Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7914: Zhan Yuanshen

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This mountain villa is a place of temporary rest for the Chaos Protoss.

The warriors of the Chaos Protoss heard the call for help and quickly walked out.

When they saw the scene ahead, they were all dumbfounded.

True God Tyrant Sword, only the Primordial God escaped back,

what's the situation? Who did you do it with?

It must be an old monster, maybe it is the pinnacle god.

Damn it, doesn't this take our Chaos Protoss in the eyes?

Who doesn't follow the rules, don't blame us for being rude!

The people of the Chaos Protoss are murderous.

You know, they also have the peak true gods.

It's just that the Protoss had already laid down rules before.

Those old monsters are not allowed to be relegated to attack young talents.

Once discovered, kill it.

Now that some people want to break the rules, they naturally refuse to agree.

Who moved the hand?

An old man came over and asked quickly.

I don't know, the other party is a young man, very mysterious, I don't know who he is.

However, his strength is very terrifying.

Dadao Zhenshen responded in a panic,

After listening to those people around, they were all dumbfounded.

what? young people? impossible.

Is there a young man who can beat the true **** of the tyrant sword so miserably?

Even a mad **** can't do it.

Is there a new son of God, has it recovered?

Or is it an old monster pretending to be a young man?

they do not know.

Just as they were guessing, another figure flew over in the distance.

He came to the top of the villa in an instant.

At the same time, another voice floated down: Can you escape?

When he heard this voice, the real God Tyrant Dao almost fainted without being scared.

He exclaimed: It's him. This is the person.

Inside the villa, those warriors suddenly looked up at the sky.

They are really angry.

The other party not only did it, but also dared to come to their place to go wild.

This is to completely ignore their chaotic protoss.


These people are murderous, rising from the sky,

Many people directly shot.

Dozens of chaotic powers rushed over the sky and killed Lin Xuan.

However, when he approached Lin Xuan, he disappeared strangely without a trace.

what's the situation?

The people of the Chaos Protoss, seeing this scene, all exclaimed: impossible.

Together, they are enough to destroy everything.

But it can't help the other party, is this guy too weird?

Who are you?

The old man below asked coldly.

Lin Xuan snorted coldly and refused to answer.

He looked around and said: I heard that you have come this time with a top-level Tianjiao master. It is called Jinghong Fairy.

Let her come out.

So arrogant, as soon as he came up, he challenged them, the leading Tianjiao.

The people of the Chaos Protoss are angry,

Many people rose into the air and surrounded Lin Xuan.

The evil spirit on his body swept the heavens.

They won't be polite with each other, they want to shoot together to destroy each other.

At this moment, those spectators in the rear also rushed over.

When they saw this scene, their scalp numb.

It's over, this kid is really dead.

The opponent dared to come here alone, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is not an opponent.

Are you sure you want to do it together?

Lin Xuan sneered when looking at these people.

Boy, are you scared?

A disciple of the Chaos Protoss said coldly.

However, it was too late.

Even now, if you kneel down and kowtow for mercy, we will not spare you.


Lin Xuan smiled. He pointed to the back and said: With wide eyes, take a closer look, my person is here.

Your people are here, so what?

These disciples of the Chaos Protoss sneered: Who can compete with our Protoss?

They dismissed it.

Those spectators around were also shocked.

They also turned their heads and looked around.

They want to see, what is behind this young man?

Ho Ho Ho!

In the void, there were voices that shook the sky.

Immediately after that, one after another dragon shadows rose into the air, and Wanlong attacked.

Formidable power, like overwhelming mountains and overwhelming seas, is flying here.

I arrived near the villa in an instant,

The faces of the people of the Chaos Protoss became extremely ugly.

No one can compete with them, except for the Protoss.

Are the people from Taixu Dragon Palace coming?

Is this kid from the Dragon Palace?

This time, they did not dare to act rashly.

Even the old man below was stunned.

He asked: Who are you?

Lin Xuan glanced in the distance and found that the true dragon family and his allies had not come.

The other strong disciples of the Dragon Palace, almost all came.

A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and it seemed that his position in the Dragon Palace was still very important.

Since you asked sincerely, then I will tell you compassionately.

I! Mad God!

Lin Xuan's face and aura changed, and the Martial God Body burst out with an extremely bright light.

The dragon's blood in the body rushed straight into the sky, changing with it in nine days and ten places.

The vision of the heaven and the earth, scattered down the sky.

At this moment, everyone looked up and trembled.

Is it really a mad god?

They had guessed before, but they were not so sure.

Now it's finally confirmed,

This arrogant young man is a mad god.

The faces of the people of the Chaos Protoss were all green: Damn it, it turned out to be the other party.

The tyrant sword is true god, even vomiting blood.

Before, he hadn't put Mad God in his eyes.

Wherever he can think of it, he is not an opponent at all.

What about mad gods?

He said to the old man beside him: Elder, take him down.

The old man wanted to make a move, but the people in the Dragon Palace at the rear came quickly.

Jun Wentian is here, he shouted coldly: Do you want to break the rules?

With a cold drink, it was earth-shattering.

In full view, there is really no way to make a move.

The elder of the Chaos Protoss, his face was hard to see the extreme.

He said coldly: Your Dragon Palace deceives people too much.

The Tianjiao who hurt us badly for no reason must give us an explanation.

Otherwise, don't blame us for being impolite.

Hit him hard?

Lin Xuan smiled: You are wrong! I didn't hurt him hard.

The elder of the Chaos Protoss, his face turned black.

When I am blind? Isn't he seriously injured? What is it?

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stunned, everyone was stunned.

They found that Lin Xuan suddenly shot, hitting a peerless sword.

A black sword aura struck instantly, the soul of the Tyrant True God.

The primordial soul screamed, and under the power of the small destruction technique, it was wiped out.

Lin Xuan said coldly: I didn't hurt him badly, but killed him.

The world is terribly quiet, everyone is dumbfounded.

Even those people in Dragon Palace were stunned.

Jun Wentian's eyelids jumped wildly, and he didn't expect Lin Xuan to kill him directly.

The people of the Chaos Protoss were even more dumbfounded.

How dare the other party? Isn't the other party afraid of death?

The last one, who challenged their Chaos Protoss like this, Lin Wudi, how did he end up?

All the heavens and all realms know it.

No matter how strong this mad **** is, can it be better than Lin Wudi?

you wanna die.

The elder of the Chaos Protoss, UU Reading www. is even more mad.

His eyes were red in an instant.

In front of him, he killed a Tianjiao who had a promising future. How could he explain to him when he went back?

This fell before entering the ruins, which was slapped him in the face frantically.


With a roar, he suddenly shot.

The power that belonged to the pinnacle was killed instantly.

From the back, Jun Wentian rushed quickly and guarded Lin Xuan.

He blocked this force and said: You want to fight, I will accompany you.

Lin Xuan smiled: Is there no one in the Chaos Protoss?

Are the younger generations waste? No one can compete with me?

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