Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7910: Domineering chaos

Although the deserted ancient ruins appeared, there were still some terrifying avenues around them.

It is temporarily unable to enter, and it will take a while.

Everyone is very patient.

They all stayed in Tianyun City, waiting for the opening of the ancient ruins.

While talking frantically,

This time, there are really too many talented powerhouses here.

It really opened their eyes.

Especially the coming of the mad **** made them extremely excited.

Although many people have heard of the name of Mad God.

But the people who have actually met are very few.

These people are all ready to meet the mad **** son.

Take a look, this legendary first genius of the Protoss.

Some women even dress up.

If by any chance the mad **** prince took a fancy to, then they would be frightened.

The place where the Dragons and others live is to the east of Tianyun City, where there are patches of mountain villas.

Inside the villa, it is like a fairyland on earth.

The most central mountain villa is naturally the place where Mad God lives.

In that place, countless greetings have been sent.

Looking at these greeting messages, Lin Xuan had a slight headache.

He didn't intend to meet people from the heavens and the world.

Too much trouble.

He only saw Emperor Zuo and so on, a few friends, and then disappeared behind closed doors.

In the past few days, he received some information from the elders.

Learn more about the ancient ruins and more.

These news are just a rough picture.

No one knows the specifics, and we need to enter the ruins.

Lin Xuan is very confident about his own strength.

No matter what kind of threat is inside? He should be able to calmly resolve.

Therefore, he is quite relaxed and boring.

On the contrary, he was very interested in the Tianyun Ancient City itself.

Every ancient city is unique, with mysterious heaven and earth avenues.

This ancient city of Yun should also have ground veins.

Lin Xuan could not directly enter the earth veins for cultivation.

Maybe feel the breath of the earth veins. It is also of great help to his own martial arts road.

Lin Xuan was going to have a look.

Son, let me follow you!

After Jun Wushuang heard this, he was going to follow Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan nodded and said: That's fine, but you have to hide your breath.

Lin Xuan changed his body, changing his face and breath.

Become a very handsome brother.

Jun Wushuang also changed his breath.

The two quietly left the villa and came outside.

Tianyun Ancient City, with hundreds of millions of creatures, is very lively.

Inside the ancient city, the clouds and mist fluttered with fairy spirit.

After Lin Xuan and the two came out, they strolled around curiously.

They found some strange stones here.

These strange stones have even more extraordinary origins. They were dug out from different places in the land of God.

Some are even left over from ancient times.

There are more ancient ones, even from the last era.

Every piece of strange stone is mysterious and unpredictable, and there may be incredible treasures in it.

Countless warriors are very keen to buy strange stones.

Even a powerful true **** is no exception.

There is an area in front of it, full of stone workshops, large and small, piled with strange stones.

Son, let's go and take a look.

Jun Wushuang pointed to the front and said.

She also wanted to see how mysterious is the strange stone dug from the land of God?

Also good.

Lin Xuan nodded, and the two walked towards the area ahead.

On the way, they saw countless strangely shaped stones.

Some are mysterious and unpredictable, with glowing glow, and even, some with monstrous blood.

This made Jun Wushuang's dragon blood shake.

Jun Wushuang was so shocked, she couldn't help but wanted to buy it.

Lin Xuan said: There is nothing good in it.

This stone should have been dug out from an ancient battlefield.

The overwhelming blood light on the stone should be the power of the divine blood of the mighty strong man.

Jun Wushuang said: That's not bad.

Can I feel that the blood of the strong, maybe it can also strengthen my dragon blood.

If you like it, buy it.

The price of this strange stone is very expensive. For Lin Xuan and others, it's nothing.

Jun Wushuang stopped and began to ask about the price of this stone.

At this time, a cold voice came from behind: I want this stone.

Jun Wushuang turned his head and looked around, and found that he was a person surrounded by chaotic light.

Are they from the Chaos Protoss?

Lin Xuan's expression also sank.

Chaos Protoss, dare to be arrogant in front of him?

act recklessly.

The genius of the Chaos Protoss looked at the blood-colored stone.

He smiled and said: I want this stone.

Impossible, this is what I saw first. Jun Wushuang directly refused. Come first, come second, don’t the other party understand this rule?

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The genius of Chaos Protoss smiled: Do you dare to refuse?

You ant, are you impatient?

Do you know who I am?

I come from the Chaos Protoss. When I saw me, wouldn't I kneel down and kowtow?

You dare to fight with me, believe it or not to make you wiped out?

Jun Wushuang is angry, this Chaos Protoss is too arrogant, right?

But isn't she an ant?

She is the top talent, ranking 15th in the Protoss ranking list.

She is also a superior existence, she naturally does not fear each other.

This disciple of the Chaos Protoss was immediately angry.

He said coldly: ants, go to death.

He slapped it over with a slap.

The people around were stunned.

They did not expect that someone would dare to offend the Chaos When they looked at Jun Wushuang, they had sympathy in their eyes.

I'm afraid this person will end badly, right?

Jun Wushuang snorted coldly, and she shot.

King over the world.

An unparalleled breath emerged from her body.

At this moment, everyone was in a daze and saw a figure wearing a crown, looking down at the sky.

Under this breath, many people knelt down,

The genius of the Chaos Protoss was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

He couldn't bear it at all, this force knelt down in front of Jun Wushuang.

When everyone looked at this scene, they were shocked.

The genius of the Chaos Protoss knelt, this was hitting the face of the Chaos Protoss.

This is to die endlessly,

As a protoss, face is the most important.

Who is this woman?

You dare to be so bold and don't want to live anymore?

That genius also roared crazy: You dare to make me kneel! You're dead.

Not only you, but your family will also be wiped out.

You are all going to hell.

Jun Wushuang originally wanted to punish the other party.

But I didn't expect that the other party was so arrogant and even dared to threaten their Dragon Palace.

act recklessly.

She stepped out in one step, and the power of King Over the World rushed down immediately.

He beat that genius into a blood mist.

The genius screamed and was seriously injured.

He turned into a **** lightning and wanted to escape.

In the end, he was caught by Jun Wushuang, causing him to kneel on the ground again.

I want to see, how did you let my family be wiped out?

Jun Wushuang snorted coldly.

Brother, save me!

The genius of the Chaos Protoss asks for help.

At the same time, above the 9th sky, a chaotic palm fell quickly.

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