Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7873: Peerless swordsmanship! Created by Long Xianer!

This palm was even more terrifying than before, and even carried some bitter killing intent.

The people around had a tingling scalp after seeing it.

Even the elder of the Dragon Race suddenly stood up.

Their eyes are staring straight ahead.

Once Long Xian'er is in danger, they will immediately take action.


There was endless frost on Long Xian'er, and many places were frostbitten.

You know, she is a true dragon **** body, how strong her body is.

But at this moment, under the ice, her physique was injured.

Enough to imagine how terrifying this palm is.

She gritted her teeth, and there was a bitterness in her eyes.

The next moment, she waved the Zixia Immortal Sword in her hand.

A peerless sword light flew out and slashed on the palm of the cold ice god.

There was a loud noise, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and the palm of the ice **** shook slightly.

When they saw this scene, everyone was stunned.

What's the situation? This is different from what they thought.

In their opinion, Long Xian'er would lose in this palm.

But unexpectedly, Long Xian'er actually blocked this palm.

It's incredible.

Long Xian'er actually still has such a trump card.

The goddess of Tianyang, the goddess of chaos, was also taken aback, and a touch of shock appeared in their eyes.

The sword just now seemed very terrifying.

They became solemn and began to watch the battle seriously.

The people at Dragon Palace also exclaimed: Is it blocked? Are you dreaming?

People from the real dragon clan laughed loudly. .

We have already said that Princess Xian'er is so powerful, you still don't believe it.

Do you see it? This is Princess Xian'er, the real power.

Zhen Qianjue also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally displayed the strongest sword technique.

Ahead, the goddess Xuanbing was also taken aback, she couldn't believe it.

What she displayed, but the blood of the **** king, used the power of the **** king's phantom.

This power transcends everything,

Unless the realm is much higher than her, it can compete.

Otherwise, people of the same realm can't resist it at all.

People with low levels will be wiped out.

But now, Long Xian'er actually blocked it.

What kind of swordsmanship did the other party use?

Isn't it terrible?

You still have this method, which is beyond my expectation.

The goddess Xuanbing snorted coldly: But, you are too underestimated, right?

Next, let me tell you how strong the blood of the **** king is.

The goddess Xuanbing snorted coldly, and a frosty rune appeared on the center of her eyebrows.

The next moment, the blood in her body rolled and boiled.

The phantom behind it became more and more real, as if it had come across time and space.

In the next moment, this figure, both palms came out, and its power increased exponentially.

Many spectators are desperate.

Those in the second tier, such as Mojie, Greed Wolf, Jian Tianchen, Lei Lie and others.

Under this force, there is despair.

Presumably, facing such an attack, they will be wiped out in an instant.

Long Xian'er, can he resist it?

Long Xian'er also felt the fatal crisis.

She can only rely on this mysterious sword technique now.

Gritting his teeth, continue to blow the mysterious swordsmanship,

One trick after another.

A mysterious sword aura flew out.

With a sharp aura and a mysterious power, he slammed forward.

Bang bang bang!

The battle between the two,

The palm of the Divine King Phantom was blocked again.

Countless people were stunned.

The goddess of Tianyang, the goddess of chaos, stood up suddenly, with incredible eyes.

They could see that the goddess Xuanbing had exerted her bloodline power with all her strength.

But, can't it help the other party?

What kind of swordsmanship is this?

Is the sword of the **** king?

The people of Xuanbing Protoss were also stunned.

The eyes of the two ancestors were staring at this swordsmanship with a piercing light.

They took a deep breath, and this sword technique carried an extremely sharp aura.

Is it possible that this Long Xian'er also has a monument of Lin Wudi?

But even with that kind of stone monument, it is impossible to practice swordsmanship to such a level?

At this moment, the people of the major Protoss were extremely shocked.

They all began to study Long Xian'er's swordsmanship.

They found that this sword technique is extremely powerful.

The power above is very strong and sharp, it seems to be able to split everything.

Is this the sword technique of the dragon clan? Why don't they know?

Why have they never heard of it?

Many people looked at the dragon clan.

The people in Dragon Palace are also dumbfounded, and they have never seen this kind of swordsmanship.

Countless people looked at the true dragon family.

People of the real dragon clan, with their chin raised, with a proud face, did not answer at all.

At this time, a half-step **** king asked.

The talent of the Dragon Race responded: Qizi ancestor, this is Xian'er, the sword technique created by himself.

Created by yourself?

The people in the Dragon Palace were shocked. Isn't this too bad for the sky?

What kind of kendo talent is needed to create such a supreme swordsmanship?

People from other Protoss also heard it, and they were also dumbfounded.

There are even some Peak True Gods, frowning.

Impossible, Long Xian'er's talent is absolutely impossible to be so strong.

What is impossible?

Listening to the water, Long snorted coldly: If she didn't create it, where did you say it came from?

Did you give it?

People from other dragon races cannot answer.

However, they still couldn't believe that Long Xianer's kendo talent was so powerful.

As for those people in the heavens and worlds, UU read even more.

They found that the battle ahead was terrifying, and they seemed to be watching the gods fighting.

She is so strong, her swordsmanship seems to be sharper than this.

How does it feel like the swordsmanship of a big dragon?

Is it possible that she also has a big dragon stele?

When Jun Wushuang saw this scene, he was shocked.

She has felt the big dragon stele, and at this moment, seeing Long Xian'er's swordsmanship, she was shocked by the heavens!

Or, Long Xian'er felt that Lin Wudi's stele.

If not, doesn't it mean that Long Xian'er's talent is not under Lin Wudi.

Then this is such a gifted talent.

Jun Wushuang thought about it and felt terrible.

Lin Xuan next to him has not spoken.

Ever since Long Xian'er performed his first move, his expression has become weird.

He felt that this sword technique was very familiar.

Seeing this at the moment, he also fully understands why he is familiar.

This is the sword technique he created.

At the beginning, he was in the desolate area, preparing to fuse the fire, rune, and thunder rune.

Create a peerless swordsmanship,

At that time, half of the creation, he gave up.

Although swordsmanship was very powerful, Lin Xuan was not satisfied.

He felt that it was not the time yet, and he was ready to create it later.

Unexpectedly, this half-created sword technique was actually obtained by Long Xian'er.

Long Xian'er was still cultivating, and he was still in full view, showing it out.

What is even more shameless is that the other party said that this is a self-made swordsmanship!

Ha ha.

Lin Xuan smiled.

This laughter was extremely mocking.

Those people around have heard it.

The people of the true dragon clan were immediately angry: Who dares to laugh at them, let's die.

They suddenly turned their heads and stared at Lin Xuan instantly.

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