Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7870: Is Valkyrie not good?

They had never seen it before, and Wutian had used such a method.

The people in Dragon Palace are all worried, and the others are also eye-openers.

Someone said: Before the whole world did not display it, it was not that it would not, but it was disdain to display.

Those people couldn't resist even one of his eyes.

There is no need to use the supernatural powers at all.

However, this crazy **** is different.

This mad **** is very strong, and Wutian naturally has to go all out to produce peerless magical powers.

Facing the rushing fist, Lin Xuan was also surprised.

He could feel that it was indeed the power of the Martial God Body.

Obviously, the opponent swallowed his power just now, and returned it intact.

Although this method was terrifying, Lin Xuan was not surprised.

With a shake of his figure, he avoided the blow.

The void behind him was penetrated instantly.

Wutian followed like a shadow, and quickly came.

The black breath on his body appeared again, forming a huge black pot.

Killed Lin Xuan again.

He said: It's very fast, but how many times can you avoid it?

I can swallow all your attacks, and then I will counteract you again.

Can you guarantee that you will avoid it every time?

While talking, he opened the law of swallowing.

Swallowing frantically, the power on Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shot with all his strength, this time, thousands of fists slammed forward together.

Break the whole world.

However, Wutian laughed loudly: it's useless, kid.

When the voice fell, hundreds of black holes appeared behind him.

From inside, also emerged, thousands of fists, together to kill Lin Xuan.

There was a roaring sound, and the two collided, like a confrontation between heaven and earth.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of moves have passed, and those around them exclaimed again and again.

Too strong, worthy of being the strong of the first echelon.

Someone worried and said: It seems that Lin Wudi is at a disadvantage.

Yes, if he can't resolve this swallowing law, then he will not be able to defeat Wutian.

Even in the end, his power will be exhausted.

At present, the power that Wutian exerts is swallowed power.

These are all powers belonging to the mad god, and Wutian's own power did not consume much.

Ebb and flow is very detrimental to the mad god.

Patriarch, what do you think is the odds of the mad son?

Jun Wushuang asked nervously.

Jun Wentian's eyes were filled with a harsh light, and then he frowned.

If it is the current situation, only 30%, but I think he should have a hole card.

Lin Xuan does have a hole card, he is currently only using the power of the Martial God Body.

This is the power of Shen Jue and breathing method.

In addition, he has magic runes, swordsmanship, and many other powers, which he didn't use.

When he was preparing to perform, Wu Tian in front of him was one step ahead.

He swallowed Lin Xuan's power, plus his own law power.

With a peerless blow, Lin Xuan's fist was shaken back.

The mad **** was suppressed,

His situation is very bad!

If this continues, he will fail.

Many people are worried.

People from the swallowing **** race laughed loudly.

Even people in the first echelon are strong and weak.

This mad **** is obviously not good,

Brother Wutian must have won.

The people of the Swallowing God Race are triumphant.

Zhen Shaoyang and the others also sneered.

They all knelt before Lin Xuan, and then made them despair and mad.

They desperately hope that Lin Xuan will lose.

Now, how can they not be excited to witness this scene with their own eyes?

When the opponent loses, they have to step on it fiercely.

To repay the hatred in the heart.

Above the ring, Wutian shook his head and said: Is this the power of the Martial God Body?

I have learned.

It is really strong, even stronger than the artifact, but unfortunately, it is not my opponent.

If you have no other hole cards, you can only lose.

Obediently give up!

Chaos Goddess and others also frowned: the martial arts body, not as powerful as imagined.

Long Xian'er snorted coldly: wrong.

The Martial God body is very powerful, but this mad **** hasn't gotten home.

As soon as my brother's martial arts body emerges, it will sweep the world, no one can beat it.

Everyone nodded, and they could only explain this way.

Lin Xuan smiled: Who told you that I have no other power?

You look down on me too much, right?

I have already learned your magical powers,

To be honest, that's all!

Next, just stare at it, how can I defeat it, your law of swallowing?

When these words came out, everyone was surprised: Is it possible that Mad God still has a hole card?

They all look forward to it.


Wu Tian gave a cold snort, he didn't believe it.

What if the opponent has a hole card?

The other party definitely cannot break, his swallowing law.

No one can break it.

Of course, it is not absolute.

It is said that the Great Dragon Sword is extremely sharp and can split the law of swallowing.

But it was a pity that Lin Wudi had already fallen, and the Great Dragon Sword had long since disappeared.

No one who is present can break his law.

He condensed and swallowed the law again, formed a sky full of whirlpool, and killed Lin Xuan.

In an instant, Lin Xuan was swallowed.

Wutian Yangtian laughed: I have to see, how did you break my law?

The people of the Sky-Swallowing God Race said with a smile: The Mad God is defeated.

I don't know what the sky is, but I want to break the laws of our Protoss, just dream.

Give him ten thousand years, he can't do it.


These people looked up to the sky and laughed, they had seen victory.

The people of the Dragon Race are desperate: Did you lose like this?

But at this moment, the vortex in the sky was shaking violently.

Then, it split like a firework.

Boom boom boom!

Bright light blooms between the sky and the earth, and the black vortex that fills the sky shatters together.

Lin Xuan's figure walked out from the cracked void.

Lin Xuan stands between heaven and like the supreme king, overlooking everything.

Countless people were stunned when they watched this scene.

The dragon people were stunned,

People from the Tianyang Protoss had a stiff smile.

As for the others, it was extremely shocking.

what's the situation?

The scene that had been undoubtedly defeated turned out to be a shocking reversal.

This crazy **** actually broke the law of devouring!

It's incredible!

It turns out that the other party is not just talking, the other party can really do it.

How did the other party do it?

The goddess Xuanbing, the goddess of Tianyang, and the goddess of Chaos also stood up suddenly.

There was a touch of shock in their eyes.

They also analyzed before that the mad **** could not break the law.

Even they can only suppress the law of swallowing with the power of the tyrannical bloodline.

They should not be able to break the law of swallowing.

Even they can't do it, this crazy god, it's even more impossible.

But now, the mad **** has done it!

It was beyond their expectations.

This is impossible!

Long Xianer's expression also changed drastically.

The crazy **** once again created a miracle, which made her extremely crazy.

She felt that this crazy **** was like an endless abyss, with no limit at all.

Long Xian'er took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.

In her eyes, there was a bitter light.

No matter how many hole cards you have? When you meet me, you will definitely lose.

Because I have mysterious swordsmanship!

The most shocking is Wutian.

His face was full of astonishment, and even his body was stunned.

His eyes were almost staring out.

What did he see?

His law of swallowing was really broken!

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