Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7864: Great Dragon Stele! From the mad god? !

Two super powerful forces collided between heaven and earth, bursting out a devastating atmosphere.

Swallowed everything.

The half-step God King joined forces to block this power, letting those spectators breathe a sigh of relief.

Then they quickly looked forward.

I don’t know, who will win the final duel?

Zhen Qianjue snorted coldly and said: Shaoyue is desperate, and it is naturally she who wins.

Just the next battle, I am afraid it will be troublesome.

Unexpectedly, this Jun Wushuang's strength would have increased so much.

How did she do it?

Is there any secret to the five-element emperor dragon family?

He frowned tightly.

the other side,

Jun Wentian was also worried.

He only hoped that Jun Wushuang would not hurt too much.

He dare not expect anything else.


The situation changes,

Two figures emerged.

Jun Wushuang still stood there, his expression cold.

The golden light on the five elements map became dim, however, she was not injured.

On the other side, Zhen Shaoyue fell to the ground and was seriously injured.

When they saw this scene, everyone was stunned.

how is this possible?

Zhen Qianjue's eyes were almost staring out.

What he considered just now was the next battle. What should I do?

He is not worried that Shaoyue will lose.

However, the current situation slapped him in the face.

Zhen Shaoyue was defeated.


Zhen Shaoyang, Zhen Shaoyu, they are also scared stupid.

Those other people were also stunned.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations.

For a while, the world was quiet and terrible.

Lin Xuan's laughter broke the silence between heaven and earth.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Dao is not bad.

However, you can be stronger.

Others recovered and exclaimed: This battle is so exciting.

Both of them are peerless talents,

However, Jun Wushuang is stronger.

Unexpectedly, the duel inside the Dragon Palace would be so powerful.

It seems that in this ranking, no one will release water.

I am more and more looking forward to the next game.

However, the people on the Dragon Palace side had different ideas.

Countless eyes turned to Jun Wentian.

They are very curious, what method did Jun Wentian use? Let Jun Wushuang's strength grow by leaps and bounds?

Jun Wentian smiled bitterly: Don't look at me, I don't know anything.

To be honest, his brain is also blind.

Before, he had prepared for the worst.

But unexpectedly, Jun Wushuang gave him such a big surprise.

The people of the dragon clan looked at Longting Chan again.

In the past 10 years, it seems that Long Ting Chan has been teaching Jun Wushuang and others.

Long Tingchan shook his head slightly, and he said: I'm just pointing and inspiring them.

As to which step they can take, it all depends on their own ability.

Now it seems that Jun Wushuang's potential has been underestimated.

An underrated genius?

The elders of the Dragon Palace were surprised.

On the side of the real dragon clan, the atmosphere was extremely solemn.

They were slapped in the face, which made them extremely aggrieved.

Before, they had never regarded Jun Wushuang in their eyes.

But I didn't expect that the other party had grown to such a point.

Make them jealous, make them crazy.

Long Xian'er's face was also not good-looking, she snorted coldly: a bunch of waste.

Zhen Shaoyue was carried back.

The elder of the True Dragon clan took out the medicine pill and the treasure of genius to heal Zhen Shaoyue.

Zhen Shaoyang came over and said: Sister, don't worry, I will avenge you for this hatred.

I want her to walk around without eating!

Zhen Qianjue also said: Next, if you meet Jun Wushuang, you will be ruthless.

This face must be found back.

Jun Wushuang also went back,

She came to Lin Xuan and said: Son, thank you very much.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: Those people of the true dragon clan will target you next.

You have to be careful.

However, you can rest assured that with your strength, those people can't help you.

Be confident.

Jun Wushuang nodded.

Now she also has a general understanding of her own strength.

Jun Wentian and the others did not doubt anything.

They all felt that Jun Wushuang's talent and potential were underestimated.

However, what happened next was beyond their expectations.

Even the people in Dragon Palace were stunned.

A few days later, Jun Wushuang shot again,

This time, the opponent turned out to be Mojie.

This Demon Jie is one of the masters of the Demon Race, and his strength is very terrifying.

Everyone is not optimistic about Jun Wushuang.

However, this time, Jun Wushuang unexpectedly won again.

Everyone was stunned.

The people of the Dragon tribe were ecstatic: This is a dark horse.

In the next few shots, Jun Wushuang defeated the arrogances of other gods.

The record is very dazzling, so far there is no defeat.

Finally, Jun Wushuang met Zhen Shaoyu,

In the battle between the two, Zhen Shaoyu unexpectedly lost again.

The two geniuses of the real dragon clan were defeated by Jun Wu's hands.

This made the elders of the true dragon clan extremely depressed.

Spit blood out of anger.

In the end, Jun Wushuang lost to the emperor.

However, what is surprising is that in the hands of the emperor, she even insisted on 10 moves.

This is incredible.

You know, the Emperor is the first echelon.

Although there is no blood of the **** son, but his strength is extremely terrifying, he is called the son of heaven.

Jun Wushuang was able to support 10 moves, which was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Long Xian'er was extremely surprised, she stared at Jun Wushuang firmly.

She said: There is a problem.

No matter how talented this Jun Wushuang is, it is impossible for him to improve so quickly in a short time.

What must be wrong with her?

Jun Wentian and others were also shocked.

They asked: Wushuang, what is going on?

Why does your strength improve so fast?

Those of the Dragon Race are very curious.

Yes, they want to know too.

If they knew this secret, wouldn't it mean their strength in a short time?

Can it also make progress by leaps and bounds?

This time, even Long Xian'er was not calm.

Countless eyes fell on Jun Wushuang.

Jun Wushuang didn't hide it either, she said: Thanks to the mad **** son.

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to improve so much in a short period of time.

It has something to do with Mad God!

The dragon people were shocked, and they looked at the crazy **** again.

Some people speculate: Is it possible that the crazy **** gave his good luck to Jun Wushuang?

Can you give this thing to others?

Just kidding.

What is going on?

Jun Wentian and them are also extremely curious.

Jun Wushuang said: Lord Mad God, gave me a stone tablet, a stone tablet of Lin Wudi.


When hearing this, everyone was stunned.

The next moment, they exclaimed.

Those people from other Protoss were also shocked.

Mojie exclaimed: Is it possible that the invincible stele records the mark of the dragon sword?

No wonder your combat power is so terrifying.

Greedy wolf is also extremely shocked.

They are the geniuses of the Protoss, but they know how terrifying the Great Dragon Sword is.

That is a holy technique of attack between heaven and earth.

It is said that God's Domain sold several stone tablets of Lin Wudi in exchange for the resources of the Protoss.

However, a few stone tablets are too few, and the major Protoss have robbed their heads.

Even if you get a piece, it will eventually fall into the hands of the son of God.

This Jun Wushuang, how can He De? Can you get an invincible stele?

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