Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7913: Domineering

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Lin Xuan grabbed the opponent's peerless mad sword instantly.

The other hand, toward the front, quickly blasted past.

With a boom,

This punch hit the opponent's body, punching the opponent's body through.

The Overlord Sword God of War is extremely powerful, but at this moment, it is so miserable.

He withdrew, severely injured, his internal organs turned into a cloud of blood.

When the people around saw this scene, they were completely dumbfounded.

how is this possible? The incomparable true God of Overlord Sword was so vulnerable.

What is this young man sacred?

Even the True God Tyrant Sword could not believe it.

He looked at his broken body with a shocked face

The next moment, a pain hit him, driving him crazy.

His eyes were red instantly,

The chaotic power on his body broke out completely.

Chaos blood condensed in his wound.

He looked up to the sky and roared: Damn it, I want you to die.

The true **** of the overlord sword, look hideous, like a mad beast.

He looked up to the sky and roared, holding knives in both hands, and poured all his power onto the crazy knives.

Cut it down with a single knife, and everything passed by was wiped out.

Boy, this time, how can I resist you?

not good.

The elder of Xuan Jingsi also changed his face when he saw this scene.

He felt a hint of crisis,

It seems that the Overlord Sword God of War is really desperate.

He sweated for Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly: Although this force is strong, what about it?

He raised his palm and patted it forward.

This palm is light and fluttering, and there is a black breath in the palm of the hand, flickering.

The technique of small destruction is enough to destroy all power.

No matter how strong the opponent is, under this kind of magic, they will all be wiped out.

The opponent's peerless knife fell on Lin Xuan's palm.

It was like meeting the sun, melting at a very fast speed, and then disappearing.

At this moment, the world is terribly quiet, everyone is scared silly

Even the elder of Xuan Jingsi was dumbfounded.

What is this method? It's too scary.

Impossible, this is impossible.

The real God Tyrant roared crazy.

How could his peerless blow be without effect at all?

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you have to hit the opponent hard.

But now, he didn't even break through the opponent's defense.

The other party waved his hand gently, and his peerless knife disappeared in smoke.

who are you? Who are you?

A trace of panic and panic appeared in the eyes of True God Tyrant Blade, and he was really scared.

who am I? You don't deserve to know.

Lin Xuan said proudly: Now I can kneel down and apologize to my friend, right?

The teeth of True God Tyrant Sword were all crushed. Although the opponent was unfathomable, he was not an opponent.

But, let him kneel down and apologize, what's the joke?

He would rather stand to die than kneel down to apologize.

Then you go to die.

In Lin Xuan's eyes, a bit of murderous intent appeared, once again urging the small destruction technique.

The black rune floated towards the front.

Wherever he went, everything turned into nothingness.

True God Tyrant Sword, feeling a trace of a fatal crisis, he turned around and fled.

The black rune followed like a shadow, killing it towards the front.

In an instant, the two disappeared into the void.

Everyone was stunned.

Did you escape?

Who can imagine that the incomparably powerful God Sword, at this moment, is so embarrassed.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed.

In the next moment, there was a scream in the void, and everyone quickly looked up.

They discovered that half of the body of the escaping True God Tyrant Sword had been wiped out.

The remaining half of the body is even more dilapidated.

They were all hoodwinked, the real **** of Tyrannical Sword, did they not escape in the end?

A trace of despair appeared in the eyes of God of War Tyrant Sword.

He had never expected that he would meet such a terrible enemy.

You know, before coming, he was full of confidence.

What if you meet that crazy god? He didn't care.

His age cultivation base is older than the opponent, and he can suppress the opponent.

At this moment, before he met the mad god, he was beaten miserably by a mysterious person.

Even, there is a danger of falling.

No, you must escape.

He was crazy, releasing the power of his blood, fleeing at all costs.

In the end, he just escaped from the soul, his body shattered.

Yuanshen took that peerless crazy knife and flew into the distance.

Everyone looked at this scene, stunned.

The previous disciple of the Chaos Race even knelt on the ground, his body trembling.

He had forgotten to escape, and he did not have the courage to escape.

Lin Xuan came to him, condescending, and said coldly: Is there any last words?

The disciple knew that he was bound to die, so he raised his head.

He reconciled and said: Although you are powerful, my Chaos Protoss is even more terrifying.

Not something you can provoke.

This time, the Jinghong fairy of my Chaos Protoss came personally.

I do not care who you are? You are dead.

Fairy Jinghong, right? I will meet her now.

I want to see if she can compete with me?

In Lin Xuan's eyes, there was a bit of bitterness.

The next moment, the palm of his hand was like a knife, and he slashed forward.

This chaos disciple was wiped out.

Lin Xuan turned his head and waved to Jun Wushuang and said: Go, let me find Fairy Jinghong.

Those people around were all dumbfounded: what's the situation?

This young man still needs to do something. Does the other party want to fight with the Chaos Protoss?

What kind of hatred does the opponent and the Chaos Protoss have?

Is it just because of what happened just now? They don't quite believe it.

Even Jun Wushuang was a little dazed.

She walked over and whispered: Son, it's okay. We don't have to, now we are in conflict with Fairy Jinghong.

She got some news.

This Jinghong Fairy is this time, a genius led by the Chaos God Race, a strong man.

The genius belonging to the previous generation, the strength is even more terrifying than the true **** Tyrant Sword.

Really fighting, the mad **** might not be able to win the opponent.

Once you lose and lose, how do you enter the ruins and search for the baby?

Lin Xuan smiled and said: We will meet each other sooner or later, it is better to solve it now.

He and the Chaos Protoss have not only new hatreds, but also old hatreds.

The two sides are rivals. Now that he has a chance to take a shot, he will definitely not keep his hand.

What else does Jun Wushuang want to say, Lin Xuan said: If you don't worry, go back now. Go to those people from the Dragon Race and bring them all over.

I can only bring people from the Five Elements Emperor Dragon clan, but I am not sure about other dragon clan people.

Jun Wushuang said.

Tell them, I let them come. UU reading www.uukanshu. com If they don't come, there is no need for them in the future, they will follow me.

Lin Xuan stepped in the air and flew towards the distance.

Jun Wushuang gritted his teeth and quickly returned to the villa where the Dragon Clan was located.

Go and summon other dragon powerhouses.

Those around him were stunned.

They said: Go, follow the past and see, next, I am afraid it will be a peerless battle.

This young man is going to pierce the sky.

Everyone followed.

On the other side,

In the Chaos Villa, a magic sword fell from the sky.

There was an illusory figure on it, and his face was full of horror.

As soon as he arrived, he said: Fairy Jinghong, save me.

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