Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7896: Mad God! What are you fighting against me!

All this is really terrifying.

Lin Xuan also felt a hint of crisis, and he roared up to the sky.

Above the Wushen body, the phantom of the giant dragon appeared.

He unleashed his peerless martial arts fist, blasted out with one punch, and knocked the arrow into the air.

Quickly rushed forward.

Tianyang Shenzi shook his body and moved away.

At the same time, continue to grab the golden crow's feathers and keep releasing arrows.

Rays of golden light, like golden lightning, fell across the sky.

Lin Xuan waved the fist and knocked it into the air.

However, these golden feathers are really too many.

In the end, his divine body shook violently.

It can be imagined how strong the consumption of power is!

With a cold snort, a thunder rune appeared under his feet.

His figure shook, his speed reached the extreme, avoiding these golden crow **** feathers.

Tianyang Shenzi sneered: it's useless, they won't give up unless you hit you.

The golden crow divine feathers in the sky are like monsters.

He turned around and killed Lin Xuan again.

It seems that if you don't achieve your goal, you won't stop.

Since you can't escape, then destroy it.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, and his palm was like a divine sword, slashing to the rear.

He used his peerless swordsmanship, and instantly collided with the sky of Golden Crow Shenyu.

The sky fell apart and the earth broke into ruins.

Tianyang Divine Child looked solemn, he didn't think that this would defeat the mad god.

Although he is full of confidence, he also knows that Mad God is not a weak person.

He also had to go all out to defeat the opponent.

At the next moment, he bit his finger and let his blood come out.

Turned into a **** rune.

He once again took down a Golden Crow Divine Feather and merged it with the rune.

Another sword flew out,

This sword, with the power of his blood, slammed forward.

not good.

When the spectators saw this scene, they exclaimed.

Not long after this has just started, will the blood of the **** king be used?

Among the ruins in front of him, Lin Xuan used stunning swordsmanship to cut off those golden crow **** feathers.

But at this moment, his face changed.

He felt that a fatal crisis swept toward him.

Another golden lightning came to them.

Moreover, in front of this lightning, there was a **** rune.

It was this **** rune that made him look like an enemy.

He recognized in an instant, this was the strength of the opponent's bloodline.

Lin Xuan waved, the black breath filled out.

The technique of small destruction instantly fell on the **** rune.

That **** rune, spinning quickly.

From inside, a phantom appeared.

It was like an extremely old golden crow roaring in the sky.


With a roar, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and Lin Xuan's soul shook violently.

Lin Xuan was also angry: destroy me.

He once again used the small destruction technique, slaying this blood-colored rune to destroy it.

Those people watching the battle around, can't see anything.

They could only see nothingness, but at this moment, they heard a roar.

This roaring sound caused many people's bodies to split apart.

Their faces were full of horror.

What sound is this? It's too scary.

It seems to come from the suppression of the blood.

The blood of the God Child of Heaven is really against the sky.

When they were feeling emotional, suddenly, this voice stopped abruptly.

It disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

Everyone was stunned: What happened again?

In the next moment, they could see that a black light fluttered out of that nothingness.

They exclaimed: It has appeared! Divine art, the art of small destruction.

Lin Xuan broke the **** rune with a small destruction technique.

He broke out of the siege and came towards the **** of Tianyang.

Under his feet, there are Thor runes flickering, making his speed extremely fast.

In an instant, he came to the front of the **** son of Tianyang.

With a wave of his hand, a burst of sword energy fell downward.

The flames around Tianyang Divine Child immediately collapsed.

As if blown out by the wind, it disappeared without a trace.

The light on Tianyang Divine Child's body became dim.

He felt this sword, as if it could make him wipe out.

His face changed drastically, and he didn't dare to show the slightest carelessness and quickly dodge.

When he retreated to the back, his face was ugly.

Unexpectedly, the other party could threaten him.


He didn't hesitate anymore, and fully used the power of his blood to contend with Lin Xuan.

The two fought earthshaking.

Tianyang Shenzi laughed again: Mad God, I admit that your magic is very strong.

However, the power of my bloodline is equally powerful, and you can only tie it at most.

I have other means. Can you resist it?

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the 9 golden crows behind him quickly merged and turned into a golden crow.

This golden crow rolled in the air and condensed to form a mirror.

When they saw this scene, everyone was taken aback.

Then they exclaimed: Eight golden mirrors.

This is an artifact of imitation, which is beyond the rules.

The ancestors of the Dragon Palace changed their complexion and they quickly stood up.

The powerhouses on the side of God Child Tianyang smiled and said: You are too worried.

This is not a true artifact, it is made up of the blood of the Son of God.

You can call it a bloodline weapon.

This is the son of God, his own power, no matter how strong, has not broken the rules.

The ancestor of the Dragon Palace stared at the mirror for a while, his face was ugly.

He found out that it was indeed formed by the power of blood.

It is specially practiced in accordance with the real eight-door golden mirror, UU reading

It can be called blood golden mirror.

I'm afraid the power is more terrifying than those imitation golden mirrors.

Unexpectedly, this Tianyang God Child was so terrible.

Has the bloodline been applied to this point?

This time, even the Chaos Goddess and others were shocked.

To be honest, their blood is also extraordinary.

However, for the application of bloodline, they cannot do this step.

It can only be said that in terms of the power of blood, the God Child of Tianyang has gone further than them.

With blood anomalies, blocking the small destruction technique.

With the power of another bloodline, the golden light mirror of the bloodline was condensed.

Tianyang Shenzi waved his hand, and the golden blood mirror bloomed with incomparable light.

In an instant, a ball of flame was shot and it slammed towards Lin Xuan.

This is the fire of blood, terrifying, Lin Xuan's five gods are about to melt.

Lin Xuan's face changed and his figure shook, he avoided the blow.

Where he was standing, a black hole appeared, and it was bottomless.

how about it? Mad God, are you scared?

I have already said that you are not my opponent.

Obediently admit defeat.

The son of Tianyang laughed,

At this moment, he has the chance to win.

He urged the golden mirror again, dropped a few **** of flames, and drifted towards Lin Xuan.

This time, cut off the opponent's escape route completely.

The people around sighed: Mad God is about to lose.

Yes, God Child Tianyang has not even used the fire of the heavens, and has already gained the upper hand.

It is estimated that this mad **** has no chance of winning.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly, and he said: Just so, I also have a kind of flame power.

It's better to compete!

With a wave of his hand, a group of flame runes gathered in front of him at an extremely fast speed.

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