Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7911: So arrogant, you think you are a mad god

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The sudden appearance of the big hand from heaven surpassed everyone's expectations.

Even Jun Wushuang was taken aback.

She responded with all her strength.

The power on his body exploded, and the illusory figure behind it swept across the world.

King is eternal.

The two forces collided, and the big hands of the sky were terrible.

The mysterious figure of Jun Wushuang who was hit, shook violently, and was about to collapse.

Jun Wu's face changed drastically, and the people coming were extremely terrifying, and it was an air attack.

I am afraid the cultivation base is at least 25 million divine texts.

She is not an opponent.

At this critical moment, Lin Xuan next to him took a shot.

He broke into a force and poured into Jun Wushuang's body.

Jun Wushuang suddenly felt that her dragon power had been doubled.

The king-like figure behind it again roared to the sky, sweeping 9 days and 10 places.

Blocked the big hand of heaven.

Boom boom boom!

The two collided, the sky fell apart,

Those people around were extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, these two ant-like existences turned out to be two masters.

Look at it.

After one blow, the big hand of the sky disappeared,

In the void, there was a sneer. It's no wonder that I dare to challenge my Chaos God Lord, because I have some strength.

However, it is still not enough, it was just a blow from me just now.

As the sound fell, a figure shredded the void and flew from a distance.

Those around him were shocked.

The blow hit through the void is so terrible.

If the real body came, it would be terrifying!

Jun Wushuang was like a big enemy, she stared at the figure in the sky.

She discovered that this was a tall and mighty man, carrying a chaotic magic sword.


The chaos disciple, who was kneeling on the ground before, became excited.

Brother, you are here, great!

He stared at Jun Wushuang and Lin Xuan, and laughed coldly: You are dead.

My eldest brother, but the **** of the sword!

The people around were shocked.

They can feel how terrifying the power in True God Tyrant Sword is.

Far beyond ordinary genius.

Even some elders might not be better than the other.

Sure enough, an old man said: There should be 26 million Shinto scripts in his body.

The cultivation base is even higher than those of the gods a hundred years ago.

Those two are over.

Although they have a bit of strength, they certainly can't be compared with the True God Tyrant Sword.

I am afraid that these two people will kowtow to apologize.

Lin Xuan smiled and said: Which green onion is the true **** of the sword? Why have I never heard of it? Wouldn't it be great if you want strength?

He said that the wind is light,

Those around him were dumbfounded.

Is this kid too impatient to live too long?

Boy, you are really ignorant.

A man in a green robe said coldly.

If you don't know the heights of the sky, people can blow you to death with one breath.

In the whole world, there are only crazy gods, dare to be arrogant in front of the other party.

Do you think you are a mad god?

The one who said this was called Master Qingyun.

The Qingyun family is also a big family in Sky Cloud City, and many people around it know it.

When they heard Master Qingyun's words, they nodded.

They said: young man, apologize quickly.

Otherwise, no one can save you from heaven and earth.

After Lin Xuan heard this, he laughed: I am a mad god.

It's over, this kid is crazy.

The people around shook their heads and sighed.

Young Master Qingyun also snorted coldly: extremely stupid.

Before I was outside the city gate, I used to look from a distance.

Crazy god, what kind of martial arts is that? How high above?

How could you be a mad son?

The people from the Chaos Protoss also disdain to sneer.

There are still people who dare to pretend to be a mad god, and they really do not live or die.

Lin Xuan sighed, these people really had no eyes.

Although he changed his appearance and breath. As long as powerful people can still see it.

These people didn't even notice it, and could only say that the strength of these people was too weak.

He is about to recover his true face.

But at this moment, there was a team in the distance, flying over quickly.

This team, riding a powerful wild beast, their expressions are cold.

A man who took the lead even shouted coldly: Who would dare to be wild in Tianyun City?

No, it's Suan Jingji's people here.

The Xuanjing Division of Tianyun City is in charge of the safety of Tianyun City.

Under normal circumstances, Tianyun City is not allowed to fight.

The strength just now has already alarmed Xuan Jingji.

The people from Suanjingji came very quickly.

After coming, they stared at the front.

They were slightly taken aback.

They recognized it instantly, and one of them was a member of the Chaos Protoss.

This is a barren ancient **** race, high above, they dare not neglect the slightest.

The captain who took the lead came over quickly and saluted.

He said: I have seen fellow daoists of the Chaos Protoss, dare to ask what happened?

Some people do not know how to live or die, and dare to challenge our Chaos Protoss. Let's just give a lesson.

True God Tyrant Sword said coldly.

Understood, the captain of Xuan Jingsi glanced at the two of Lin Xuan.

I found that these two people were unremarkable, and they seemed to be not from the Protoss.

He walked over and looked at them condescendingly.

He said: If you dare to do something in Sky Cloud City, you have violated the rules.

Obediently, go back with me, I can relax.

Jun Wushuang's incomparable anger is obviously the hands of both parties, why is it only aimed at one of them?

Moreover, it is the Chaos Protoss, first hands-on first.

If there is a mistake, it is also the fault of the Chaos Protoss.

Why not target them? Is it against us?

The captain sneered: Are you really stupid? Still fake?

People are protoss, high above, and you are just two ants.

What do you compare with others?

The people around also shook their heads and sighed.

They felt that Lin Xuan and the two were too stupid, and even dared to challenge Xuan Jingsi.

I'm afraid it will end badly.

Lin Xuan glanced at the other party, and said coldly: Xuan Jing Si, did you just handle things like this?

How did your city lord teach you?

Bold, our city lord, can you talk about it?

The captain of Xuan Jingsi was angry and pulled out the saber behind his back. It seemed that he wanted to attack Lin Xuan.

The people around thought that Lin Xuan was dead.

The captain of the Suspension Mirror Division is very powerful.

Lin Xuan's expression also sank, and it seemed that he had to teach him a lesson.

But at this moment, another old man in the distance flew over.

This old man is an elder, UU reading he is nearby, doing some things.

Feeling that someone was fighting at the moment, he came immediately.

As soon as he arrived, he stared at Lin Xuan instantly.

Others may not recognize each other, he can.

This elder is very strong, he can tell at a glance.

On Lin Xuan, the dragon's blood was overwhelming, as if a real dragon was sleeping.

This is a member of the Dragon Clan, a peerless arrogant of the Dragon Clan.

Among young people, who can possess such power of Dragon Dao, besides Crazy God, who else?

He wanted to go over and greet each other.

The next moment he saw that a captain of their Suspension Division had raised a knife to do something against the mad god!

Are you crazy?

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