Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7877: The light of destiny! Who can stop!

Someone once walked out of the light of destiny, have they changed their fate against the sky?

When the people around heard this, they were shocked.

who is that? It's so bad!

They can now, but clearly see how painful Tianyang Divine Child is!

How desperate!

The man proudly said: Naturally, he is our mad son.

After listening, everyone was stunned: What? The mad **** came out of the light of fate!

Really? fake?

Kuang Sheng just said that he created his own peerless swordsmanship, and now he is out of the light of destiny.

This is too bad!

This is stronger than the goddess and goddess.

Some people snorted and didn't believe it,

For example, Long Xian'er didn't believe it.

However, those of the Star God Race said: It is true.

Before the emperor and the mad **** duel, the emperor failed.

The mad **** indeed blocked the light of fate.

The people of the heavens and the world were stunned,

Unexpectedly, the mad **** actually did it.

God son and goddess, shocked: How did this crazy **** do it?

Long Xian'er snorted coldly. If Crazy God can do it, she must be able to do it too.


Above the ring, the **** of Tianyang was extremely painful.

It seemed that he couldn't break his own limits and couldn't get out of the light of fate.

The emperor stepped in the air, carrying the power of the stars of the heavens and the world.

Towards the **** son of Tianyang, kill him.

He wanted to defeat Tianyang Divine Child, and he only needed one move, and he was able to fly the opponent.

However, at this moment, God Child Tianyang suddenly opened his eyes.

On him, a flame appeared. This flame was very small, only the size of a nail.

That power, but extremely terrifying,

Just appeared, heaven and earth collapsed.

In the light of destiny, a crack appeared unexpectedly.

Tianyang Divine Child rushed out of this crack in an instant.

When seeing this scene, the emperor's face changed greatly.

how is this possible?

The other party came out from the light of destiny!

Even ruined the light of destiny,

What was the flame just now?

Before he had time to react, the group of flames directed at him and quickly killed.

The emperor was like an enemy, and he felt a fatal crisis.

The endless stars condensed into a shield, blocking him.

The other hand grabbed into the galaxy and grabbed a star sword from it.

Cut down with a sword.

Boom boom boom!

The peerless star divine sword flew the Tianyang divine child out.

However, the condition of the Emperor is not good.

The star shield he condensed into was instantly penetrated.

His whole body was also pierced, and the sky was stained with blood.

All this only happened in the blink of an eye.

When everyone reacted, they saw two figures, each backing away.

They exclaimed.

Chaos goddess, devil **** child, they were surprised.

How did the **** son of Tianyang get out, the light of destiny?

What is that flame?

Why is the power so terrible?

Lin Xuan also looked solemn, and there was a mysterious light flashing in his eyes.

He fixed his eyes on the **** son of Tianyang.

Is that flame?

Lin Xuan had a guess in his heart, and his brows frowned slightly.

It seems that Tianyang Protoss has succeeded.

The emperor is about to lose.

He sighed,

The power of this flame is too strong, and it is estimated that few people can stop it.

Sure enough, after being hit by the flames, the Emperor tried to fight back several times, but was seriously injured.

He couldn't recover, he could only fail unwillingly.

Those people of the Star God Race were stunned: What's the matter?

Can't you stand it with just one hand? How powerful is the flame?

The elders took a breath after walking over.

They discovered that these flames were still there.

Even the starlight could not obliterate it.

When they shot, they couldn't obliterate each other in a short time.

They took a breath, and suddenly exclaimed: The legendary immortal fire!

After listening to those other people, they were also shocked.

They are still speculating, how did the **** son of Tianyang get out of the light of fate?

What is that flame? How terrible is it?

When they heard the unquenchable fire, they all reacted.

The fire of God,

In the legend, the flame that never goes out,

Did God Child Tianyang actually get it?

Those people of the Protoss shook their heads frantically: No, the previous flame was a virtual fire.

Although terrible, it is not a true inextinguishable fire.

It is said that the crazy **** was lucky and cut out a flame.

Could it be that the God Child of Tianyang, from these virtual fires, condensed a trace, the real fire of God?

Thinking of this possibility, they took a breath.

The goddess of the devil, the goddess of Xuanbing, the goddess of chaos, and others are even more like enemies.

Even Long Xian'er became nervous.

The legendary flame? Did the other party really get it?

It looks like a peerless enemy.

I don’t know if her swordsmanship can extinguish the flame of the opponent?

Tianyang Divine Child snorted coldly, and to be honest, he didn't prepare before and used the fire of God.

This is a trick left to the Demon God Child and the Chaos Goddess.

He did not expect that the light of destiny would be so terrible.

With his own bloodline talent, he couldn't compete.

In other words, with his own strength, he cannot change his fate against the sky.

He can only rely on the legendary fire of God.

The fire of God did not disappoint him,

Just a flame broke the light of destiny.

That is to say, he who possesses the fire of God is enough to change his fate against the sky. UU reading www.

Enough to surpass itself.

The first must be his,

No one can resist the fire of God.

He only got a flame, but the power was beyond imagination.

Tianyang Shenzi turned and walked off the ring.

At this moment, the world is terribly quiet.

Countless people looked at the **** son of Tianyang, with awe, looking up and shocked in their eyes.

Those who watched the battle were extremely excited,

This first place has become more and more confusing.

Everyone has a trick.

Long Xian'er has peerless swordsmanship, Tianyang Shenzi, and the legendary fire of God.

Who can win first in the end? It's really hard to say.

Next, the game continues.

Those geniuses all made their efforts.

The battle is still very exciting.

Finally, it was time for Zhen Shaoyang to take action again.

Zhen Shaoyang is full of confidence this time.

There was a reason for the previous defeat, but this time he won't lose again.

As long as he doesn't meet the first echelon, he can definitely win.

He met someone from the Ancient Soul Race. Although the other party was terrible with spirit skills, Zhen Shaoyang was confident.

However, after ten strokes, Zhen Shaoyang was defeated, Qiqiao bleeds and fainted.

Countless people were stunned.

what's the situation?

Zhen Shaoyang, but the second echelon,

Is the master of the second echelon.

Definitely can enter the top 30, even the top 20 is no problem.

But now, he was defeated by 10 strokes.

The person who shot is not the first echelon.

Could it be that there are hidden masters?

Countless people looked at the figure on the ring.

This is a figure in a black robe with black hair flying in the wind.

In his eyes, there is a mysterious flash of light.

The arrogant of the ancient soul clan, Ye Xiao!

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