Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7883: Too arrogant! 1 trick to solve the devil child?

Long Xian'er, originally desperate.

Not only was she defeated, she was also beaten in public.

More importantly, she was completely beaten by the mad god.

This made her a complete defeat.

But now, she saw hope again.

At first, the place where she discovered the peerless swordsmanship was where they rested in the Dragon Palace.

She can find out that other people may find out naturally.

This mad god, also a member of the dragon clan, stayed in that place.

Maybe the other party found out,

After the other party found out, he immediately practiced.

Long Xian'er struggled for a long time, and didn't practice until the ranking match was about to start.

I wasted a few years in the middle

It is normal for her to be no match for the mad god.

Thinking of this, Long Xian'er snorted coldly: It turns out that you are also a bragging fellow.

What self-made swordsmanship? It’s just a few years before I practiced.

Thinking of the other party, she didn't have the kind of peerless talent, Long Xian'er felt that the gap between her and the crazy **** was not big.

She even felt that she was careless about her defeat this time.

If she knows that the other party can also use swordsmanship, she cannot fail.

Zhen Qianjue even stood up and said: That's it. Mad God, your secret, I know.

His voice, like thunder, spread everywhere.

The people of the heavens and all worlds were in an uproar: What is the situation? What's the secret of the mad god?

In order to save face, Zhen Qianjue expressed the guess in his heart.

He said: Peerless swordsmanship is not created by you at all.

We admit that Xianer lied.

This sword technique was obtained by Xian'er accidentally in a deserted ancient area.

It should be created by a senior sword god.

Xian'er can see it, and you can see it, but you have practiced for a few more years than Xian'er.

What else did you create by yourself?

You dare to say!

Do you have that kind of talent?

As soon as these words came out, countless people were in an uproar: What? It turned out to be like this.

It turned out that this sword technique was neither created by Long Xian'er, nor created by the mad god. It was created by a senior sword god.

The book booths that book friends used before have gone down, and now they are basically using the Huanyuan artifact app.

Let me just say, how could this mad **** have such a heavenly talent?

How come the dragon people look like this? They put gold on their faces.

I originally thought that this mad **** was superior to the son of god. It seems that it is not like this at all.

Next, as long as the **** son and goddess are careful, he can definitely defeat this crazy god.

Those people of the Protoss were also surprised again and again.

The young geniuses breathed a sigh of relief.

Those strong elders frowned slightly.

When they looked at Lin Xuan, their expressions changed.

Tianyang God Child, Chaos Goddess, they also sneered: it turned out to be like this.

People from the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan also changed their expressions, and they all looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: extremely stupid.

He was too lazy to explain.

He is preparing for the next battle, using his peerless swordsmanship.

And on the battlefield, further deduction of peerless swordsmanship.

When the time comes, these people will know that he created this sword technique?

Now despise the person who laughs at him, then he will definitely be slapped in the face.

Especially this true dragon clan and Long Xian'er, I am afraid he will be directly defeated.

Next, the game continued.

One by one genius duel, earth-shattering, not long after, it was the first echelon duel.

Emperor Zuo and Xuanbing goddess duel.

The goddess Xuanbing also failed to escape the light of fate.

Everyone was worried again, the power of the emperor's fate was terrible.

At present, in addition to Tianyangzi, relying on the fire of God, successfully contended.

Other people seem to be unable to resist it at all.

Even a goddess, with her own blood, it is difficult to surpass fate.

A few days later, it was another duel,

It is the demon **** child, and the emperor's showdown.

Everyone exclaimed again: This demon **** child, can it succeed?

The people of the Demon Race also became nervous,

Lin Xuan also watched the battle seriously.

Through the power of destiny, you can see the cards of these goddesses and goddesses.

I don’t know what devil’s hole cards are against the sky?

Mo Shenzi was a bear child, and the power he showed was terrifying.

No one dares to underestimate each other.

The emperor did not dare to be careless.

He had just boarded the ring, but the Demon God Child suddenly shot.

Don't give the emperor a chance to use the power of destiny.

As soon as the demon **** child came up, he shot with all his strength, and instantly shot the emperor out.

The emperor is blinded,

Everyone is blinded.

Is the battle over?

Is this too fast?

The devil had won.

He didn't block the light of destiny, but didn't give the emperor a chance to make a move.

this is okay too?

When the goddess Xuanbing and others saw this scene, they almost vomited blood in depression.

I had known that they also used the momentum of thunder to deal with the emperor.

Even the emperor's face is depressed.

This devil is too cunning, right? He was really careless.


The devil said with a smile: I thought for a long time before I came up with such a way.

Otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist, the light of destiny.

The demon **** child walked back happily.

The people of the Demon Race are also very excited,

Their young master is really smart.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes.

This bear kid really does not play cards according to common sense.

Then, when dealing with the opponent, it is impossible to play cards according to common sense.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan grinned.

He had already thought about how to deal with the other party.

Next, the game continues,

There were no defeats, only four people remained.

Tianyang God Child, Chaos Goddess, Demon God Child and Lin Xuan.

The two Tianjiao of the Ancient Soul Race also lost.

One was defeated by the goddess Tianyang, and the other by the goddess Chaos.

No way, no matter how strong the two of them are, UU Reading is not the opponent of the goddess.

Both of these are qualified to hit the top ten,

Finally, this day, it was time for Lin Xuan to make another move.

Lin Xuan originally wanted to deduce swordsmanship on the battlefield and hit these people in the face.

When he saw his opponent, he was taken aback.

He discovered that the opponent turned out to be a demon **** child.

This is a bear kid who does not play cards according to common sense. Lin Xuan has already thought of a way to deal with the opponent.

He didn't use peerless swordsmanship, but walked over with a smile.

The other people exclaimed: Heaven, it's another peerless battle.

The demon **** child is very strong, and the mad **** is against the sky. The two of them don't know how to win or lose in this battle.

The people of the heavens and worlds are excited and looking forward to it.

The people of the two great protoss are also nervous watching the battle.

Oh it's you.

The devil stared at the crazy god, frowning slightly.

You seem to be cultivating, a martial arts body!

The whole person is like metal, not delicious at all.

I really want to eat other dragons.

After hearing this, the dragon clan rolled his eyes.

They are standing high and sweeping through the wasteland, in the eyes of the other party, is it just food?

Others were also confused.

This bear kid really does not play cards according to common sense.

At this time, I still want to eat.

The devil shook his head disappointedly and said: Since it is not delicious, I can only make a quick fight.

Mad God, take out your strongest trick, I won't keep it.

A terrible magical flame appeared on the demon **** child.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Don't worry, I won't delay time, I only have one move.

After one move, the winner can be determined.

When these words came out, everyone was stunned: too arrogant, right?

The people of the Demon Race are also angry.

This is not to put their **** son in the eyes at all!

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