Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7872: True Dragon God Seal! The blood of the king!

Long Xian'er, once again killed strongly.

The goddess Xuanbing snorted, and her palms came out.

It was as if they had turned into two ice and snow worlds, slamming forward, trying to suppress each other.

The two fight together again,

In a blink of an eye, another 50 moves passed.

The strength of the two is very strong,

The two sides attacked each other, and every time they collided, the world was destroyed.

Dozens of tricks passed,

Suddenly at this time, the power of the goddess Xuanbing exploded.

She exerted her supreme blood power, and behind him, a phantom appeared.

This phantom is a woman, aloft, just like a peerless god.

This phantom, stretched out his hand, and a blue ice light flew out.

Killed Long Xianer.

Long Xian'er felt that the fatal crisis, she did not dare to be careless.

The five-fang true dragon art is used to the extreme, and the martial arts true dragon phantom surrounds her.

She made a shocking blow, forming a true dragon seal.


The two collide, forming a world-destroying storm.

But Long Xian'er's true dragon imprint was instantly penetrated.

This blue light fell on her body and knocked her out.

Her shoulders cracked, bones appeared, and dragon blood was spilled on the sky.


Countless people exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Before the two battles, they did not distinguish between top and bottom. Unexpectedly, Long Xian'er was injured.

It seems that the goddess is more powerful.

They said before that the blood of the **** son and goddess is unparalleled.

However, they have never seen the power of this bloodline.

Now, they finally saw it.

The mysterious figure behind the goddess Xuanbing was condensed with the power of blood.

This should be the phantom of a **** king.

The shot at this moment was really terrifying, and he injured Long Xian'er instantly.

You are not my opponent. Give up.

The goddess Xuanbing stood high and said coldly.

The people of Xuanbing Protoss laughed.

The people on Long Palace's complexion changed drastically.

Princess Xian'er, is she actually injured? Is it possible to lose?


People from the real dragon clan shook their heads crazy, they absolutely didn't believe it.

Princess Xian'er will not be defeated, Princess Xian'er still has a trump card and hasn't used it yet.

On the ring, Long Xian'er stood up, the dragon power on his body condensed to repair his injuries.

She looked forward, her face becoming extremely solemn.

Is this the blood of the king?

That's right.

The goddess Xuanbing nodded.

This kind of blood is very terrifying, with the power of the **** king, you are not an opponent at all.

Only the other goddess and goddess can compete with me.

And you can't.

Long Xian'er clenched his fists: It's really a desirable power.

However, she will not admit defeat.

She rushed over again.

This time, she displayed a kind of peerless magical power.

This is a kind of magical power in the magic trick, called True Dragon Roar.

Five dragon heads appeared next to her, and each dragon head looked like a mountain.

The five dragon heads roared together, their voices were overwhelming, and they were killing them forward.

This is a terrible sound of heaven.

As soon as it appeared, the whole world was shattered.

Those who watched the battle also had scalp numbness.

So far apart, they all felt their vitality and blood rolling, and the original **** was about to be broken.

This Long Xian'er is so strong that he can perform spiritual attacks.

The people of the Ancient Soul Race were also surprised.

Even for them, in the face of such a voice, I am afraid they are facing an enemy.

There are even many people who can't resist it.

The ice around the goddess Xuanbing bloomed and turned into a world of ice and snow, protecting her.

However, under the roar of the real dragon, this ice and snow world shattered at an extremely fast speed.

The ice in the sky melted.

Seeing this scene, the people of the true dragon clan cheered.

Too strong, this blow will definitely defeat the opponent.

The goddess Xuanbing was also surprised.

She snorted coldly, waved her sleeves, and once again gathered the supreme magic art.

More ice flew over, as if to freeze everything in the world.

The two forces are facing each other.


Long Xian'er once again condenses the seal of the true dragon.

This time, she condensed and formed, and the six true dragons and gods' seals fell overwhelmingly.

The body of the goddess Xuanbing shook, and she was about to be swallowed.

At this moment of crisis, she displayed her supreme power of blood.

The mysterious phantom reappeared and struck another blow.

This time, the opponent slapped a palm.

Although it was only a phantom, it seemed as if a sky had fallen.

With a bang, the 6 true dragon gods' seals were shot flying instantly.

Even the ancient Tianyin that filled the sky was torn apart.

Long Xian'er flew out again and spit out a mouthful of dragon blood.

Her face became extremely pale.

How could it be like this?

The people of the true dragon clan were desperate, and the others were also dumbfounded.

The peerless magical powers Long Xian'er displayed were really too powerful, enough to sweep everything.

However, facing the goddess, it seemed to be vulnerable.

Is this the blood of the king? It's too scary.

Is there really no one who can challenge this bloodline?

Now think about it, how defying the devil was able to injure Tianyang Divine Child before.

The Goddess of Chaos looked at this scene and also smiled.

I told you a long time ago that we are born to be kings. You still don't believe it and want to challenge?

What a fool!

She has never regarded Long Xian'er, Emperor Zuo, Mad God and others as opponents.

In her opinion, only the goddess Xuanbing, goddess demon and goddess Tianyang can compete with her. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

The others are not worth mentioning.

On the ring, Long Xian'er stood up again.

Her face became extremely ugly, and with her strength, it was difficult for her to compete with each other.

True Dragon God Art, and True Dragon Roar, are both peerless magical powers.

Once it is used, even some old true gods cannot resist.

However, facing the goddess, there is no effect.

It seems that the strength of these goddesses and goddesses is really strong enough. His own strength should be above 25 million gods.

Coupled with the supreme blood, it will become more powerful.

Unless her realm is far beyond the opponent and can hurt the opponent.

Otherwise, fighting against the realm, wanting to hurt the opponent is really too difficult.

But she will not admit defeat,

She still had a hole card, but she didn't show it.

That is the mysterious swordsmanship.

As long as she can block the opponent's supreme blood, she has the confidence to defeat the opponent.

Long Xian'er took a deep breath and took out the Zixia Immortal Sword.

Purple sword aura, flying between heaven and earth.

When they saw this scene, everyone exclaimed again.

It's going to fight again.

But Xuanbing God, the woman frowned: I originally thought that you were a smart person.

Now it seems that you are also stupid and ridiculous.

I told you that you are not my opponent, but you still want to make a move.

It was just a minor injury before, then, don't blame me for the cruelty!

In the eyes of the goddess Xuanbing, a bit of killing intent appeared.

If you take the shot, Long Xian'er said coldly.

After finishing speaking, she swung the purple magic sword towards the front and killed her.

The goddess Xuanbing was completely angry. This time, she directly urged her supreme blood.

Behind, the phantom of the Taoist King was photographed with a palm.

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