Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7874: Goddess, but so!

Hearing someone ridiculed, the real dragons were extremely angry.

They turned their heads and looked around.

When they saw that it was Lin Xuan, they even gritted their teeth.

Damn, what is this kid laughing at?

I think he is jealous.

Boy, just envy you, Princess Xian'er's strength is beyond your imagination.

That is, have you seen that kind of peerless swordsmanship? You have not met, and after you meet, you will undoubtedly lose.

People of the real dragon clan are murderous.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan laughed even louder: hahahaha.

His voice vibrated the world.

The people of the Protoss in the distance also turned their heads and looked at: What does this crazy **** want to do?

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Don't put gold on your face.

What kind of self-made swordsmanship? Make a face.

This is simply not her own swordsmanship.

what did you say?

When hearing this, the people in Dragon Palace were shocked, and the others were also in an uproar.

The people of the real dragon clan were even more angry: presumptuous, nonsense!

Boy, you are jealous.

Do you dare to slander Princess Xian'er, do you want to die?

They are really angry,

They absolutely don't allow the other party to be so arrogant.

Zhen Qianjue and others stood up, and even wanted to make a move.

The atmosphere in the Dragon Palace was extremely tense.

However, at this moment, the ring ahead has changed.

A earth-shaking voice sounded.

Long Xian'er used peerless swordsmanship and finally resisted the power of the **** king.

After that, she also desperately urged the power of the Dragon Dao and quickly killed the past.

Finally, she killed the goddess Xuanbing.

The palm of the hand squeezed out the ancient mark, and he slapped it forward fiercely.

It shot on the body of the goddess Xuanbing and penetrated the body of the goddess Xuanbing.

The goddess Xuanbing was severely wounded, and the sky was stained with blood.

Countless people were stunned when they watched this scene.

What did they see?

The goddess was actually injured!

Isn't it incredible?

Is Long Xian'er so good?

Goddess Xuanbing, the pain almost passed out.

She couldn't believe that she would be hit hard, and the other party could actually block her blood.

She fell on the ring, her face full of shock.

At the beginning, she never regarded Long Xian'er and others in her eyes.

In her opinion, there are only other goddesses and goddesses who can compete with him.

But now, she was actually injured by Long Xian'er.

For a while, she stayed there,

Long Xian'er on the opposite side was extremely excited.

Sure enough, this peerless swordsmanship is amazing.

She took advantage of the victory and rushed forward quickly.

The phantom of the real dragon around him became more and more real, and merged with her.

She turned into a real dragon with teeth and claws.

The goddess Xuanbing was enveloped in an instant.

The face of the goddess Xuanbing changed drastically. She wanted to escape, but it was too late.

At the critical moment, she pushed the remaining power, formed countless cones of ice, and pierced forward.

The world was pierced instantly,

The body of the real dragon was also pierced.

Although the power of the bloodline was blocked.

But the goddess Xuanbing, the rest of the power, are equally terrifying.

Long Xian'er was also injured.

Long Xian'er didn't give up. This was the best time for her to defeat the opponent.

She used the secret method to burn her dragon power.

A group of real dragon fire appeared on his body.

Regardless of her injury, the dragon claws waved and the dragon head roared.

Finally, the goddess Xuanbing was beaten out again.

The two figures fell on the ground, and the blood of the gods stained the world.

Countless people were stunned when they watched this scene.

This is really a stunning showdown, the two first-tier talents are all injured.

What is the end result? It's really hard to say.

The people of the Xuanbing Protoss and True Dragon clan were extremely nervous.

They stared straight ahead,

Finally, they saw Long Xian'er stand up.

Although Long Xian'er was injured, it was not fatal. She still had the power to fight.

On the contrary, the goddess Xuanbing was injured twice before, and she was extremely embarrassed at the moment.

There is not much combat power left.

If she continues to fight, she will suffer more severe injuries and even damage the origin of her blood.

In desperation, he could only admit defeat.

When she lost, the people of the heavens and all realms were shocked.

The goddess was defeated!

It's incredible.

Things that had never been thought of before, did not expect that Goddess Xuanbing would be defeated.

Moreover, it was defeated by Long Xianer,

This is defying the heavens.

Long Xian'er did what the lunatic wanted to do but couldn't do.

Between the heaven and the earth, it is terribly quiet,

Everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

Long Xian'er holds a fairy sword, like the **** of the dragon clan.

She said coldly: Goddess, but that's all.

The people in Dragon Palace got excited: I won, but I won!

They cheered.

Especially the people of the true dragon clan, they roared with excitement.

Hahahaha, I knew that Princess Xianer was definitely the strongest.

Princess Xian'er is unparalleled in talent, created her own peerless swordsmanship, sweeping everything.

What about the goddess? Not yet lost,

Princess Xianer can definitely get the first place in the Protoss.

The true dragon family, at this moment, swelled to the extreme.

The people of the heavens and worlds are also shocked,

This battle really opened their eyes.

The people of other Protoss are like facing a big enemy, and they have a trace of worry in their hearts.

This Long Xian'er, like her brother Long Tatian, will sweep everything, right?

The goddess of chaos, **** son of Tianyang and others, their expressions are extremely solemn.

The most desperate were the people of the Protoss of Xuanbing. UU Reading

Unexpectedly, their goddess would be defeated.

For a while, they were dumbfounded.

Their hearts have sunk to the bottom.

The goddess Xuanbing was even saved by the elders.

She had no gods in her eyes, and her whole person seemed to be dumbfounded, without any response.

No way, the result was really too great a blow to her.

She has always been proud, and she is aloof, I am afraid it is difficult to accept.

Long Xian'er raised her chin, and she returned to the Dragon Palace.

Countless people from the Dragon Race gathered around her and congratulated her.

This kind of highly anticipated feeling is really great.

She raised a smile and looked at Lin Xuan with a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

Next time, she will personally defeat Lin Xuan.

Just in time, Lin Xuan also looked forward,

The eyes of the two collided in the air.

Long Xian'er frowned slightly.

Others looked at her, either looking up or horrified.

Other than that, there is no other expression.

However, this Lin Xuan is completely different.

There was a trace of sarcasm in the other's eyes, which made her extremely angry.

This guy is actually laughing at her,

Are you kidding me?

She is the winner.

Zhen Shaoyang and others next to him also had courage.

They said again: Princess Xian'er, you don't know how arrogant that crazy **** is.

He dare to slander you.

Zhen Shaoyue also gritted his teeth and said: He actually said that the sword technique was not created by you.

Are you kidding me?

Others also said: Leave him alone, that guy must be jealous and crazy.

That's why it is nonsense.

After Long Xian'er heard this, her pupils shrank sharply.

She was taken aback for a moment.

Could it be that Mad God discovered her secret?

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