Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7895: decisive battle! Lin Xuan vs. Tianyang!

The power of the demon **** child exceeded everyone's expectations.

Someone said: Last time, if he was not, he was deceived by the mad god. Really fighting, I guess Mad God may not be able to win.

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Yes, this demon **** child has at least a 70% chance of winning.

It's a pity that the mad **** was too smart, and with a divine fruit, he easily won victory.

Everyone talked a lot.

At this moment, above the ring, the battle situation changed again.

When the **** son of Tianyang saw the fire of God, he was actually blocked, and he was shocked.

He could see that although the devil's card was against the sky, he was too young.

Can’t last too long.

This kind of super hole cards are maintained by the power of blood.

Although the bloodline power of the Demon God Child is powerful, it consumes quickly.

As long as he persists for a while, the other party will definitely not be able to support it.

Sure enough, as he had guessed.

Before long, the nine-layer magic tower shook again, becoming completely illusory.

It's like a shadow.

When he saw this scene, Tianyang Shenzi was extremely excited.

He urged the fire of heaven with all his strength, penetrated the shadow of the pagoda, and fell on the demon **** child.

The demon **** child was beaten out, and a mouthful of demon blood spurted out.

The nine-fold devil tower completely disappeared, and the demon shadow behind it was also shaking.

Becomes uncertain.

Admit defeat.

The ancestor of the demon clan, when he saw this scene, he quickly gave in.

Demon God, was saved.

The **** son Tianyang retracted the fire of the heavens, he stood in the void and looked all over.

Like the **** of the sun, let everyone look up.

Too strong!

The bloodline of the **** son of Tianyang is amazing, and his combat power is against the sky.

In addition, possessing the legendary fire of God can sweep everything even more, and no one can beat it.

The opponent has been defeated, the other goddesses.

Even the horrible existence of the Demon God Child has been defeated, and I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

Sure enough, the goddess of Chaos, Goddess of Xuanbing and others, when they looked at each other, they also had a trace of despair.

Although they can compete with each other, they cannot stop the fire of God.

The elders of the Demon God Race also sighed: What a pity.

If the opponent does not have the fire of God, the outcome of this battle is really hard to say.

Even the devil will win.

A half-step **** king said: Demon **** child, too young. If he grows for a while, he can definitely surpass this Heavenly Sun God Child.

I am very sure of that.

As long as the devil child condenses, more of the power of the nine-layer devil tower can suppress the fire of heaven.

However, these are already a story.

In this ranking match, the demon **** child is defeated, I am afraid that he missed the first place.

Tianyang Shenzi stood on the ring, looking towards all directions.

He smiled and said: First, I am going to make a decision.

The people of the heavens and the world were shocked, but the elders of the Protoss sighed again and again.

Unexpectedly, the one who shined bright this time turned out to be the son of Tianyang!

It is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even the people in Dragon Palace sighed.

The last time it shined brightly was Long Tatian of their Dragon Palace.

But this time, their Dragon Palace seemed unable to compete with each other.

They looked at the mad **** and sighed again.

The mad **** is very strong, I am afraid it can't resist, the fire of God.

At this moment, a laugh sounded.

The first is yours? Who do you think you are? Have you asked me?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Who is so bold and dare to challenge the **** son of Tianyang?

Don't want to live anymore?

Tianyang's face also sank, and suddenly turned his head, and instantly he stared at Lin Xuan.

He sneered: So it was you.

I confess that you have not failed now, but that is because you did not meet me.

When you meet me, you will definitely lose.

Even, I can easily defeat you without using the fire of God.

The others turned their heads and looked around, and soon saw the crazy **** by the way.

They sucked in a cold breath: It seemed that this crazy **** was not convinced.

What about dissatisfaction? No matter how strong he is, he cannot withstand the fire of God.

This kind of flame is currently unmatched among the younger generation.

This crazy **** couldn't resist either.

On the dragon side,

Huo Yi and Shui Yi smiled and said: That's not necessarily true.

The mad son swept everything, invincible in the world.

Jun Wushuang also said: That is, the mad son can easily change his fate.

It should be no problem to resist the fire of God.

When these words came out, many people nodded.

Indeed, the previous scene of the mad **** walking out of the light of destiny was very shocking.

Maybe, the other party really has a chance to fight the fire of God.

Everyone began to look forward to it.

Everyone felt that the next game was a bit boring.

They all wanted to see the battle between Mad God and Tianyang God Child.

Finally, 5 days later, the two met. This was the final battle.

The Ranking Tournament is almost there now, and everyone's rankings are almost separated.

Only the first place is still unclear.

There are currently two records of complete victories.

Now these two triumphant people finally met.

Is the final battle yet?

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and walked forward.

He has been waiting for a long time.

The God Child Tianyang roared to the sky, and instantly came to the ring.

Mad God, you will definitely lose.

Nine suns appeared behind Tianyang Shenzi.

Every sun is so bright that it turns into nine ancient golden crows, spreading their wings and flying.

The nine-headed golden crows formed into a single piece, and the monstrous sacred fire swept through the nine days.

They swept the world, penetrated the eternal world, and immediately enveloped Lin Xuan.

Everyone was shocked: It is worthy of the finals. Once you come up, you will go all out.

Lin Xuan was shrouded by the monstrous divine fire, and the nine golden crows, like divine beasts, kept attacking.

Hit him with a loud noise.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, using the Martial God Body to its extreme.

With a wave of both hands, he grabbed a golden crow and tore it forcefully.

With a click, this terrifying golden crow was torn in two.

The Golden Crow phantom disappeared, turned into countless flames, scattered from the sky.

Lin Xuan shot one after another, hitting 9 golden crows, all broken.

Before long, the 9 Golden Crow Phantoms disappeared into the void.

Lin Xuan strode forward like a peerless **** of war.

With one punch, he slammed the Tianyang Divine Child, shattering the surrounding void.

Tianyang Divine Child, hit by this terrible storm of power, his body shook.

There was a hint of shock in his eyes,

Worthy of being the legendary martial **** body, really strong enough.

With a cold shout, the Golden Crow Phantom behind him condensed again, and the sacred fire on his body swept even more.

In his hand, a divine bow emerged!

With his palm, he grabbed the golden crow's feather from above the golden crow in the sky and used it as a bow and arrow.

Bending the bow and releasing the arrow, a golden light cut through the void.

With supreme strength, he slayed fiercely toward the front.

This divine bow is an incredible artifact.

There is no true **** beyond the peak, and it is completely usable.

Coupled with Golden Crow's Divine Feather, it was really terrifying to the extreme.

Enough to penetrate everything between heaven and earth.

In an instant, he came to Lin Xuan and fell on the Martial God Body.

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