Inverse Sword God

Chapter 7916: Scared away?

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What do you mean by putting away your sword? Stop fighting?

I haven't shot yet, are you going to lose?

Lin Xuan smiled.

When this word came out, everyone was in an uproar.

They all looked at Fairy Jinghong, wanting to hear an explanation from each other.

Fairy Jinghong's face was extremely ugly.

I think she has lived so long, never, such an embarrassing time.

The mad **** in front of her was really disgusting, she really wanted to slap him to death.

However, she couldn't do it.

Jing Hongjian's previous performance really shocked her.

What is the other party afraid of?

What is there in the mad god?

She couldn't make a move without clarifying it.

Otherwise, you will suffer a lot,

Once she loses, the situation can be troublesome.

It seems that it is not easy to shoot today.

She said faintly: Seeing the face of Dragon Palace, I will let you live for a while.

After entering the deserted ancient ruins, I will let you know what despair is.

After speaking, Fairy Jinghong gave a cold snort, turned and left.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They originally thought that there would be a peerless battle, but they didn't expect it would end like this.

Fairy Jinghong didn't make a move, a little bit like running away without a fight.

Those people of the Chaos Protoss were also dumbfounded.

However, they still forcefully explained: We are shocked by the fairies, so merciful, and you are not grateful to Dade.

Enjoy the last time, enter the deserted ancient ruins, you will undoubtedly die.

Lin Xuan sneered: a person who dare not fight, dare to be arrogant in front of me?

What stunned fairy? It's just ants.

Are you looking for death?

Those people of the Chaos Protoss gritted their teeth.

Lin Xuan glanced at the other party, and said: Do not accept to fight.

No one from the Chaos Protoss dared to take action.

Lin Xuan shook his head and sneered: The world is so big that no one can compete with me.

sad! Sigh.

After speaking, he turned and left.

Those people in Dragon Palace were also shocked.

Originally they thought that they would fight the Chaos Protoss.

They are ready for a decisive battle.

Unexpectedly, there was no chance to do it.

They whispered: It seems that there is a problem with Fairy Jinghong.

Maybe it was Jinghongjian, something went wrong.

This is a good thing for them.

Those other people also left, and they spread the news.

Suddenly, the people in Tianyun City were shocked.

The other protoss are also speculating.

Fairy Jinghong, what's wrong?

Like Tianyang Shenzi, and some other masters, sneered.

This is really great news for them.

One less competitor.

the other side,

The elders of the Chaos Protoss found Fairy Jinghong with an extremely ugly expression.

Jinghong, why not make a move?

Do you know that what you did today is a shame for us?

Now everyone says that you are afraid.

Everyone thinks, you have a problem?

Do you know that we are very disappointed in you.

Facing the doubts of these elders, Fairy Jinghong looked solemn.

She said: Elder, it's not that I don't want to take action, but that Jinghongjian is afraid.

She said her previous feelings again,

The elders of the Chaos Protoss were stunned.

what? You mean Jinghongjian, fearing the mad god? Dare to make a move?

Are you kidding me?

The Jinghong Sword has an extraordinary origin. How could it be a threat to a mad god?

But the fact is true, Fairy Jinghong's face is solemn.

At this time, an elder said: I know what's going on.

Everyone looked at him.

The elder said: Dragon Palace, these people appeared on the surface. In fact, there should be a half-step God King coming secretly.

Just now, it should be the half-step God King, threatening and shocking the sword.

So scared of the sword, did not dare to shoot.

It turned out to be like this.

After hearing this, Fairy Jinghong was also surprised.

Indeed, the Half-Step God King is powerful and superior, and it can indeed affect Jinghong Sword.

He was relieved and scared her to death.

She thought that the mad **** suppressed the Jinghong Sword, but now it seems that it is not.

After entering the ruins, she still had a chance to kill the mad god.

Several elders of the ancient gods spread the news.

Although it is just their guess, it should be like this.

This news can save their face.

In just one day, the news spread throughout the ancient city of Tianyun.

Everyone knows, it turned out to be like this.

It is not that the mad **** is powerful, but behind the mad god, stands a half-step **** king.

Let me just say, how can a mere mad **** affect the legendary Jinghong Sword?

It seems that this dragon palace is also quite despicable.

Various discussions sounded,

Those people who thought the mad **** was powerful before laughed immediately.

It seems that they think too much,

How could a mad **** possess this kind of ability?

To be honest, even the geniuses in Dragon Palace don't believe it.

Although the mad **** is powerful, although it is against the sky, it is impossible to be so powerful that it will affect the Jinghong sword.

Jun Wentian came over and said: After entering the ruins, you have to be careful in the face of Jinghong Sword.

At that time, I am afraid no one can help you.

If you can't beat it, it is not ashamed to escape as soon as possible and lose to Jinghongjian.

After all, your age cultivation base is much worse, a time difference.

Don't worry, Elder Wentian, the Jinghong Sword is in front of me, and it's impossible to withstand a blow.

Lin Xuan said lightly.

He knew that it was not the half-step God King's problem, but his own situation.

This shocking sword is indeed very strong.

Lin Xuan found that there was a familiar breath on the Jinghong Sword.

Especially the big dragon sword in his body shook.

Lin Xuan immediately discovered that the Jinghong Sword and the Great Dragon Sword were related.

It looks like an imitation of the big dragon sword.

It is estimated that the strong man who built the Jinghong Sword had seen the Great Dragon Sword.

According to memory, created the Jinghong Sword.

There is only one similarity between the two.

Just this trace of power is enough to make Jinghongjian famous for eternity.

Now that I see the real Dragon Sword, how dare Jinghong Sword fight back?

It's like seeing the king.

The previous situation also appeared, Jinghongjian fled without a fight.

Don't say it was here, even in any place, Jinghongjian would not dare to attack Lin Xuan.

Jun Wentian sighed, he felt that the crazy **** was still too careless.

He gave a detailed introduction of how famous the Jinghong Sword was in the ancient period.

However, Lin Xuan still looked indifferent, which made him very worried.

He found Jun Wushuang and ordered: Follow the mad god, when entering the ruins, you must follow him.

If you encounter Jinghongjian, you must persuade him to flee, and don't resist.

Don't worry, know. Jun Wushuang nodded: I will definitely not let the mad **** son get hurt.

In the next few months, more and more powerful geniuses came from Tianyun City.

Finally on this day, the ancient ruins opened.

Everyone was excited, and they rose into the air.

It's time to go in and go.

Laughter rang out one after another, and these family sects set off toward the deserted ancient ruins.

Fairy Jinghong opened her eyes again. In the past few months, she has been practicing Jinghong Sword.

She found that apart from the Jinghongjian trembling that day, there was no abnormality.

This gave her a sigh of relief.

"Crazy God, after entering the deserted ancient ruins, I think there is any strong man who can protect you?"

"At that time, I will cut you by the sword."

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