Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7884: Mad God did it!

Even the demon **** child was taken aback.

Beat him with one move?

It is estimated that Tianyang Divine Child would not dare to say this.

What is the confidence of this mad god? Dare to say such things.

His face sank, and he snorted coldly: He wants to see you, how can you beat me with one move?

As he said, he turned into a flash of lightning and rushed forward.

His speed was very fast, and he came to Lin Xuan in an instant.

A magic fist blasted towards Lin Xuan.

But Lin Xuan flipped his hand and took out something, saying: What do you think this is?

Crazy God shot,

What artifact is it?

Isn't it a fake magic weapon?

That might be terrifying.

There were exclamations,

The people of the Demon Race were also taken aback.

Is there still such a thing in the hands of the mad god?

That son of God is dangerous.

They are like enemies.

The demon **** child did not dare to be careless, the magic lines on his body instantly condensed into a battle armor.

Cover him.

He looked forward.

When he saw what was in Lin Xuan's palm, he was stunned.

He stopped,

Those other people were also stunned.

What did they see?

There was a fruit in Lin Xuan's palm.

That's right, it's not a weapon, it's not a fake weapon, it's a fruit.

This fruit is very peculiar, they have never seen it before.

What is this?

What is this crazy **** doing?

Does this fruit have any power?

Countless doubts sounded,

Even the people in the Dragon Palace were stunned.

The half-step **** kings also narrowed their eyes.

They did not recognize, what is this fruit?

It's really weird.

The people on the other side of the devil are the most nervous.

They said: Old ancestor, what is that?

The ancestor of the Demon Race said: It's strange, I don't know.

Not only did the demon clan not know it, no one knew it.

What is this?

On the ring, the Demon God Child was also taken aback.

He blinked his **** and white eyes and said: It seems to be delicious.

Of course it's delicious, let me tell you, this is something that has been lost in the world.

If you don’t believe me, ask your ancestors, do you know what this is?

The Demon God Child was taken aback, stepped back and looked towards the Demon God Clan.

Finding the ancestor of the Demon Race, he looked confused.

Listening to the discussions of those around you, no one really recognizes this thing.

This fruit was taken out by Lin Xuan from the ancient land.

After seeing Demon God and Emperor Zuo, after that battle, Lin Xuan discovered that Demon God child did not play cards according to common sense.

To deal with bear children, it cannot be normal.

He knows that the other party likes to eat, so he makes ideas in this regard.

He has an eternal land, and he found a divine fruit in it,

It's never been outside.

This divine fruit tastes very good and is highly recommended by Xiaobai.

Xiaobai, this foodie, would recommend it, and he would definitely not refuse to come to the devil.

The devil said: What are you doing with this thing? Do you want to give it to me?

Do you want me to do it lightly? You can think about it.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: I really want to give it to you.

However, I have the conditions,

If you admit defeat, I will give you this divine fruit.

When I said this, everyone was confused.

What is this crazy **** thinking? Is your mind flooded?

What kind of joke was thinking of the demon **** child surrendering?

Extremely stupid.


The people of the demons sneered,

Their **** son is smart, how could he agree?

The real dragon clan also gave a cold snort.

They felt that the mad **** was too arrogant and too ignorant.

Those other people also frowned. Could it be that this crazy **** also swelled after winning Long Xian'er?

Is it too floating?

This is not putting the **** child in his eyes at all!

Lin Xuan is extremely confident, the origin of this divine fruit is absolutely beyond the imagination of these people.

Are you kidding me? Demon God also frowned.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Why are you playing tricks?

I ask you, is winning important to you? Does the first matter to you?

I don’t think it’s very important. For you, you should be happy, which is the most important thing.

Don't you like to eat? I think this is what is most important to you.

Everyone was speechless.

Lin Xuan cut through the divine fruit and gave the demon divine child a bit, saying: You can taste it.

The devil tasted it, and his eyes lit up.

He felt that he seemed to drift into the fairy world.

He had never tasted this kind of taste.

It was stronger than any monster he had eaten before.

Even one is 100 times stronger.

How much do you have? I want it.

The eyes of the devil's child are shining!

Lin Xuan shook his head and said: Only this one.

If you agree, I will give it to you, or if you agree, I will eat it in front of you.

Then, confront you again.

To be honest, in a real fight, you may not have won me.

I'm afraid that when the time comes, you will lose and you won't be able to eat this kind of peerless fruit.


Lin Xuan sighed heavily.

The devil thought for a while.

It seems that the first place is really not too important to him.

He just came to play.

To be honest, at the beginning, he didn't really want to participate in this competition.

It is the elder of the family who said that there are many weird creatures on the field, all of which are delicious food.

He just came.

Since it was for food, how could he have missed it now that he has met a peerless fruit?

He nodded and said: Okay, I promise you.

you first. Lin Xuan pointed under the ring.

Mo Shenzi jumped directly off the ring and said: Okay.

Lin Xuan threw the divine fruit in his hand to the other He smiled and said: Happy cooperation, I will discover this kind of peerless divine fruit in the future, I think of you first.

Haha, crazy god, you're so interesting, you friend, I'm sure.

The demon **** child held the **** fruit and smiled openly.

The people around are dumbfounded,

The people in the heavens and all realms are stupid.

What did they see?

If the soldier is not bloody, the mad **** will win.

Is this too simple?

Those people who had previously lost to the Demon God Child were all vomiting blood.

Especially the people in the first echelon are crazy.

They were too unjustly defeated.

The elders of the Demon Clan almost vomited a mouthful of old blood.

They only feel dizzy in front of them: Young Master, you are too greedy.

They are really speechless.

The people of the True Dragon clan were also dumbfounded: How could the luck of this crazy **** be so good?

They were crazy with jealousy.

Jun Wushuang said: It's really a bear kid, he doesn't play cards according to common sense.

In countless people's shocked, surprised, and unbelievable eyes. Lin Xuan easily won the game.

Insert a perfect re-engraving of the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can change the source of the APP-the source of the change.

Another victory.

There are only three people who have won the victory now.

God Child Tianyang and Goddess Chaos, they both stared at Lin Xuan.

They haven't fought Lin Xuan, I'm afraid there will be a battle next.

The game continues.

In a blink of an eye, another two days passed,

On this day, Lin Xuan stepped onto the ring again.

On the other side, the Goddess of Chaos also stood up.

She stared at Lin Xuan and snorted coldly: I finally waited for you!

Countless people are looking forward to it.

Will Lin Xuan use his peerless swordsmanship to fight against the Goddess of Chaos?

Can Chaos Goddess be able to stop it?

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