Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7912: Attack the mad god? Are you crazy?

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The old man sneered coldly, like thunder.

The people around were shaken to tumbling with blood, and they were unable to stand steady.

Even the captain in front was taken aback.

Who dares to control his business? Don't want to live anymore?

He was murderous and turned his head to look.

When he saw that it was the elder who came, his expression changed.

He is only the captain of the Suspension Mirror Division, and the opponent is an elder, an existence above him.

He quickly put away the killing intent.

"Meet the elders,"

"Elder, don't worry. I will solve the two little ants and will not delay anything."

"Soon, it will be resolved."

The elder calmly flew over, and soon came to the captain.

The captain saluted,

The next moment, he was stunned.

He found that the elder ignored him at all.

Instead, he passed him, came to Lin Xuan, and gave a quick salute.

"I have seen the son, the son calmed down his anger, the people under him have eyes and no beads, and I don't know the son's true body."

"I will apologize to the son on his behalf."

what's the situation?

The captain was stunned, and the people around were dumbfounded.

What did they see?

The elder Xuanjingsi aloft stomped his feet, and the entire Sky Cloud City was trembling.

At this moment, he bowed his head and saluted,

And to a young man!

It's incredible!

Isn't this young man an ant?

How can the other party have such a strong background?

Where is the other party sacred?

Lin Xuan glanced at the other indifferently, and refused to answer.

The elder's heart was cold: it's over, it seems that the mad son is really angry.

Thinking of this, he turned around and slapped it on the captain's face.

The strength of this elder is almost close to the peak true god.

This slap can be described as exhausted.

This captain is also very strong.

The 2.5 million sacred texts are among the most powerful ones among the Dacheng true gods.

Otherwise, you won't be the captain.

But no matter how strong he is, he is also vulnerable to the elders.

In an instant, he was knocked to the ground, his bones were broken, half of his face was rotten, and his teeth were flying all over the sky.

He passed out in pain,

He was puzzled: "Why hit me?"

Jun Wushuang next to him sneered and said, "You captain, you are amazing."

"Invert black and white, refer to the deer as the horse, and suppress us."

After the elder heard this, his heart became even colder: something that does not live or die.

He grabbed the opponent's head, raised his hand and slapped the opponent hundreds of times.

The captain who fought was dead and alive.

Finally, he slapped the opponent down.

Said to the warriors around him: "From now on, he is no longer your captain."

"Push him into the dungeon."

"Do not."

The captain is desperate,

He thought that he had offended the son of a certain family, the young master.

It seems that it is not like this at all.

The young man in front of him was surprisingly big, probably beyond his imagination.

He knew that he was finished.

Those around him were also stunned.

They originally thought that Lin Xuan was dead.

Where I can think of it, the situation has changed so drastically.

They have speculated that Lin Xuan is sacred?

Young Master Qingyun paled with fright, and his body trembled, almost kneeling.

The people next to him said, "He's not really a mad god, right?"

"Impossible, I think it is possible that he is also a genius of the Protoss."

"But it should not be a mad god."

There was a lot of discussion,

The elder also learned what happened.

It turned out that there was a conflict between the two sides, both of which were protoss, and he did not dare to offend.

He can only calm this matter.

True God Tyrant Dao frowned: Unexpectedly, the other party actually nodded.

Seeing this elder here, it should be impossible to do it today.

He snorted coldly and said, "Boy, your luck is good. Next time, I won't let you go."

He turned to leave.

"Wait, did I let you go?"

Lin Xuan said coldly.

True God Tyrant Sword stopped and turned his head: "What? Do you dare to stop me?"

"Could it be that you dare not do anything to me?"

Lin Xuan said: "You hurt my friend, don't you plan to apologize?"

"Kneel down and apologize to my friend, I might be able to spare your life."

As soon as this word came out, everyone was confused.

Too arrogant, right?

Even if he is a mad god, he dare not be so arrogant.

You know, this overlord sword true god, but the arrogant of the previous generation.

Even the elder took a breath.

I have long heard that the mad **** is extremely arrogant, but now I have seen it.

For a while, he didn't know what to say.

The True God Tyrant Sword was completely angry.

"Are you looking for death?"

"Do you really think that if the elder of the Xuanjing Division is here, I dare not do it?"

"I want to kill you, no one can stop the sky and the earth."

"I'm afraid you don't have this ability, right?" Lin Xuan said proudly with a hand.

"Things looking for death." True God Tyrant Sword was completely angry, he waved his arm, and slashed it down with his hand as a knife.

This sword was so biting to the extreme, it was like a peerless heavenly sword falling from the sky.

Everyone’s scalp numb,

Even some people have split their bodies.

They couldn't bear the surplus of this knife.

Elder Xuanjing Division's expression also changed.

He wanted to stop,

Lin Xuan made a sudden move.

Lin Xuan's hand swept across, and instantly caught the peerless knife.


Grab it in one hand, and then crush it into pieces.

Everyone's eyes were almost staring out.

Such a terrifying knife light was crushed. How strong is the opponent's physique?

Even the overbearing true **** changed his complexion.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's strength was beyond his imagination.

The next moment, his pupils shrank sharply,

He found that the palm of his hand had already patted him.

It's like a sky, falling quickly.


This big hand slapped his face in an instant, slapped the True God Tyrant Sword away.

Didn't True God Tyrant Sword escape? Are you kidding me?

The void was shattered, and True God Tyrant Sword half kneeled on the ground.

His face was rotten, and the chaotic blood fell.

He was a little confused.

Although the speed of the palm just now is fast, it is easy to avoid him because of his strength.

However, he did not escape.

The opponent predicted all his retreat routes.

impossible? The opponent does not have such strength.

Luck, it must be luck.

"Boy, do you dare to hit me? You will pay the price! I want you to die."

True God Tyrant Blade was completely angry, he stood up, the scars on his face disappeared.

With a clang, the peerless magic sword behind it came out of its sheath, bursting with 10,000 rays of light.

Sweeping nine days and ten places. UU reading

True God Tyrant Sword stretched out his hand to hold the peerless magic sword.

Take one step out, wave his arm, the magic sword like a dragon, and fall again.

The power of this knife is 10 times that of before.

That's it, this kid, this time is really dead.

He has completely angered True God Tyrant Sword.

No one can beat the sky with a knife!

Looking at the rushing knife, Lin Xuan sneered, "What about hitting you?"

"Not only do I dare to beat you, I dare to kill you."

As his voice fell, the Martial God Body burst out with a bright light.

Putting both hands out, he grabbed the Tyrant Sword with the other.

The other hand grasped the fist and blasted towards the Tyrant Sword God.

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