clan? It's terrible too!

Just the lingering power of this energy made them feel like they were wiped out.

This mad **** bears the brunt, can he withstand it?

The mad **** stood motionless, without any reaction.

There is no dodge and no resistance.

When they saw this scene, everyone was stunned.

What's the situation?

Hahahaha, the mad **** was hit by spiritism.

Zhen Shaoyang laughed triumphantly. Next, the primordial spirit of this mad **** will be tortured.

He will be defeated, and it is even possible that he will be seriously injured.

The people of the Ancient Soul Race also smiled and said: Our soul skills are unmatched.

If you meet us in the future, let's give up.

People from other protoss have ugly faces,

It's Spiritual attacks are hard to guard against.

How to do?

Jun Wushuang and the others, their faces became extremely ugly.

Will the mad **** be defeated here? There may even be injuries.

If you are seriously injured, what will happen in the next battle?

Unexpectedly, the Ancient Soul Race still possesses such a powerful master.

It seems that the next battle really can't be careless.

Fire One, Water One, they said: The mad son is invincible.

Look, he must be able to break spiritism.

Gu Lan smiled when she heard this.

It's useless, he is now a prisoner in my spiritual world.

I can even decide his life and death now.

He was very vulnerable in front of me.


When they heard this, everyone was stunned.

Is the mad **** already so dangerous?

Fortunately, it was a ranked match. Otherwise, this mad **** would have fallen by now.

The corner of Gu Lan's mouth raised a smile.

She said: Now I will use spiritism to let this crazy **** kneel before me.

It is a great achievement to let a record-breaking genius kneel in front of her.

Gu Lan is like a domineering high above, the rune in his eyes rotates quickly.

Everyone is desperate,

Even some members of the Dragon Clan closed their eyes.

Dare to look again.

Next, the end of the mad **** should be very miserable.

But at this moment, madness moved.

The mad **** stepped out, and endless dragon shadows appeared on his body.

As if Wanlong had descended, it swallowed the entire ring.

Lin Xuan grasped his fist in his hand and blasted out with one punch.

Between heaven and earth, countless dragon shadows all flew to their fists and merged on it.

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