Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7878: Lin Xuan vs. Long Xianer!

This name is very unfamiliar, and all the major Protoss in the past had top geniuses and strong men.

Every protoss has someone who enters the first echelon, and the second echelon is also very famous.

However, the Ancient Soul Race seemed to be an exception.

The ancient soul race, there is currently no **** child and goddess awakened, and no one has entered the first echelon.

Those in the second echelon also seem to be silent.

In their opinion, the Ancient Soul Race should be revived, and the strength is not enough.

This time, it’s difficult to get into the top 10.

Someone should be in the top 20.

But not too much.

It can be said that among the several **** races, the ancient soul race is the bottom.

Of course, the Ancient Soul Race at its peak was very terrifying.

Their spiritism is mysterious and unpredictable.

But it is a pity that many strong geniuses have not recovered.

In this era, I am afraid that the Ancient Soul Clan is very difficult to dominate.

After all, the geniuses of other Protoss are really too dazzling.

Either have the blood of the **** king, or have the legendary flame and peerless swordsmanship.

Ancient Protoss, there seems to be nothing.

But now?

The people of the Ancient Soul Clan easily defeated the top masters of the second echelon.

It is beyond everyone's expectations.

It seems that the Ancient Soul Race is not as weak as expected.

Next, the game continues.

Everyone began to pay attention to this Ye Xiao, and found that as long as he shot, he could easily kill the enemy in seconds.

Especially when facing the second-tier Tianjiao. The opponent can solve the battle within 10 moves.

Under the recommendation, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [Change Source Artifact APP] caches and reads books, offline reading!

This is incredible.

This guy must be the first few in the second echelon.

Besides Ye Xiao, there is another genius.

This genius still wears the black robe of the Ancient Soul Race.

But he wore a pale mask on his face.

He is called Shishui,

His strength is not weaker than Ye Xiao.

Everyone was stunned!

The Ancient Soul Race actually had two super masters.

Although not comparable to the first echelon, in the second echelon, it is definitely the top existence.

Even the eyes of this passing water have already begun to look at the first echelon.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

God, is the opponent to challenge, the first echelon?

Finally, it was another terrifying duel, which shocked countless people.

In this duel, the Demon God Child fights Wu Tian.

The two fought earthshaking,

As a result, Wutian still lost.

The Demon God Child is too strong, although he is a bear child, his blood is extremely terrifying.

Not long after, the Goddess of Chaos also shot.

Fight with the goddess Xuanbing,

As a result, she won the goddess Xuanbing.

Wutian, Goddess Xuanbing, they all lost consecutively.

Originally they were superior people.

They lost once, their confidence was affected, and their strength was damaged.

The next battle was not as expected.

When Long Xian'er saw this scene, she clenched her fists.

Cannot be defeated, must not be defeated,

Keep this momentum and sing all the way.

Once lost, I am afraid it will be difficult to enter the top five.

Let alone compete for the first place.

Fortunately, her current record is a complete victory,

She has peerless swordsmanship. As long as you don't meet Tianyang Divine Child, no one else should be her opponent.

In addition to Long Xian'er who also maintained the record of complete victory, it was Tianyang Shenzi.

There are also Chaos Goddess, Demon Godzi, and Lin Xuan.

The current record of these five people is among the top five.

In other words, the top three, or even the first place, will appear among these five people.

As for the others, they all failed.

These 5 people will meet sooner or later,

I really look forward to the duel of these 5 people.

Countless people are excited, even those geniuses are looking forward to it.

They also want to see what the peak battle is like?

Two days later, they really waited, a peerless duel.

The two sides of the duel turned out to be Mad God and Long Xian'er!

Countless people are boiling,

Tianyang Shenzi also raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

There is a good show.

Chaos Goddess and others are also extremely concerned.

The two can be said to be rivals.

Crazy God also said before that he pioneered that peerless sword technique.

I don’t know if the mad god, when facing peerless swordsmanship, is there any way he can resist it?

Long Xian'er was also extremely happy: finally met you.

Boy, I will let you be defeated by my sword.

Before, the mad **** almost broke through her secret.

Although the ancestor is on her side, I am afraid there will be some doubts in her heart.

Only by completely defeating the mad **** can she let her ancestor stand on her side completely.

More importantly, defeating the mad **** will expose the lies of the mad god.

This sword technique was definitely not created by the mad god.

The other members of the real dragon clan laughed loudly, this kid is finally going to be unlucky.

I don't know what the sky is high and the earth is thick, but also create a peerless swordsmanship.

I have to see, how can he resist?

I guess he can't stop him with a single sword!

Zhen Shaoyue also laughed: I don't think he is qualified to let the princess use that peerless swordsmanship.

It is estimated that the princess can defeat the opponent by using the magic trick.

I am very sure of that.

People of the true dragon family are full of confidence.

On the side of the Five Elements Emperor Dragon Clan, they were extremely nervous and worried.

If the mad **** loses this time, not only will there be defeat, it will affect confidence.

It will make everyone think that the mad **** is a liar who doesn't know the heights of the sky and speaks arrogant words.

The impact of this on the mad **** is really too great, and the consequences may not be able to bear it.

Several elders sighed: Why does the mad **** want to say, UU reading www.uukanshu. Did you create com swordsmanship yourself?

Isn't this picking up a rock and hitting yourself in the foot?

Yes, this time I lost, I am afraid I will be regarded as a jumping clown, and be stinking for thousands of years.

Fire One and Water One they said: They haven't fought yet, how can they know that the mad son will be defeated?

Anyway, I believe in the mad son,

The mad son, but someone who can change his fate against the sky.

Yes, that's right, Young Master Mad God, can definitely defeat Long Xian'er.

Having said that,

Most people don't believe that mad gods can win.

I don't even believe that the mad **** can resist, that kind of peerless swordsmanship.

In the anticipation of the crowd, two figures came to the arena.

Lin Xuan looked calm, and there was no pressure on him in this battle.

He looked forward and smiled: I said, you'd better not use that kind of swordsmanship.

Otherwise, you will lose quickly and miserably.

Long Xian'er snorted coldly: If you want me to use that kind of swordsmanship, just look at you, do you have the skills?

I feel that there is no need to use peerless swordsmanship against you.

You first resist my Five Fang True Dragon Art, let's talk about it.

When the voice fell, Long Xian'er suddenly shot.

The big palm of a real dragon fell overwhelmingly.

It looked like that, as if he was swatting flies.

The people of the true dragon clan laughed, and the others shook their heads.

This Long Xian'er really didn't put the other party in his eyes.

Lin Xuan frowned, a sneer in his eyes.

The other party is too bloated, right?

After winning the goddess Xuanbing, she felt invincible.

Facing him, the other party dared to be so careless.

It seems that I have to teach the other party something, a profound lesson.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan used the Martial God Body, like a humanoid magic weapon, making a strong shot.

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