Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7869: Lin Xuan vs. Wutian!

The palm was slapped out, and the sky was shattered.

The demon lunatic flew out, and the demon armor on his body was shattered into fragments.

His bones kept cracking and turned into a blood mist.

This palm is really horrible, and the lunatic really can't resist it.

Is there a winner?

When the people around saw this scene, they all exclaimed.

The faces of the elders of the Demon God Race also became extremely ugly.

The lunatic was seriously injured, which was extremely unfavorable for the next game.

They said: Enough, you won this battle.

However, what is surprising is that the demon lunatic actually stood up again.

Even though he was seriously injured, he was still not afraid, and he rushed over again.

His fist carried an extremely piercing light with an indomitable momentum.

Sweep the world.

The devilish energy on his body turned into a vast ocean, covering all directions.

Tianyang Shenzi was angry, and shot again, it was Tianyang Shenyin.

The two collide, like two worlds, in a duel.

The power of destruction, centered on the two, swept towards 4 weeks.

The people around couldn't open their eyes because of this force.

When this devastating storm disappears, everyone will be able to see the scene ahead.

The next moment, they were stunned.

They found that Tianyang Godzi's sleeves were broken, and a crack appeared on his arm.

On the other side, the madman turned into a cloud of blood.

Did God Child Tianyang actually get injured? Isn't it incredible?

Countless people were shocked,

Even the people of the Tianyang Protoss were shocked.

This is the first time someone can hurt the Son of God.

However, the price of the demon lunatic is also very miserable.

Although he didn't fall, but he was hit hard.

Next, I am afraid it will be difficult to restore the peak.

The demon lunatic was saved by someone, and the **** son of Tianyang left with a cold face.

There was a brief silence on the ring.

Next, those genius strong, shot again.

Before long, Long Xian'er also shot.

This time, she met a top talent from the Chaos Protoss.

It took dozens of strokes between the two to tell the winner.

Everyone was shocked again.

It seems that some geniuses are no longer reserved, and they have issued challenges to the strong in the first echelon.

Mo Shenzi also shot, his opponent happened to be a member of the Tianyang God Race.

Demon God child grinned, and with a wave of his small hand, he tore his opponent in half directly.

Seeing this scene, everyone sucked in a cold breath: It seemed that this foodie was also angry.

The battle is getting more and more exciting,

People in the first echelon are still extremely tough.

Except for Tianyang Divine Child who was injured, no one else was injured.

Finally, he went to Lin Xuan to shoot again.

Everyone looked forward to it again.

They now know that Lin Xuan's strength is definitely the first echelon.

Don't know who his opponent is?

Some people said: I'm afraid the opponent will directly surrender.

Indeed, the mad god's momentum is too strong, no one wants to kneel in front of the opponent.

At this moment, a figure snorted coldly: It is impossible to admit defeat.

With this voice falling, a figure wearing a black robe walked out.

Countless people exclaimed: It is Wutian!

He is also a member of the first echelon, the top genius of the Devouring God Race.

The other party can swallow everything.

God, the first echelon Tianjiao finally confronted.

The previous battle, although wonderful. There are many top talents of the second echelon who challenge the first echelon.

However, the people of the first echelon never met or fought.

Everyone looked forward to it. What will it look like when these top talents fight?

Unexpectedly, they finally waited,

Crazy God vs. Wutian.

The two top players of the first echelon, I don't know who can be better?

This time, even Long Xian'er, Chaos Goddess and others are paying special attention.

No way, these two people are both in the top ten, and even have the chance to hit the top five.

They don't dare to be careless.

The opponent turned out to be you!

Lin Xuan actually narrowed his eyes, and he said, okay. The previous opponents were too weak to make me take it seriously.

Hope you will not let me down.

Everyone was in an uproar,

This crazy **** is as crazy as ever.

Wutian said: Your good luck has ended with me.

Your record of victory will also end with me.

I will defeat you, and even swallow you.

A terrifying whirlpool appeared on him, as if it could swallow everything.

Lin Xuan didn't say anything, the other party was indeed a top expert, and he deserved to take it seriously.

With one step, he used the Martial God Body to its extreme.

His body burst out with brilliant light, just like a peerless divine light.

The whole world was shaking, and the weapons of countless people trembled.

Those artifacts swayed and seemed to be surrendering to Lin Xuan.

The people around were holding their weapons tightly, and they were frightened.

This Valkyrie body is too scary, right?

This guy doesn't know how to train himself into a weapon, right?

Valkyrie fist.

Lin Xuan punched and blasted forward.

With this punch, the horror was at its extreme, and it never went forward.

As if an ancient **** of war had been resurrected.

Wutian is also a top powerhouse, facing such an attack, it is impossible to dodge.

He snorted and rushed over quickly.

In front of him, a huge black hole appeared.

It was like a wild swallowed Lin Xuan's fist.

Even, he wanted to swallow Lin Xuan.

The void swayed violently, and the black breath swept in all directions like sea water.

No one heard anything,

The previous duel was like thunder.

However, this time the duel seemed to collide with each other.

This is a silent duel,

Even more dangerous.

Those black ripples have extremely strong destructive power.

Once encountered, I am afraid it will be wiped out immediately.

At this time, the half-step **** king shot again.

Together they played a piece of the law, forming a world, covering the entire ring.

Those people around only breathed a sigh of relief, and they dared to watch the battle seriously.

Otherwise, they would definitely turn around and flee.

After the blow, nothingness appeared between the two.

There was a smile on Wutian's mouth, and he said: Yes, yes, worthy of being the top genius.

Your strength is really much stronger than them.

I swallow your power, my strength can be greatly improved.


After speaking, he also punched out.

In the black whirlpool, a bright fist appeared.

It was generally the same as Lin Xuan's Martial God Fist before.

He will also use martial arts fist, too terrible, right?

The people in Dragon Palace were stunned when they saw this scene.

Impossible, this is the martial arts body's trick, how can the opponent use it?

The people of the Devouring God Race smiled and said: You are too underestimated, our swallowing law, right?

Not only can we swallow your strength.

We can still use the power we swallow to kill it back.

In the way of the other, return to the body!

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