Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7863: Jun Wushuang's strength? beyond imagination!

On the ring, Zhen Shaoyue started.

Her body bloomed, with an incomparable radiance, and a crescent moon formed behind her.

The scimitar in his hand is even more awful, and between the hands and feet, it is like a peerless sword god.

The bright light of the knife fell across the sky.

Those people around felt the cold breath, and their scalp numb.

As soon as Zhen Shaoyue came up, did she perform her faculty?

Is there an enmity between the two?

How could you make such a cruel hand?

There is a good show.

Those people from the Protoss also sneered.

People from the True Dragon clan are even more looking forward to it: Look at it, Jun Wushuang absolutely can't resist it.

Jun Wushuang waved his big hand, and the dragon power on his body condensed and formed a big mountain.

In front of her.

Collide with the light of the sword in the sky,

A loud voice came.

The mountain shook violently, but it was not broken.

how is this possible?

The people around were stunned when they saw this scene.

Jun Wushuang could actually block it!

Isn't it incredible?

This Jun Wushuang must have tried desperately to stop him.

Look, she blocked the first move, but absolutely couldn't stop the remaining moves.

The person of the true dragon line said with gritted teeth.

Zhen Shaoyue's expression also sank. This time, not only did she have to win, she had to win with absolute advantage.

She wants to make the other person desperate.

With a loud shout, the full moon scimitar in his hand burst out with incomparable light.

That power is enough to make the gods and demons tremble.


A roar, a blade of light, like lightning, split the mountain in an instant.

When Jun Wushuang felt the knife, he quickly dodged.

In her eyes, there was also a touch of anger: the other party deceived too much.

She is ready to fight back.

What she cultivated was the Five Elements Heavenly Dragon Art, which matched their bloodline very well.

The power of the five elements is condensed.

A golden dragon is flying between heaven and earth.

The golden dragon is in the sky.

A golden dragon phantom, killed in an instant.

He dared to fight me hard, knowing nothing about life and death.

Zhen Shaoyue snorted coldly, danced the scimitar in her hand, and slashed on the golden dragon.

Make a sound like the sky.

However, what is surprising is that the Golden Dragon just shook for a while, not broken.

There are no scars.

How can this be?

Zhen Shaoyue was stunned.

Those other people were also in an uproar.

They discovered that Jun Wushuang could really contend with Zhen Shaoyue.

Isn't it incredible?

Jun Wushuang, are you desperate?

Jun Wushuang himself was stunned.

To be honest, she did go all out, but she was not desperate yet.

It turned out that her strength had become so strong.

It turned out that she had been able to compete with Zhen Shaoyue before she knew it.

Thinking of this, she raised a smile at the corner of her mouth.

In that case, what else is she afraid of? Go all out.

With his hands dancing, there were several golden dragons' phantoms, which came out and slew forward.

Zhen Shaoyue was also angry: Does the other party want to fight back? Are you kidding me?

She looked up to the sky and roared, using her dragon power to the extreme.

The sacred art she cultivates is the five-sided true dragon.

At this moment, with all his strength, five real dragons surrounded him.

It is really incredible and terrifying.

The battle between the two is earth-shattering,

The combat effectiveness of the two is extremely sharp.

Moreover, it is fast.

The two arrogant daughters of heaven, like two lightning bolts, constantly collide between heaven and earth.

In every confrontation, the force formed is like a devastating storm, sweeping across the square.

In an instant, the two battled hundreds of moves.

It was another shocking duel, and then the two figures retreated.

Jun Wushuang stood in the void, with the power of the five elements turning on his body, turning into a five-element dragon.

On the other side, Zhen Shaoyue was half kneeling on the ground.

A huge crack appeared on her body, and she almost split her body in half.

what's the situation? Is Zhen Shaoyue injured?

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene.

This is completely different from what they thought.

impossible? I do not believe.

The people from the real dragon clan roared frantically.

The eyes of Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu and others are almost staring.

They cannot accept it.

They know how big the gap between the two sides is.

Jun Wushuang, even if he tried desperately, it was impossible to hurt Zhen Shaoyue.

But now, the other party has done it.

Jun Wentian and the others were also dumbfounded.

They are all at a loss.

Is this really Jun Wushuang?

Why has it become so powerful?

They all don't know each other.

Is this my current strength? So strong!

Jun Wushuang was also taken aback.

Since she practiced, after Lin Wudi's stone tablet, she knew that her strength had increased.

But how strong is it? She is also not sure.

Now that she was fighting against each other, she knew that her strength had been greatly improved than before.

Zhen Shaoyue is no longer her opponent.

You lose, give up.

She looked forward and said in a deep voice.

Lost? Are you kidding me?

Zhen Shaoyue's teeth were crushed.

She was planning to torture each other before, how could she admit failure?

Although she didn't know, why did the other party's strength soar in just a few years?

However, she will never admit defeat.

She is ready to fight.

Some tricks were originally intended to deal with those powerful opponents.

Unexpectedly, it will be used on you now.

Are you ready to despair?

In Zhen Shaoyue's eyes, there was a bit of bitterness.

This time, she will be the killer.

What's the trick? You just show it

Jun Wushuang is full of confidence at the moment, she is not afraid.

The breath of the five elements on her body turned into a dragon, and quickly condensed to form a five-element map.

On the other side, Zhen Shaoyue was also surrounded by real dragons.

These five true dragons swallowed each other unexpectedly.

The breath of the real dragon kept condensing and tempering, and finally turned into a real dragon.

This real dragon swooped and landed on Zhen Shaoyue.

The aura on Zhen Shaoyue's body increased at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this scene, the people of the real dragon's line changed their complexion.

No, Shaoyue is going to work hard?

Even if you win, I am afraid you will be seriously injured, right?

She is now using this trick, UU reading is too reluctant.

Could it be that Jun Wushuang is already so strong?

If you don't work hard, don't you even have a chance to win?

Zhen Qianjue and others are unbelievable.


Zhen Shaoyue rushed over quickly.

The full moon scimitar in his hand split the world.

With an extremely sharp breath, he killed Jun Wushuang.

In an instant, she arrived in front of Jun Wu Shuangang.

not good.

Jun Wentian, their complexions changed a lot,

Although Jun Wushuang's strength greatly increased, it exceeded their imagination.

However, this blow was really terrible.

This is a desperate blow,

Once it fails, Jun Wushuang is very likely to fall.

They are very nervous.

Jun Wushuang also took a deep breath.

Faced with such a terrible attack, she did not dodge, but prepared to fight back.

She took the five elements map to the extreme.

At the same time, she made a decision,

Above the five-element map, a brilliant light burst out.

Pierced the world.

Five elements conversion,

She replaced all the power of the five elements with the power of gold.

Together, she got the sharp aura from the stone tablet.

She went all out to cut through the world and shine in all directions.

At this moment, many people's faces changed drastically, and even the top powerhouses were extremely surprised.

Such sharp power is really rare.

The goddess of Tianyang, goddess of Xuanbing, for a moment,

There was a hint of surprise in their eyes.

Why do they feel a familiar feeling on top of this power?

Could it be that the other party got it too, that thing?


This Jun Wushuang does not have a high status in the Dragon Clan, so he should not be qualified to get it!

Between the electric light and flint, the two tricks collided.

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